More Daylight Sightings
In Mexico - Photos

From Scott Corrales
Inexplicata - The Journal Of Hispanic Ufology
0ctober 16, 2005
Multiple UFO sighting reports have issued from the town of Tepexpan in the state of Mexico, particularly those witnessed by VÌctor Gabriel Gonz·lez Gonz·lez.
Based on these events, Salvador Guerrero and this author visited this location on October 16 in order to conduct a skywatch with Victor.
The first sighting took place by the roadside, quite near the tollbooth, when it became possible to witness a white-hued spherical object that entered quickly into a cloud bank, apparently headed for Tepexpan.
Subsequently, at around 5 in the afternoon, Salvador and Victor recorded two UFOs that were suspended near a hill on the way to Teotihuacan. The witnesses described them as "resembling sting rays."
Two hours later, an object of indefinite shape crossed the skies. It was red in color and traveled at high speed in an NE-SE direction.
This sighting was picked up on three different cameras, proof that something truly inexplicable is taking place in Tepexpan.


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