The Virus Cancer Program
The Birthplace Of AIDS
And The Kaposi's Sarcoma Epidemic

By Alan Cantwell, MD
(c) 2005 All Rights Reserved
The epidemic of HIV/AIDS and the epidemic of "gay cancer"
Kaposi's sarcoma (KS) is widely known as the "gay cancer" that often accompanied AIDS when the first cases broke out in gay men in Manhattan in 1979. In 1994 a new "human herpes-8" virus was discovered that is now widely accepted as the cause of all forms of KS. However, it is extremely important to note that the new KS herpes virus (KSHV) is separate and distinct from the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), the virus that causes AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome).
Therefore, it is now important to recognize that two new viruses were "introduced" into gays that produced not only the epidemic of HIV/AIDS, but also the new epidemic of KS ("gay cancer").
Two new viral epidemics erupting exclusively in homosexuals is an unprecedented event in medical science. Such a bizarre and unlikely scenario strongly suggests to me that that the two epidemics of HIV and KS are more likely to have occurred due to the deliberate or accidental "introduction" of new viruses into gay men"-and not from two viruses suddenly appearing "out of Africa."
The widely-held theory is that HIV originated in African primates in the African bush. Somehow the monkey or chimpanzee virus "jumped species" into black Africans to initiate the epidemic which has now killed 20 million people and infected 40 million more. How this sexually-transmitted virus came from black Africa to initially infect only young white gay men in Manhattan has never been explained satisfactorily. Furthermore, the epidemic in America erupted in the late 1970s, at a time when AIDS in Africa was unknown. The AIDS epidemic in Africa appeared in the autumn of 1982, at the earliest.
The man-made origin of HIV/AIDS
The man-made theory of AIDS is generally dismissed as "conspiracy theory." Nevertheless, AIDS researchers and writers like myself, Dr. Leonard G Horowitz, Dr. Robert Strecker, Professor Robert Lee, and others have proposed for two decades that HIV was seeded into gay men when they volunteered for the experimental hepatitis B vaccine experiment which took place in Manhattan, beginning in November 1978. Additional similar hepatitis B experiments using gay men as guinea pigs continued in other American cities until 1981 -the year the AIDS epidemic became official. Some of the cities included Los Angeles and San Francisco which, along with New York City, became the three big epicenters of the epidemic.
My two books on the man-made origin of this disease: AIDS and the Doctors of Death [1988] , and Queer Blood: The Secret AIDS Genocide Plot [1993], provide documented evidence to support this theory. A Google internet search using the key words -man-made origin of AIDS-has 246,000 citations to various websites that explore this issue in detail. Despite all this, the man-made theory remains totally ignored by the scientific establishment and the major media.
The origin of the new Kaposi's Sarcoma virus
Like HIV, the new KS herpes virus-8 discovered in 1994 is considered to be yet another primate virus out of Africa with a suspected primate "viral ancestor" hiding in the African jungle. We are expected to believe that two primate viruses (a retrovirus and a herpes virus) jumped species in Africa at the same time -and ended up exclusively in the blood of white gay American men to produce a new immunodeficiency disease in 1979, now called AIDS. This proposed scenario suggests to me that such an unlikely African event has the markings of a scientific fairy tale, and I remain stupefied that such nonsense can pass for "science" in the twenty-first century.
The origin of Kaposi's Sarcoma
KS has a long history dating back to 1872 in Vienna, Austria, when dermatologist Moriz Kaposi described five patients with red-purple skin tumors. Before the AIDS outbreak, KS was a very rare disease affecting mainly elderly Jewish and Italian men. It was never considered a contagious or sexually-transmitted disease.
In the 1960s, it was discovered that KS was a common skin cancer tumor in blacks in Central Africa, but the disease was never associated with the severe immunodeficiency characteristic of AIDS, nor was there any evidence that KS in Africa was sexually transmissible. KS was rarely, if ever, seen in African-Americans. As a dermatologist for over 30 years I never saw a KS case in a female; and KS in young men of any race or sexual persuasion was as rare as hen's teeth before the "introduction" of HIV.
