Boxun Description Of
Ebola In China
From Patricia Doyle, PhD
Hello Jeff -
This is VERY odd. Ebola with incubation period 2 -4 weeks and incubation period in some up to 6 month? Asymptomatic eboa cases? Not in humans to my knowledge.
"Those infected people's immunity drops suddenly that triggers other co-infections and complications" This sounds more like an HIV/AIDS - not Ebola. Has China been able to take the Ebola genome and insert HIV?
Also has a long incubation period.
As you read the following report it is obvious that Ebola has been genetically altered with different viruses which give us the various types of the new ebola strains. Obviously some of the viruses have been altered with HIV. It is quite possible that some Ebola genomes have been recombined with SARS and others with H5.
If the following report is accurate, and remember Boxun is reporting from inside China and the reporters have the advantage of inside information, it is obvious that China has been busy in their bioweapons research. We did have signs that a program was and is in effect when SARS escaped. There have been some very strange outbreaks of H5N1 which did add to speculation that China has been engaged in bioweapons' research.
While we are all focused on Iraq's WMD we have lost sight of more pressing threats, such as China's weapons' research.
Will the Bush Administration investigate these reports AFTER Ebolaflu or Influenzebola breaks out in North America? While the administration chases ghosts and nonexistant WMD in Iraq China might just be boiling up an Ebola soup that will kill many of us.
According to Dr. Henry L. Niman:
"China's recent actions of limiting access and distribution of strains and sequences increases the credibility of the boxun reports. Moreover, H5N1 and Ebola have a region of sequence identity between HA and spike genes."
Patricia Doyle
Boxun Description Of Ebola In China
By Dr. Henry L. Niman, PhD
Recombinomics Commentary
July 19, 2005
1. EB-SZ type: It was found in Shenzhen of South China. People contracted the virus showing severe illness, and they were infected through the contact of blood. Incubation period is 2-4 weeks. Some individual cases have incubation period up to 6 months. Some cases are asymptomatic. Those infected people's immunity drops suddenly that triggers other co-infections and complications. When non-Ebola virus related infections become severe, it could lead to diathesis from the major blood vessels. In severe cases, blood vessels disintegrate; muscular tissues became fluid-like; patients died of lack of oxygen due to haemorrhage. After the case die, the disintegration symptoms persist with the change of room temperature, ie above 12.4 degree Celcius. The process continues until the carcass completely disintegrates. The disintegration process slows down when temperature is lower than 8.7 degree Celcius; and the process halts at below 4 degree Celcius. Therefore, the best treatment for infected person is to use low temperature therapy. To treat the deceased cases, it is better to seal the body under low temperature. To disinfect the environment where the cases die has to use both high temperature disinfection and low temperature disinfection with the assistance of potent medication.
2. EB-ST type: It was found in Shantou of South China. People contracted the virus showing severe illness. Transmission is unknown. Incubation period: 30-120 days. Infected people have localized maculopapular rash. Cases occur in the form of diathesis in the smallest capillaries that lead to necrosis of the involved tissues. The characteristic of this virus is its intermittent exacerbation of the symptoms. This virus is suspected to be the mutated by-product of Ebola virus and other viruses. The confirmative diagnosis is usually made by the identification of EB-SZ-like virus in the tissues of deceased cases.
3. EB-HN type: It was found in Hunan of Central China. Transmission is unknown. Incubation is about 30-60 days. Infected cases experience discomfort due to the localized diathesis. After the disintegration of blood vessels, patients experience symptoms related to blood loss. Most of the deceased cases' heavily infected organs were in their lungs. If the blood vessels of the internal organs were infected, it will cause hepatic damage. Deceased case's face and bottom will disintegrate within 2-8 hours afterwards; their nails also fall apart. Autopsy found that the tissues of tendons were as soft as muscle. The deceased cases' blood are contagious. Contact through other means will not lead to infection of the virus.
4. EB-FJ type: It was found in Fujian province of South China. The virus was transmitted through the carrier's blood. Incubation period is about 20-30 days. Infected people will become immunocompromised that leads to influenza induced pneumonia and bleeding in the lungs. Subsequently, it leads to respiratory failure. Autopsy found that the vessels in the deceased cases' lung were fluid like; other tissues were normal. Deceased cases displayed purplish spots in their necks.
5. EB-ZJ type: It was found in Zhanjian of South China. Not much details on this virus subtype.
6. EB-SZ77 type: It was found in Shenzhen of South China (adjacent to Hong Kong). This virus could infect birds.
The above human translation of a boxun report raises serious questions about Ebola infections in China. It has not been independently confirmed and Ebola has not been reported outside of Africa. The above report offers no genetic details on the relationship between the above isolates and the various sequenced Ebola and Marburg isolates.
The boxun reports on H5N1 bird flu strains appear to be quite believable and are supported by China's refusal to allow WHO visit the recent sites of H5N1 infections in Xinjiang province as well as the refusal to share sequence data on isolates from the latest outbreak.
Other boxun documents indicate details of H5N1 and Ebola infections are considered state secrets, which clearly if true, is cause for concerns. China's recent actions of limiting access and distribution of strains and sequences increases the credibility of the boxun reports.
Moreover, H5N1 and Ebola have a region of sequence identity between HA and spike genes.
Why Ebola Recombinent?
From Patricia Doyle, PhD
Hello Jeff - I had to wonder why the advantage would be to the combination of Ebola with HIV. Ebola usually dies out rather quickly. It is easy to spot and easy to trace contacts due to the speedy incubation time. It also dies out in the environment, as some of the tribes' people stated, "Ebola comes like waves from the jungle." In other words, it is like a tide and comes in, kills and goes out thus ending the outbreak. If we have Ebolaids, we would have long incubation periods of up to 6 months thus making the tracing of contacts harder and enabling the virus to spread beyond tribal villages. People would have plenty of time for international travel thus spreading the virus throughout the world before it would be recognized. Naturally occurring Ebola usually stays in the community of outbreak with some scattered outbreaks in neighboring communities.
An Ebola combined with HIV would ensure death and make the virus more lethal. The HIV would do its job of breaking down the immune system making the body more vulnerable to Ebola.
Ebolaids would not be a good weapon, however, UNLESS the weaponeer had a vaccine or treatment to counteract the virus when it bounces back on the weaponeers' country.
Ebola/H5N1 would also be an insane weapon to release unless there had been a vaccine that would work at protecting the weapon's user from illness.
It is really so difficult to rationize the construction of the altered Ebola pathogen. Was SARS actually part of thie bioweapon's research? I always thought that SARS had escaped from the first military medical university in Guangdong Province. Perhaps, SARS was not the intended weapon but only part of a recombinent Ebola/Sars?
I am wondering if the deaths in and around Quinghai were actually Ebola/H5N1 or combination of ebola. This may explain WHY the Chinese are refusing to allow the WHO or any agency from taking samples. The Chinese had refused to allow ANY research on samples from suspected H5 victims or even animal samples. Even some scientists inside China were not permitted to study samples or investigate H5 research. The claim that Ebola strains are found in China explains the secrecy. All of a sudden a bright 100 wt light has been turned on for me.
Patricia A. Doyle, PhD
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