More Evidence US
Citizens Are Worrying
The Police State
And now they are patheticaly trying to fight back.

From Ted Twietmeyer
It was more sickening to watch this propaganda piece than I could have ever imagined. However, it was more important to write about the damage control program to the dictator's sagging reputation. On the evening of Sept. 18, 2005 a special was aired on Sundance called "With God on our Side: George W. Bush." The televangelists had a great time extolling the virtues of America's first real dictator.
His alcoholic past was repeatedly white-washed by his former press secretary, his old pals, Jerry Falwell and other Sunday morning broadcast specialists. Billy Graham made a press appearance with the dictator back in 2000, saying "I never endorse any candidate, but this is closest I have ever come to doing so." He stood there with his left arm around the future dictator. A number of press clips were also aired which showed George H.W. Bush running for president. And there was GW in the background, frequently waving to someone off-camera with his hand out in front of his father's face.
The dictator was on a talk show when he was asked about his alcoholic past. He then replied to the question by boasting -where do you think my mother got her gray hair from? Then he laughed about it.
Falwell also provided most of the commentary. (It;s amazing how just the thought of losing 501C3 non-profit tax status can snap someone into line.) Of course, there was the obligatory 9-11 coverage. The events of that day were blamed directly on Biblical prophecy. It was quoted using another voice-over while showing one of the towers coming down. Phony, repetitious self-righteous indignation against "terrorism" was quite prevalent in the last 15 minutes of this program. Of course, there was the obligatory Bush speech about the importance of liberty - a word that few believe GW can even spell or appreciate.
On and on and on they went, about Bush's -resolve and self-discipline" (that was more than enough to make any enlightened citizen choke and vomit.) The staged pull-down of Saddam's statue and the staged cheering of Iraqis in the streets were also included. The dictator;s speech from the aircraft carrier announcing how "major military operations in Iraq have ended" was also shown. All the wives, parents and children of those service people still in Iraq apparently aren,t capable of understanding why the soldiers are still needed over there.
"Glory, Glory Hallelujah" played in the background as helicopters flew overhead, as more repetitious Falwell rhetoric about the dictator being -God's messenger was babbled. Falwell and the other televangelistas better hope the furnace is broken, when the day comes that they take the one-way elevator ride down to the sub-basement.
If you haven't been sickened yet, then you must be a die-hard republican. It is quite clear from this nauseous, ultra-biased film that Adolf II is losing ground faster than the Amazon rainforest. There must be a fear permeating the black house in Washington that the people of America finally have had enough of his ultimate hypocrisy. I for one, thank the one TRUE God up above for the truth that has been made known to me and countless others that have listened. And that one day, we can stand unashamed that our beliefs are not synonymous with those of the anti-christ that walks among us.
Ted Twietmeyer



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