KS is a medical enigma. How did a previously rare disease like KS in America become a transmissible disease primarily affecting gay men? How did this herpes KS virus escape detection during the first 15 years of the AIDS epidemic? Why did the KS virus and HIV suddenly appear together in young gay men in 1979?
Further complicating this picture is the discovery of small bacterial forms known as "mycoplasma", and the even more recent discovery of extremely tiny virus-like forms of bacteria called "nanobacteria", as well as my published reports of "cancer bacteria" as important etiologic agents in AIDS and KS. (For details, Google: "alan cantwell" + cancer bacteria.) All these newer bacterial agents are generally ignored by AIDS researchers, who focus exclusively on viruses.
I believe some of the answers to questions surrounding the origin of HIV/AIDS can be found in the annual "Progress Reports" reports of the Virus Cancer Program and the Program's relationship to animal cancer research, genetic engineering of viruses, cancer vaccine research, and to covert biological warfare research. These hard-to-find annual Reports were published by the National Institutes of Health, Public Health Service, U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, Bethesda, Maryland.
The Virus Cancer Program (1968-1980)
The Virus Cancer Program had it roots in 1964 when Congress provided funds to the National Institutes of Health (NIH) for intensive research into the possible role of viruses in leukemia. In 1968 the Program, then titled the Special Virus-Cancer Program, was enlarged to encompass all types of cancer. On July 1, 1973 the Special Virus Cancer Program was renamed The Virus-Cancer Program (VCP) "to integrate the Program's research activities into the framework of the new National Cancer Plan."
The Program combined the talents of many of the nation's finest virologists, biochemists, immunologists, molecular biologists, epidemiologists, and physicians, in an attempt to uncover the viral cause of cancer. Two classes of cancer-causing viruses were studied extensively: the RNA-type tumor "retroviruses" (like HIV) and the DNA herpes-type viruses (like the KS virus).
The main goals were to collect various forms of cancer tissue and test them in animals; to identify animal and human cancer-causing viruses; to grow large amounts of "candidate human viruses" for testing purposes; and to develop vaccines against these cancer viruses. In essence, the scientists wanted to learn how to use viruses to make cancer - and to force "normal" cells to become cancerous by subjecting to viruses.
I have studied the annual Virus Cancer Reports (VCP) covering the years 1971-1974 and 1976-1978. Each report is 300-400 pages, and the cumulative volumes refer to thousands of animal cancer virus and genetic engineering experiments.
Biological warfare research, monkey research, and the VCP
The annual VCP Reports must be studied with an awareness that the Program became wedded to secret military biological warfare research in the early 1970s.
On October 18, 1971, as part of Richard Nixon's War on Cancer, the army's biowarfare research laboratory at Fort Detrick, Maryland, was permanently joined with the National Cancer Institute; and was re-titled . the Frederick Cancer Research Center. Litton Bionetics was named as the military's prime contractor.
The primary task of the new Center was "the large scale production of oncogenic (cancer-causing) viruses and suspected oncogenic viruses to meet research needs on a continuing basis." Special attention was given to primate viruses (the alleged African source of HIV and the new KS virus)- and to the successful propagation of significant amounts of "human candidate viruses." Candidate viruses were defined as animal or human viruses that might cause human cancers. Later, the objective was to determine if such viruses could induce (either alone or with other co-carcinogens) human cancers (1977;58). Biowarfare scientists also had a keen interest in the role of human and non-human primate viruses as "helper viruses" in the production of cancer (1978;54).
A steady supply of research animals (monkeys, chimpanzees, mice, cats, etc. ) was necessary; and multiple breeding colonies were established for the VCP. For example, a total of 2,274 primates from Africa and Asia were shipped to Litton for military use in 1971.
