Chertoff's Wife Worked
For FEMA During
Big Budget Cuts

WMR has discovered that the Department of Homeland Security has, in addition to steering millions of dollars of FEMA money to GOP-connected firms, reallocated important disaster recovery funds to Israeli security and information technology contractors. DHS has even sponsored high tech fairs in Jerusalem that have provided a fast track for Israeli firms to grab a large portion of DHS's $47 billion annual budget.
DHS Secretary Michael Chertoff's wife Meryl worked for FEMA when the agency was undergoing severe budget cuts during Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge's and Joseph Allbaugh's tenure.
In addition, critical DHS funds earmarked for state disaster preparedness were instead re-steered to Israeli firms that landed lucrative contracts with state homeland security offices, especially in Maryland, Virginia, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and New York.
Chertoff's wife Meryl worked for FEMA's Legislative Liaison Office during drastic FEMA budget cuts
What is more interesting is that Meryl Chertoff worked in FEMA's Office of Legislative Affairs from 2002 to 2003 during FEMA's absorption into DHS and the reduction of its budget. Meryl Chertoff also briefed Congress on FEMA's disaster preparedness at the same time Louisiana's congressional delegation was pleading for funds for levee strenghtening and flood control.
Meryl Chertoff is an attorney who is currently a consultant. The web site for Nancy H. Becker Associates, a Trenton, NJ public relations and lobbying firm, has on its home page a Homeland Security certificate that clearly shows the name "Meryl Chertoff."


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