- More on U.S. VX nerve gas shipments to Iraq in 1988 and
89. Former members of a military intelligence team deployed to Iraq at
the outset of the Iraq invasion referred to their job as a "janitorial
operation for the first President Bush and Carlyle." They were referring
to the war profiteering firm, on whose international board George H. W.
Bush sits and which was headed by Frank Carlucci, the Defense Secretary
(and Princeton roommate of Donald Rumsfeld, who was Reagan's special envoy
to Saddam Hussein in 1984) who served as the head of the Pentagon when
the shipments to Iraq of VX nerve gas, other weapons of mass destruction,
and conventional weapons were first authorized by the Reagan administration
in 1988.
- The military intelligence personnel claimed that at the
time, Carlyle was among the largest exporters of such weapons by the United
States and that bills of lading and other documents presented to them at
the Al Qaa Qaa (or Al Caca) weapons depot in Iraq point to pass through
companies affiliated with Carlyle being involved in the shipments to Iraq.
The evidence is contained in digital photographs taken of canisters and
documents by the U.S. military team and which are now in the secured possession
of the 223rd Military Intelligence Battalion in San Francisco.