Disturbing 'Christian'
Website Mixes
Killing & Evangelism

The website is FORCEMINISTRIES - and sports a flashy animated intro featuring men with automatic weapons ready, willing and able to kill... apparently for Christ! "Imparting" faith in Christ with an M4??
A Picture Is Worth A 1000 words

Alton Raines

This doesn't surprise me, coming from the TBN crowd! What a sick, revolting display of the flesh! Of human evil convinced of its goodness! It defies every tenet of Christian virtue. Disturbed pseudo-christians like this do nothing but bring reproach upon the name of Christ and upon all Christians. All the flowery doctrinal gibberish found within the deeper pages of this site cannot undo the central imagery and obvious war-minded, murder-centered justification for evil in Christ's name.

This demonstrates boldly how warped the doctrinal malaise is within the non-denominational, evangelical, charismatic churches in America. It's no doubt rooted in the rotten "Kingdom Now" and "Dominion" theologies which have gained popularity since ultra-right wing NeoCons, claiming to be 'conservative Christians,' grabbed the reigns of power in our nation and our media. Like the wicked Pharisees before them, and the Constantinians thereafter, they are focused on an earthly victory, reward and dominion in the name of Christ while still encumbered with the wretched deformity of human sin-nature -- utterly blind to it. These people actually believe they have some "special deal" with the Lord, who won't hold them accountable for their actions (while simultaneously damning the rest of the world to eternal hell). Is this any less a threat to our society than radical Islam? Because it is embedded in "Christianity," I say it is far, far worse and far more dangerous. Scripture declares plainly, 'the righteousness of God cannot be achieved through the violence of men.'

These goobers are clearly of the ilk that haven't gotten past the mere 'milk' of the Gospel, un-weaned, pablum sucking spiritual infants with John 3:16 rattling around in their soft skulls and little else. And there's no excuse for it!

He who lives by the sword, dies by the sword. When will they HEAR Christ? You cannot have "Christ Centered Duty" and kill people. Period.

God help us!!!

To Greg (and all),

I just was given information on your group and web site ( from Jeff Rense' web site. WOW...I can hardly believe it!! I guess you haven't yet read and understood the famous and popular book about Jesus....The Bible. If you had, you would understand that he was almost exclusively A PACIFIST!! MILITARY SERVICE IN THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST....YOU'VE GOT TO BE JOKING....OR IF NOT, YOU'RE JUST CERTIFIABLY INSANE!! The world is already rapidly becoming more scary, without people like you trying to "share" or "impart" the message of Christ and "convert" new Christians with your AK-47's and tanks!! Please don't come to my neighborhood with your repugnant, perposterous, and nonsensical message!!

My Prayers are for you and your group, and all of your souls....

Peter Dillion

It has apparently never registered with these military-missionaries or whatever they want to claim themselves to be that from the moment Peter cut off the ear of the chief priests guard, and Jesus restored it, and the Lord told Peter, "All who live by the sword, shall die by the sword," that Christians never served or enlisted in the service of any military, nor did physical harm to other human beings, but rather sacrificed themselves... men, women and children, "loving not their lives (or this world) even unto death" in the service of Christ.

You cannot serve two masters. You cannot be an agent of death and destruction and serve the merciful, grace-filled Lord of Light who came to impart love, self-sacrifice and salvation to the world. You can't lay in the fox-hole and pick off a distant "enemy" with a rifle and be a Christian. It is IMPOSSIBLE. When Jesus said, "Blessed are the peacemakers," he did not mean those who kill.

Who do these guys think they are fooling? God? It was not until wicked pollutions entered the church that believers lost their first love, their devotion to self-sacrifice and then laid down their cross and took up swords and began to justify killing in God's name. Any Christian who has managed to justify murder, be it by war (corporate murder) or any other taking of a life, has driven the Holy Spirit from himself and made a pact with death and hell. The Bible tells us there will be great falling away from the faith in the last days, and this is just one aspect of it. God, have mercy on us sinners! Jesus said plainly, many shall fall away and be deceived.


Dear a-holes, please do yourselves a favor--READ the new testament, and when you find the part of Christ's teachings that endorses violence and military service, let me know. While you're at it, be on the lookout for any teachings he may have imparted that actually contradict your mission. You know, things like blessed are the peacemakers, he who lives by the sword shall die by the sword, stuff like that.

Ned Holloway

If these 'evangelicals' really feel the need to minister to the troops, that's fine -- but the website contains disturbing images of soldiers and a feeling of death, destruction and war. This is not the way of Christ. Their "christ centered duty" is to lay down their arms and feed, clothe and comfort their enemies... not kill them.




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