Forcing cancer viruses into primates and other animals
To induce primates and other research animals to acquire cancer,
their immune system was deliberately suppressed by drugs, radiation, or
cancer-causing chemicals or substances. The thymus gland and/or the spleen
were removed, and cancer tissue and cancer viruses were injected into newborn animals or into the womb of pregnant animals. Some animals were deliberately infected with malaria to keep them chronically sick and immunodepressed.
The U.S. is the world's leading consumer of primates, and 55,000 are used yearly in medical research. Primates (especially newborn and baby chimpanzees) are the most favored lab animals because they are most similar biochemically and immunologically to human beings. Humans share 98.4% of their DNA with chimpanzees. Chimps were extensively used by the VCP because there would be no official testing of cancer viruses on humans.
Robert Gallo, the discoverer of HIV in 1984, was a project officer of a primate study contracted by Litton Bionetics that pumped cancerous human tissue, as well as a variety of primate and other viruses, into newborn macaques (a small species of monkey used as an animal model for human cancer).
The actual number and identity of all the primate viruses created and adapted to human tissue during the 14 years of the SVCP is not known. In addition, some primates were released back into the wild carrying lab viruses with them. This fact is always ignored by molecular biologists searching for "viral ancestors" in the African bush,
By the early 1970s, experimenters had transferred cancer-causing viruses into several species of monkeys. Herpesvirus saimiri, a monkey virus discovered in 1967 in the squirrel monkey, has a close genetic relationship to the new KS herpes virus. H. saimiri virus is harmless in the squirrel monkey, but when the virus was forced in the lab to "jump species" into different animal species, such as the owl monkey, marmosets and rabbits, it produces cancer in the form of fatal malignant lymphoma.
By 1971 Dharam V Ablashi of the NCI succeeded in transferring H. saimiri, into various cell lines of human origin. (1971;35). Cancer-causing cat and hamster viruses were also engineered into macaques and other monkey species.
By the early 1970s, it was recognized that forms of human leukemia and lymphoma were associated with herpes-type viruses. Herpes saimiri, a DNA-type virus, became the experimental model for the study of human leukemia and lymphoma. "Thus far, the only DNA viruses associated with natural cancer of animals and man are herpes viruses" (1973;15).
Luis Melendez of Harvard studied additional primate herpes viruses (H. ateles, H. aotus, and H. saguinus) and determined their ability to induce cancer (1973;247). Attempts were made "to find a suitable method for the large-scale production of high-titer Herpesvirus saimiri" (1973;264). Researchers knew: "The clinical and immunological picture of human lymphoma and leukemia is closely approximated by the malignant disease induced in susceptible non-human primates by H. saimiri." (1973;265).
By 1976 it was also learned that H.saimiri could spread by "contact transmission" between squirrel and owl monkeys in the laboratory.
A monkey virus injected into humans via polio vaccines in the 1950s
There are inherent dangers in vaccine production. Many vaccines are made on living cells; and accidental contamination with bacteria, mycoplasma, viruses, and newly-recognized "nanobacteria" are constant problems during the manufacturing process. Laboratory additives (such as fetal bovine [cow] serum) may also be a source of contamination. Half the flu vaccine supply for 2004 had to be destroyed due to contamination with disease-causing bacteria.
Some researchers believe that injecting living and killed viruses into the body can result in these viruses combining with other viruses normally present in the body, resulting in the formation of new viral disease-causing "recombinants." The dangers of vaccines are downplayed to assure the public that vaccines are safe.
The possibility that cancer-causing primate viruses could have been "introduced" into gays, via the experimental hepatitis B vaccine, cannot be dismissed as paranoid fantasy. In this regard, we are told that HIV is the first primate virus to "jump species" to produce an epidemic in millions of humans. But, in truth, the AIDS epidemic is the second instance in which a monkey virus has been transferred to humans.
