Protocols, ADL
& Mind Control

By Steven G. Rosenblum
Hi Jeff,
Your article today regarding the ADL, indicated very clearly, what many have known for a long time - the ADL is a trojan horse inside the Jewish community and does not speak for the majority by any means.
Many feel that ADL activities are designed specifically to target hate against Jews in order to create Pogroms against Jews, in order to increase immigration to Israel, to replace soldiers and residents who died or who have left Israel. That is the only way the Zionists could keep control of Middle East oil.
I recently had a meeting with Rabbi Abraham Greenberg - Jewish Scholar, Historian, and one of the consultants for your site. We discussed the Protocols, and to my astonishment he recommended that all Jews must read the Protocols.
The Protocols Of Zion may have been written by the Jesuits, Masons, the Tsar's secret police or the Illuminati, but by implementing the Protocols (specifically #10), the ADL is directing hate by Americans against Jews.
As a long time follower of the ADL's activities, I would like to alert you that in my opinion, one of the best ways to understand the ADL and who is implementing the Protocols is to get the new DVD by Dr. Nick Begich, Mind Control In The Coming Brave New World.
I do not know Dr. Begich personally, and I am not getting a cut from his sales, but he included also another FREE CD-ROM, too.
The ruthless implementation and support of many segments of the Protocols (seemingly unintentional) by a variety of Jewish organisations, 'Patriot Act,' 'Homeland Security,' is now choking America to death and might someday cause a civil war just as we face in Israel right now.
Now that the real, basic truth about 911 is clear, it's time for all America to wake up 'open the windows' and shout: IF BIN LADEN DID NOT DO IT, WHO DID? everyone of your visitors who read my words: you've already lost all of your civil rights - just READ Bush's Patriot Act. Your last chance is to contact all your friends and urge them to read websites such as this one and listen to people such as Jeff Rense, Alex Jones, and a few others.
JEWS WAKE UP! We already marched into the death and slave labor camps once. Are we going to go to the ovens again? Are you waiting for the Gestapo to come knocking on the door once more?
Freedom is for ALL peoples of ALL religions...not just selected groups.
For my Jewish brothers and sisters who are not familiar yet with ADL,
it's time to WAKE UP:
Dr. Begich's new DVD and free CD-ROM Mind Control In The Coming Brave New World
CIA "MK Ultra" Mind Control - Welcome to the "Brave New World", made possible through manipulation of your mind, your emotions and your physical health, using new applied technologies: 1) Biofeedback; 2) Sound waves; 3) Light waves; 4) Acupuncture. While it is possible that each of these practices can be used to enhance human performance, they can also be used to control entire populations, and they have been used by shamans in the ancient past. Military planners around the world are flocking to this new technology.
FREE CDROM provides unbelievable written documentation to support the information Dr. Begich presents. You will have written documentation as you tell others of these Mind Control techniques.
Best-selling author, Dr. Nick Begich, presents the most startling advances in this technological area, providing in-depth information, demonstrations, background information and forecasts of future development.
Enhancing human performance, or externally controlling human beings, is the issue of this day. Control of the human mind by technological, external means, is now a reality.


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