- Most Americans over 40 witnessed the dumbing down of
our schools in the 70s 80s, 90s and into this century. As a teacher, I
was 'encouraged' to pass minority students who did not work for excellence
nor did they study toward academic success. Students quickly learned they
didn't have to study for learning or passing grades. Thus, they coasted
from grade school without effort and finished high school with spurious
diplomas. Recently, Lou Dobbs of CNN, presented Americans with some disturbing
facts on our schools.
- What erodes America's foundation?
- Fifty percent of black and Hispanic teenagers do not
graduate from high school. The United States does not stand in the top
ten industrialized nations of high school graduation rates. Robert Reich,
former labor secretary, said, "Our children are not going to do as
well as we are doing because they won't be able to command decent paying
jobs. And that's the first time in many years since the Depression."
- The facts show American students rank 28th in math while
trailing China, Finland and Korea. America is no longer the most college
educated nation in the world. Eric Hanushek, Hoover Institution, Stanford
said, "I think it tells us something about the long-run prospects
if we don't in fact take a new tact and improve our schools. Other countries
are pushing very hard at developing their human resources and skills of
their populations."
- According to the Dobbs' report, 37 million people live
in poverty. Functional illiteracy affects over 35 million Americans. One
in five American children lives below the poverty level. Each year, 1.5
million unwed women give birth.
- What are the inevitable results? The American Dream degrades
to lower and lower expectations. Wages stagnant, mortgage defaults rise,
47 million Americans lack health insurance. Frustration and crime accelerate.
- What's causing the demise of our educational systems?
Four aspects of our Constitution erode every single day of the year because
of massive, unrelenting legal and illegal immigration. What does it take
to run a successful American society? First, it takes a highly educated
populace. Two, everyone must buy into and adhere to a similar moral code.
Third, each citizen must appreciate and abide by the same ethical system
and finally, a single language is imperative to discuss, debate and evolve
solutions for the common good. We continue losing all aspects with massive
immigration from Third World countries.
- America is a constitutional republic invented by very
intelligent men such as Hamilton, Madison, Adams and Jefferson! However,
it takes a highly educated public to advance that brilliant piece of governance.
We're losing that ability on all fronts.
- A prime example stems from a report by the Rocky Mountain
News, May 16, 2005, 'What Happened?' www.rockymountainnews.com ; In 1999,
5,663 students enrolled in Denver Public Schools. In 2005, only 1,884 graduated
from high school. That studied showed more than 65 percent flunked out
or dropped out. What caused such a massive failure rate? The report showed
that 30,000 illegal alien kids attended school with little to no ability
to speak English. Their parents suffered functional illiteracy in English
and Spanish. Additionally, the classroom experience suffered such degradation
that one in five teachers quit or transferred out of DPS system every nine
month cycle.
- With 1.3 million illegal alien children in schools across
America and hundreds of thousands of 'anchor babies' born to illegal mothers
who cannot and do not speak English, it's little wonder America classrooms
suffer similar problems across the country.
- Writer Vicky Davis brings this national educational and
job nightmare to a burning focal point when she said, "Assume the
following are true: America has a population of about 300 million people.
Minimum wage is between $5.00 and $7.00 per hour. A computer programmer
makes an average salary of about $60,000 per year.
- Davis declares facts about overpopulated countries like
India and China. She knocks you upside the head with the following realities
facing American workers:
- "China has about 1.3 billion people," she said.
"A common wage for a manufacturing job is about 50 cents per hour.
India has over 1.1 billion people. A computer programmer makes between
$7,000 and $10,000 per year."
- Question 1: If you were a corporation, where would you
locate to ensure the highest profits assuming that there are no barriers
to re-importation of your products and services back into the U.S.? Answer:
China or India.
- Question 2: Will more education for America's children
solve the problem of the wage differential between China, India and the
United States? If so, explain how. Answer: Frightening!
- Question 3: Consider the following as one option for
solving the problem of the wage differential: Encourage massive immigration
of foreign workers - labor and professional into America so that the cost
of labor decreases by simple supply and demand rules. How many people would
the United States have to import to equalize wages between China, India
and the United States? Answer: You don't want to know because you'll get
sick to your stomach.
- Bonus A How many new people would need to be added to
the U.S. population to equalize wages between China, India and the United
- Bonus B What would that do to the standard of living
in the United States?
- Bonus C What would be the impact on American Workers?
- Bonus D What would happen to American culture and values?
- Question 4: Assuming that more education won't solve
the problem and the selected remedy is to lower wages in the United States
to match those of India and China, consider the following and answer the
- a. Explain the impact of the increased population on
our natural resources.
- b. Explain the impact of the increased population on
our infrastructure.
- Question 5: One argument used to justify free trade with
China is that American consumers reap the benefits of being able to buy
cheaper products produced by the Chinese. Considering that American workers
are also American consumers, explain how cheaper products are a benefit
to the consumer if the consumer must work for wages that are competitive
with the Chinese and Indians and they must pay for the increased infrastructure
costs and loss of natural resources to accommodate the increased population.
- Question 6: Who benefits most from 'Free Trade' and the
global economy?
- Question 7: Define the vision you have for the future
of America and for America's children. Is this vision possible if the U.S.
policy is 'Free Trade' and competition in the global economy?"
- With Davis' sobering pop quiz, how do you think America's
Middle Class will survive the free trade onslaught with the continuing
development of a highly uneducated population?
- Short answer: It won't. It will no longer remain the
Middle Class. It will become the lower class.
- Why? We don't have enough educated people willing to
take action to stop insourcing, offshoring, outsourcing and downgrading
of American jobs.
- Who did this? Look to the president of the United States
and Congress.
- Last week, senators Teddy Kennedy and Specter promoted
Senate Bill 1932 bringing another 350,000 H-1B visas foreign workers into
the USA with green cards to work American jobs. That's on top of the already
1.1 million legal immigrants they approve annually. And, that's on top
of the 1.0 million H-1B, H-2B and L-1 visas ALREADY HERE! Bush did not
raise a finger to stop last week's addition of another 350,000 that insanity.
He must get a kick out of seeing Americans lose their jobs to foreigners!
- In the meantime, even Democratic Senator Byrd of West
Virginia got so sick of the 350,000 H-1B visas that he offered an amendment
to strip the bill of the visas. Your Senate voted to delete Byrd's amendment
and passed the 350,000 H-1B visas by 84 to 14 votes. Your own senators
voted to screw 350,000 American workers out of a job.
- It leads me to the following quote by Mark Twain, ""Sometimes
I wonder whether the world is being run by smart people who are putting
us on or by imbeciles who really mean it."
- Write for that 28-point action letter to stop this nation-destroying
madness at www.frostywooldridge.com.
- Also, check out
- www.alipac.us at 1 866 329 3999;
- www.theamericanresi stance.com;
- www.numbersusa.com;
- www.frostywooldridge.com;
- www.ccir.net;
- www.carryingcapacity.com
- www.teamamericapac.org;
- www.projectusa.org; www.unitedpatriotsofamerica.com
- To order my CD report from the border:
- 1-800-248-3061
- © 2005 Frosty Wooldridge - All Rights Reserved
- http://www.newswithviews.com/Wooldridge/frosty96.htm