A cancer-causing monkey virus called "simian virus 40" (SV40) jumped species a half century ago when virus-contaminated polio vaccines were injected into millions of people, including half the U.S. population of that era. (For details, see: Government health officials insist there is no proof that SV40 causes human cancer. However, independent research over the past decade indicates SV40 is clearly associated with rapidly-fatal cancers of the lung (mesothelioma), bone marrow cancer (multiple myeloma), brain tumors in children, and other forms of cancer.
A Washington Times report (September 21, 2003) states, "Some of the polio vaccine given to millions of American children from 1962 until 2000 could have been contaminated with a monkey virus that shows up in some cancers, according to documents and testimony to be delivered to a House committee Wednesday." The SV40 story is detailed in the recently published, The Virus and the Vaccine: The True Story of a Cancer-Causing Monkey Virus, Contaminated Polio Vaccine, and the Millions of Americans Exposed.
The VCP and links to bio-warfare and secret human experimentation
Every annual report of the VCP makes clear that human experimentation with these newly created and genetically-engineered viruses would not be undertaken. However, the 1972 Report (p 262) also states: "Since man will not be used as an experimental recipient, it is necessary to gain proof of oncogenicity by other means."
It is well-known in science that medical doctors will not totally accept laboratory findings in animals as absolute proof. An experimental finding in animals must also be proven in humans. It cannot be assumed that covert human testing of suspected cancer-causing viruses did not take place in the thousands of experiments conducted under the auspices of the VCP, particularly with its strong ties to covert biowarfare research. The U.S. military has a long history of secret human experimentation. For proof, Google: secret human medical experimentation.
Merck and Co, Inc. made most of the experimental hepatitis B vaccine that was immediately followed by AIDS cases. Some of the experimental vaccine was manufactured at the NIH. George Merck, who founded the drug company, was the leading biowarfare advisor to President Roosevelt during WW2. He was a central figure in creating the army's biowarfare laboratory at Ft. Detrick, Maryland, which later became an integral part of the NCI.
Merck's role in the VCP was "to conduct investigations designed to develop vaccines or other agents effective for the prophylaxis and therapy for human neoplasia (cancer) of suspected viral etiology" (1972;139). Great interest was taken in developing anti-herpes virus vaccines. Research involved a new type of herpes vaccine using "purified viral protein vaccines" and a "subunit vaccine" utilizing only a piece of the herpes virus (1977;135).
The Merck company declared: "Since live attenuated or killed virus vaccines for potentially oncogenic viruses would not be acceptable for human use due to the danger of transfer of functional genetic material, this project was initiated to determine whether vaccines to purified viral antigens acceptable for use in humans were of practical value." (1977;160) (This proposed "purified" herpes vaccine was similar in type to the experimental "purified" hepatitis B vaccine injected into gays the following year.)
It is my contention that the introduction of HIV and the KS virus into gay people, the most hated minority in America, was not an accident of nature due to monkeys in the jungle.
Would scientists deliberately infect gay men with AIDS to finally prove that animal cancer viruses cause cancer? In the January 1987 issue of MD magazine, an Oklahoma internist wrote: "Homosexuality is a sin, deserving the death penalty." With that kind of mentality not rare in the medical and scientific world, the answer to the question is, undoubtedly, yes.
The VCP and biohazards
The VCP was a biological disaster waiting to happen. What would happen if one or more of these dangerous cancer and immunosuppressive viruses escaped from the laboratory and produced a worldwide biologic holocaust?
The 1978 report from the Office of Biohazard Safety of the VCP states: "The inadequate care and handling of animals during the past several years have created a potential for the occurrence of infection of humans with simian (primate) microorganisms and cross infection between species. Such interspecies disease transmission may seriously compromise the integrity of the experiment as well as the health of the experimenter. Due to the magnitude of biomedical research employing tissue cultures. Frequent evaluation of tissue culture cross-contamination is very important."
