Say What -
Israeli Television?!

By Ted Lang
Now look - I'll admit to not ever having been a "professional" journalist or reporter, know what I mean? I'm not a graduate of the Columbia School of Journalism, nor am I in the running for replacing Ted Koppel anytime soon. Sure, I've written columns for my town and county newspaper, but when I offered an 800-word essay on the Downing Street Memo to the number one newspaper in New Jersey, a Zionist venture, I was summarily turned down. Bush's loyalty to Israel knows no bounds, so the Zionist press is not about to endanger Israel's number one military and funding asset.
I was real shaky writing about what seemed to be bogus numbers coming from the Pentagon relative to the real number of our war dead resulting from Bush's personal vendetta against Saddam and Iraq; fortunately, I had an out: two separate sources for the information. Two is the magic number when it comes to sources - reporters [which I am not] should always back up their information with at least two independent sources before they write a news story.
Another former fellow Republican, Paul Craig Roberts, who has also been progressively losing it with the criminal Bush administration, has himself, just like me, gone completely "over the top" with these war-mongering criminal bastards. I was shocked at the emotion in Roberts' latest piece. But let's face it - if Cindy Sheehan and Patrick Fitzgerald don't get to these dangerous criminals soon, it will indeed be the scenario painted by Roberts: World War III!
Inadvertently, MSM trashers and boneheads Limbaugh and O'Reilly have done their country a great service due to their unswerving loyalty to the Gangsters of Politics. Instead of loyalty to America's founding, historically and lawfully conveyed in the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and the latter's Bill of Rights, these dumbos, devoid of any and all gray matter, have given Cindy Sheehan precisely the public exposure she needed to say what the American people most needed to hear: "You get America out of Iraq and Israel out of Palestine and you'll stop the terrorism." Now isn't that amazing - one ordinary citizen, a non-politician, able to bring peace to the world via one simple sentence!
Then this brilliant, courageous woman tells US how to grab our corrupt, mass-murdering police state by the throat, and strangle it to death - a tax strike! If only Americans could be so organized to jointly boycott Bush and the heavily-armed gangsters of the IRS! Turn off the funding source for Israel and Israel's Jewish Pentagon, and perhaps then, world peace!
No longer a "Dittohead" or Rush Limbaugh fan for at least three years, I continue to enjoy this simpleton's assessment which offers that those who oppose Bush's international terrorism are "liberals" and lefties." Really? Roberts and I are "lefties?" I don't think so, but whatever floats this noxious and obnoxious gas bag's drug-inspired hallucinations is A-OK with me!
Not only did Roberts mention Bush's cozy chat via satellite with an Israeli TV reporter for Israeli television originating from Bush's Crawford, Texas ranch, but now Yahoo News confirms it: Bush is now a star on Israeli Television! Was this yet another Jeff Gannon clone, or a legitimate Israeli reporter? Poor Helen Thomas, the grand dame of American journalism inside the beltway; she is now relegated to the back row at Bush "press conferences" with the still-wet-behind-the-ears cub reporters. And poor Judith Miller is rotting in jail for Bush, Cheney and Rove's crimes against the CIA in violation of our national security laws. Israeli reporter?
That's right folks; while he has time to ride his bicycle like a good little boy, and he has time to interview with Israeli reporters right from his home, Bush has absolutely no time to meet with Cindy Sheehan! When queried on this, Rush Limbaugh's favorite president had this to say: "I think it's also important for me to go on with my life, to keep a balanced life." A "balanced life," huh? Well, kind of - at least this time he didn't fall off his stupid bicycle!
Since Bush likes to ride bicycles and stay in shape, and lie quite naturally while stumbling over his words giving the appearance of the common man saddled with a great burden, this appeal to the simple-minded masses is probably just what's needed for Israeli television. Think of Bush in a starring role; perhaps, "CSI -Tel-Aviv!" Or how about an Israeli version of "Jeopardy"? No? I've got it... Israel needs: "The Mid East Wing"
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Ted Lang is a political analyst and freelance writer.



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