New 'EU Allowed
Safe Levels' Of
Vitamins Outrageous
Vitamin 'Risk Assessment' Requires Review

From the Leaflady
Gayle Eversole, DHom, PhD, MH, NP, ND,
It is interesting to note that the vitamin D level is set at 5 under the CODEX standard. Most new research in the states supports at least 2000 - 4000 IU, or more, for people with cancer, fibromyalgia, diabetes, hypertension, heart disease, MS, lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, depression, schizophrenia, gum disease, osteoporosis, rickets, osteomalacia and psoriasis.
When exposed to summer sunlight the youthful, healthy body can make about 10,000 -12,000 IU of vitamin D in about 30 minutes. Elderly persons, the homebound, people who dress to cover the body for religious reasons, those above 35 degrees latitude, those who use sunscreen, those who live in smog or do not go in the sun, people with dark skin, obese persons and breast fed infants will be vitamin D deficient and require longer exposure to sunlight.
At present the CODEX dictocrats can't tell you that you don't have the right to go out in the mid-day sun to get your vitamin D!
The German Risk Assessment Institute (BfR) has performed the task of setting Upper Safe Levels (USLs) for nutrients to be controlled under CODEX regulations. This tells only part of the store because there is no benefit analysis for any of the nutrients included in the BfR. The real problems occur when USLs are moderated to Maximum Permitted Levels (MPLs) by only one organizaton.
The BfR levels have been established as maximum permitted daily levels. In many cases these levels do not even approximate the current and approved Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) in the United States.
Could YOU live with these allowed levels?
My nutritional comments are in parentheses
Vitamin A mg (mcg) 800 (protects from pneumonia and other respiratory and visual problems)
Beta carotene (mg) 7 (0 for smokers, who seem to be unable to convert Bc to vitamin A)
Vitamin C (mg) 225 (prevents scurvy and is helpful for numerous health conditions)
Vitamin D (mcg) 5
Vitamin E (mg) 15 (oxygenator and antioxidant par excellence)
Vitamin K (mcg) 80 (remember that vitamin K reverse osteoporosis at therapeutic levels)
Vitamin B1 (mg) 1.3 (helps fatty liver sufferers)
Vitamin B2 (mg) 4.5 (helps with fatty liver)
Niacin (B3) (mg) 17 (therapeutic amounts of vitamin B3 will lower cholesterol levels)
Vitamin B6 (mg) 5.4 (helps balance blood sugar)
Folic acid (B9) (mcg) 400 (prevents birth defects and prevents heart disease, blocked by statin drugs)
Vitamin B12 (mcg) 9 (proper amounts will resolve hypertension in women and help with anemia related to lymphomas and leukemia, also corrects anemia)
Pantothenic acid (mg) 18 (very helpful in asthma)
Biotin (mcg) 180 (helps restore color in hair)
Potassium (mg) 2000 (helps lower blood pressure, carries insulin across the cell wall membrane)
Calcium (mg) 1200 (helps with bone health)
Phosphorus (mg) 250 (suppl) 1250 (energy source)
Magnesium (mg) 400 (many functions especially for the brain and nervous system and helps with toxemia, seizures, etc.)
Iron (mg) 15 (carries oxygen in the blood)
Iodine (mcg) 200 (food of the thyroid, but much more than 200 mcg is needed especially in fluoridated water areas)
Fluoride (mg) 3.8 (interferes with thyroid function)
Zinc (mg) 10 (for prostate and endocrine health, eating disorders and immune function)
Selenium (mcg) 70 (a minimum of 200 mcg is needed daily to help prevent prostate cancer)
Copper (mg) 1.5 (plays a role in many enzymatic functions)
Manganese (mg) 5 (helpful to people with diabetes and mental health problems)
Chromium (mcg) 100 (helps balance blood sugar in GTF from)
Molybdenum (mcg) 100


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