The yearly large-scale production of lethal cancer viruses
By the late 1970s the mixing of animal cancer viruses with human cells to produce new "xenotropic" viruses was commonplace. The human cells in question were placenta ("afterbirth") cells from patients with immune disease, and cells from leukemia (1978, p 192). Xenotropic viruses are viruses taken from one species and transplanted into another different species. All these experiments represent "species jumping" performed in a laboratory.
By 1977 the Program was producing "approximately 60,000 liters (15,840 gallons) of tissue culture-grown viruses, propagated in over 40 different cell lines, and distributed in over 1250 shipments to over 250 participating laboratories throughout the world."
Also in 1977 Electro-Nucleonics Laboratories processed 8,044 liters (2,024 gallons) of virus-containing fluids harvested from several tissue culture systems. About half this volume was concentrated xenotropic viruses. That same year Pfizer drug company produced 28,000 liters
(7,392 gallons) of virus harvest fluids. The vast majority included primate viruses, such as the Mason-Pfizer monkey virus, woolly monkey sarcoma virus and baboon endogenous virus. (This baboon virus contaminated Gallo's lab at the NCI). Litton produced 37,438 liters (9,984 gallons) of retrovirus material consisting essentially of four agents: mouse mammary tumor virus, Raucher murine (rat) leukemia virus, Gross murine leukemia virus and baboon leukemia virus.
The VCP made clear that: "Attempts are being made to chronically infect cell cultures of human epithelial and fibroblast cells and similar cell cultures from non-human primates (marmosets) with simian sarcoma virus, gibbon ape leukemia virus and baboon endogenous virus" (1977;183). A few years later primates in the African bush would be blamed for starting AIDS and the KS epidemics.
The VCP and the creation of an AIDS-like disease in chimps
In 1969 the military biowarfare experts predicted that a biological agent would be developed within a decade that would have a devastating effect on the immune system and for which there would be no treatment. (For details of this congressional testimony, Google: Donald M MacArthur + biowarfare.)
The VCP had a keen interest in acquiring "information and materials from carefully selected patients suffering from immunodeficiency diseases" (1972;318). This is made clear in a 1973 Progress Report (p249) from the University of Minnesota entitled, "The search for tumor virus related information in human immunodeficiency patients with cancer" The researchers proposed "continuation of studies linking immunodeficency, cancer, and oncogenic viruses."
As biowarfare expert MacArthur predicted, new cancer-causing monster viruses (like HIV) were created by the VCP which had a deadly effect on the immune system. In one experiment recorded in the 1973 Report (p169), later published in Cancer Research in 1974, newborn chimps were taken away from their mothers at birth and weaned on milk from cancer virus-infected cows. Some of the chimps sickened and died with two diseases that had never been observed in chimpanzees. The first was Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia (later known as the "gay pneumonia" of AIDS); the second was leukemia, a cancer of the blood.
Cancer-Causing viruses and "helper" viruses
As the 1970s began it was clear that some cancer-causing viruses could not produce cancer unless a "helper" virus was present. Certain chicken, cat and mouse sarcoma viruses were found to be "defective" and unable to induce cancerous changes. However, when a "helper" leukemia virus was added to the mix, the sarcoma virus was able to induce cancer.
Mixing of a mouse sarcoma virus with a cat leukemia virus produced a "hybrid virus" which could grow continuously in cat cells. Such a "hybrid virus" was adapted to human embryonic (fetal) cells (1971, p22). Thus, it is obvious that "species jumping" experiments were commonplace during the years of the VCP.
By the late 1970s it was known that "type C RNA viruses" (the retroviruses connected with sarcomas and lymphomas and leukemias) existed normally in cells as "endogenous viruses" within the cellular genomes of many mammalian species. By 1977, the year the experimental hepatitis B vaccine was being made, scientists in the VCP aimed "to determine the oncogenic potential of putative human viruses" and "to begin viral vaccine (conventional or other) testing and immunization programs" (1977;32). The exact methods by which this was to be accomplished was not stated.
