- Although I am not a practitioner of Islam, I defend Muslims
because they are constantly and unfairly slandered by a vicious media spin
machine attempting to create an enemy where none exists - with inflammatory
prejudices from the untrustworthy lips of slithering hypocrites trying
to promote the bogus authenticity of their own creed at the expense of
innocent strangers who live far away and possess precious commodities coveted
by others.
- Although I am not a practitioner of Judaism, I defend
Jews who are unfairly criticized for slyly undermining the moral character
of Christian nations, when in fact the existing social oppression in these
Christian nations provided the opportunity for secular Jews to persuade
the public they were being needlessly enslaved by rules that only benefited
the holy men who controlled them.
- Although I am not a practitioner of Christianity, I defend
Christians who are unfairly maligned for their pure beliefs, even though
they may be based on questionable historical facts. There is no doubt that
the truly believing Christian heart has the best interests of the universe
as its goal, though in their rapturous piety, fundamentalist god blatherers
have become silent and unknowing victims of perfidious perverts practicing
exactly the opposite of what they preach - to be specific, who preach hate
instead of love and back it up with instantaneous mass murder on demand.
- Each of these belief systems controls the minds of significant
segments of humanity's unitary consciousness, and billions of individuals
are buffeted this way and that by the pronouncements of living cultural
icons who are nurtured and promoted for their public roles by influential
men who profit by their obedience, spreading blood like storms in every
- By far, the most important of the Ten Commandments is
"Thou shalt not kill." Why is the people who talk most about
God do it to justify killing?
- These homicidal robots like George W. Bush, Queen Elizabeth
and Ariel Sharon all operate with the supernatural sanction of the media
church, and mask their crimes in hollow hymns to their own magnificence
while the transfixed masses sway in Pentecostal ecstasy to the lunatic
media circus triumphalizing the ravaging of our own nest.
- The real problem with these systems - and all the other
permutations generating every conceivable stripe of social fellowship throughout
the world - is that they predicate their own value on the narcissistic
necessity that they are the sole executors and operators of the one truth
path. This is a pattern that guarantees ceaseless conflict for as long
as the unitary mind of the species is undermined and sabotaged by the psychological
need of individuals to embed themselves in a social context and strive
to emulate the poisoned prescriptions of the hive mind as the most valid
measure of their happiness.
- Keep it simple, stupid.
- We're all the same. Humans of any origin under any condition
have always had the potential to become the most important person on the
planet. The vast majority of humans born into this sublime paradise called
Earth live their lives as decent, cooperative, sincere and principled individuals.
Everyone realizes that the greatest freedom possible is for any individual
to do exactly what she wants with her life.
- Anybody who tells you different is either shuckin' and
jivin' or he has his hand in your pocket.
- So why do we have all this stupid strife?
- Because it's profitable. There, in three words, is the
history of the world.
- And don't kid yourself - we're all signed onto this program.
Luxurious leisure is what we're all after - the time to pursue who we are,
because if we can do that, the rest will all fall into place. That's freedom.
- Man conquered nature. I don't think it's too early to
say nature will vomit up its tumors should humans continue to be so thoughtlessly
toxic (although I've been saying that for 40 years). Perhaps this is the
message in the rash of hurricanes that have suddenly developed as new mobilization
points for the corporate war machine, assuming this new meteorological
plague is not merely another government program like AIDS, fluoride, aspartame,
chemtrails, white flour, and child kidnappings, not to mention thimerosal,
depleted uranium, MSG, Prozac and, well, you know the list, or should,
if you harbor any actualized interest in your own survival.
- It seems to me we need to do things to close the gap
between this artificial life that is constantly crammed down our throats
- making stars on Star Search - and what we know in our inmost hearts is
the right way to live, regardless of creed or tribe.
- The tangible reality that underpins the context in which
we live our lives that begins with our feet attached to the surface of
the planet and stretches through the birth of our children and the deaths
of our parents.
- Though it is most important to us, it is virtually never
discussed in public media. As a result the forces of shameless profit are
able to kill off thousands of people at a time with sadistic stratagems,
and we relegate the daily shock into a news brief to be consumed during
our misprioritized leisure.
- What's that about?
- That we've fouled our nest is a serious understatement.
We have chosen, willingly, to live in a sewer. This is directly attributable
to letting profit be our real god. And we're only getting what we deserve,
not to even mention that we're doing it to ourselves.
- For most, children are their signature contribution to
human society. But the herd doesn't run without herding - or so the Illuminati
tell us, in myriad ways, from your TV sitcoms to your presidential pronouncements
- so instead humanity sweeps across the planet killing practically everything
in its wake, including, most especially, itself.
- And we all snatch our piece of whatever pie we can master,
somewhere along the line learning the bigger the pie, the better the snatch.
- Where is that boundary many of us cross from getting
enough to really getting enough, and in the process forgetting .... well,
you probably know the tune. Maybe it's addiction to life, and we always
want more.
- Because if you don't know that boundary, you're not really
living, not really a decent person. Soldiers and politicians should be
shunned. If everyone ignored the government - because it sure ignores us
- maybe it would just go away. I know, the world doesn't work that way.
- And when I say, "But, it's killing us," the
most common reaction is that Leave It to Beaver shrug, ballcap askew.
- Religion is bondage conditioning, servitude to a bloodthirsty
wraith named Yahweh who orders his robots to obliterate the victims of
his robberies, and calls it holy.
- And in the the trap of monotheism, the euphoric blindness
of transcendental ascension engulfs us in a poisoned fog of pious ecstasy
that prevents us from seeing the world clearly, and realizing that we are
all just people with the same basic needs.
- Worse, the powers that be nurture these nagging hatreds
for the purpose of selling guns, and the men in long robes pronounce these
matters "holy."
- During the Catholic Inquisition, priests determined the
fate of "witches" with the following process: they were hogtied,
weighted with stones, and dropped in a lake. If they floated, they were
guilty and put to death, all their property confiscated. If they sank to
the bottom and died, they were judged innocent, but, as they were dead,
all their property was confiscated.
- Tell me, my friend, how is it any different today? Except
that the rabbis are now rendering the verdicts. But the rule that they
may kill anyone they want for any reason at all is still, as so many people
know, very much in force.
- And all propelled by the deceptive moneymaking operation
that pits Team A versus Team B, while the puppeteers who make the rules
we live by sit back, chuckling at the gore and smiling knowingly at homosexual
prostitutes in the White House press corps, and count the money.
- Convincing us we are different - be it through language,
or custom, or religion - is the single biggest mistake ever made by the
human species. Every current indicator shows this was ultimately the reason
for our extinction.
- John Kaminski is a writer who lives on the Gulf Coast
of Florida (still sizzling with noxious fumes) who Internet essays are
seen on hundreds of websites around the world. http://www.johnkaminski.com/