Primate virus contamination of human cells
The possibility that animal cancer viruses could cause contamination of viral laboratories and viral research was an accepted risk for the VCP. Primate virus contamination problems have plagued the laboratories of the world's most famous AIDS researchers, much to their embarrassment.
A decade before Gallo discovered HIV, he reported a "new" and "human" and cancer-associated "HL-23 virus" that was eventually determined to be not one but three contaminating primate viruses (gibbon-ape virus, simian sarcoma virus, and baboon endogenous virus).
The baboon virus was discovered in the early 1970s at the Southwest Foundation for Research and Education in San Antonio, Texas, which hosted a chimpanzee breeding colony and produced simian viruses for research. The baboon virus somehow made its way into the blood cells of a Texas women with leukemia. When the infected cells reached Gallo's lab they were apparently joined with an additional monkey virus and an ape virus. How these three viruses contaminated Gallo's lab is unknown. However, George Todaro, an equally famous virologist, was quoted as saying, "You can get three viruses into a virus preparation easily just by being sloppy, and Gallo had plenty of sloppy people." (See John Crewdson's Science Fictions: A Scientific Mystery, A Massive Cover-Up, and the Dark Legacy of Robert Gallo, p20).
As late as 1986 Max Essex of Harvard "discovered" a new human AIDS retrovirus that he found in the blood of healthy Africans. Eventually this virus also proved to be a monkey virus that originated in a nearby primate colony. Somehow the animal virus had worked its way into Essex's lab and blood samples.
Interestingly, both Gallo and Essex, the two foremost American AIDS researchers, were the leading proponents of the African green monkey theory of AIDS. Now the more widely accepted theory, proposed by Beatrice Hahn (who worked in Gallo's lab when he proposed the green monkey theory), claims the virus traces back to chimpanzees in the African wild. Hahn has never commented on the primate contamination problems in Gallo's lab.
Could the primate "ancestors" of the RNA-type HIV retrovirus and the DNA-type herpes saimiri-like KS herpes virus have accidentally -or deliberately-worked their way into the experimental hepatitis B vaccine? The extremely high incidence of both these "new" viruses in the gay men who volunteered for the hepatitis experiments certainly provide enough additional circumstantial evidence to make the man-made theory of AIDS as plausible as the monkey out of Africa theory.
The gay hepatitis B experiments (1978-1981)
The experimental hepatitis B vaccine injected into gays was unlike any other vaccine previously made. It was developed in chimpanzees and manufactured in a year-long process of sterilization and purification of the pooled blood of 30 gay men who were hepatitis B virus carriers. During the first gay experiment (November 1978-October 1979) at the New York Blood Center, there was great concern that the vaccine might be contaminated. According to June Goodfield's Quest for the Killers, p 86, "This was no theoretical fear, contamination having been suspected in one batch made by the National Institutes of Health, though never in Merck's." The men were given three inoculations of the vaccine over a period of time. The vaccine was successful with 96% of the men developing protective antibodies against the hepatitis B virus.
It has been assumed by some that these men were immunosuppressed due to their promiscuity and history of venereal disease. Although the young men in the study were indeed "promiscuous" (this was a requirement for entrance into the study), they were in excellent health. Despite many previous sexual partners, these volunteers had never contracted evidence of hepatitis B infection. Furthermore, immunosuppressed people often do not respond to the vaccine.
The men in the Manhattan experiment had the highest rate of HIV ever recorded for that time period (over 20% of the men were HIV-positive in 1981, and over 40% in 1984). Therefore, it must be assumed that many, if not most, of these men eventually died of AIDS. The actual number of AIDS deaths among the men in the experiment has never been revealed, nor have their medical records been studied. Attempts to secure this information have been rebuffed due to the "confidential" nature of the experiment.
The end of the VCP and the birth of AIDS
By 1980 the VCP came to an inglorious end with the inability to prove that viruses were involved in human cancer. More than any other program it built up the field of animal retrovirology, which led to a more complete understanding of how cancer and immunosuppressive retroviruses caused disease in humans. The VCP was the birthplace of genetic engineering, molecular biology, and the human genome project. I am convinced the VCP (and not Africa) is the birthplace of HIV/AIDS as well.
As the VCP was winding down in the late 1970s, the gay experiments began in New York City, and continued in other cities, such as San Francisco and Los Angeles. These cities would rapidly become the three primary epicenters of the new and unprecedented "gay-related immune deficiency syndrome," later known as AIDS.
The introduction of HIV and the KS herpes virus into gay men (along with some "novel" and now-patented mycoplasmas discovered at the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology) miraculously revived the career of Robert Gallo and made him the most famous virologist in the world. And, of course, turned the "failure" of the VCP into a triumph.
When Gallo's blood test for HIV became available in the mid-1980s, the New York Blood Center's stored gay blood specimens were reexamined. Most astonishing is the fact that 20% of the gay men who volunteered for the hepatitis B experiment in Manhattan were discovered to be HIV-positive in 1980 (one year before the AIDS epidemic became "official" in 1981). This signifies that Manhattan gays in 1980 had the highest incidence of HIV anywhere in the world, including Africa, the supposed birthplace of HIV and AIDS. In addition, in 1982, in an AIDS trial in New York City one out of five gay men (20%) tested positive for the new KS herpes-8 virus when stored blood samples were re-examined by epidemiologists at the NCI in 1999.
Rarely mentioned by AIDS historians is the fact that the New York Blood Center established a chimp virus laboratory for viral vaccine research in West Africa in 1974. One of the purposes of VILAB II, in Robertsfield, Liberia, was to develop the hepatitis B vaccine in chimps. The lab also prides itself by releasing "rehabilitated" (but virus-infected) chimps back into the wild.
Also conveniently forgotten in the history of AIDS is LEMSIP (The Laboratory for Experimental Medicine and Surgery), the primate colony located outside New York City. For many years, until disbanded in 1997, LEMSIP supplied scientists with primates and primate parts (and unknown primate viruses) for transplantation and virus research. Primate parts (and primate viruses) were experimentally transplanted in human beings as early as the 1960s.
LEMSIP was also affiliated with New York University Medical Center, where the first cases of AIDS-associated Kaposi's sarcoma were discovered in 1979. Researchers at NYU were also heavily involved in the development of the experimental hepatitis B vaccine used in gays. According to Leonard Horowitz, author of Emerging Viruses: AIDS and Ebola, NYU Medical Center received government grants and contracts connected with biological warfare research beginning in 1969.
The evidence gathered here is a tiny fraction of the circumstantial evidence supporting the man-made theory of AIDS. Scientists have a
long and proven history of covertly experimenting on people "in the name of science." Anyone who takes the time to study the reports of the VCP will recognize that human experimentation with cancer viruses was undoubtedly considered and ultimately desired. Is the fact that HIV/AIDS appeared within a decade of this dangerous cancer virus experimentation a coincidence? Should AIDS be blamed on human sexuality, gays, blacks, and monkeys? I think not.
There is nothing wrong or unpatriotic or "conspiratorial" in presenting the vast amount of evidence that connects out-of-control animal cancer experimentation and biowarfare research with the birth of AIDS. What is wrong, however, is the unwillingness of the scientific establishment and the media and the public to look at it.
Dr. Cantwell is a retired dermatologist and has written two books on the man-made origin of AIDS; and two books on the infectious origin of cancer, all published by Aries Rising Press, PO Box 29532, Los Angeles, CA 90029 ( Email: Many of his writings can be found on by typing in "alan cantwell" + articles. His latest book is Four Women Against Cancer: Bacteria, Cancer and the Origin of Life. His books are also available on and also through Book Clearing House @ 1-800-431-1579
Alan Cantwell M.D.


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