- As a writer, I do not have a set of words to describe
what 142 Degrees in the shade is like. I've seen 120 D. in Phoenix and
110 D in the spa's sauna I use. One hundred forty-two degrees leaves me
speechless. Try to imagine 142 D temperature while wearing a helmet, long
sleeve shirt, long pants, a bullet proof vest, boots, and carrying a 70
pound pack.
- By contrast the Inuit of Alaska and Canada have thirty-seven
words to precisely talk about different kinds of snow.
- So, since the temperature is heating up in Iraq it seemed
like a good time to float this story to different Internet sites and news
publications. There was one story in 2003 of one 19 year old British soldier
whose military job was to work in a British tank. In Iraq. In the summer.
Word is, from London, that he forgot to drink enough water and he literally
cooked in his tank.
- But, this story is not about the temperature in Iraq.
You can bet, though, the weather will be really important for those Americans
unfortunate enough to still be in Iraq this summer.
- This story is about American weapons built with Uranium
components for the business end of things. Just about all American bullets,
120 mm tank shells, missiles, dumb bombs, smart bombs, 500 and 2,000 pound
bombs, cruise missiles, and anything else engineered to help our side in
the war of us against them has Uranium in it. Lots of Uranium.
- In the case of a cruise missile, as much as 800 pounds
of the stuff. This article is about how much radioactive uranium our guys,
representing us, the citizens of the United States, let fly in Iraq. Turns
out they used about 4,000,000 pounds of the stuff, give or take. That is
a bunch.
- Now, most people have no idea how much Four Million Pounds
of anything is, much less of Uranium Dust (UD), which this stuff turns
into when it is shot or exploded. Suffice it to say it is about equal to
1,333 cars that weigh three thousand pounds per car. That is a lot of cars;
but, we can imagine what a parking lot with one thousand three hundred
and thirty three cars is like. The point is: this was and is an industrial
strength operation. It is still going on, too.
- No sir-ee, putting Four Million Pounds of Radioactive
Uranium Dust (RUD) on the ground in Iraq was a definitely "on-purpose"
kind of thing. It was not "just an accident." We, the citizens
of the United States, through our kids in the Army, did this on purpose.
- When the uranium bullets, missiles, or bombs hit something
or explode most of the radioactive uranium turns instantly to very, very
small dust particles, too fine to even see. When US Troopers or Iraqis
breathe even a tiny amount into their lungs, as little as One Gram, it
is the same as getting an X-Ray every hour for the rest of their shortened
- The uranium cannot be removed, there is no treatment,
there is no cure. The uranium will long outlast the Veterans' and the Iraqis'
bodies though; for, you see, it lasts virtually forever.
- But, it gets worse. Seems an Admiral who is the former
Chief of the Naval Staff of India wanted to know how much radiation this
represented. He also wanted to express the amount in a figure that the
world, especially the non American world, could easily understand.
- The Admiral decided to figure out how many Nagasaki Atom
Bombs it would take to deliver the equivalent of the total amount of radiation
deployed in Iraq in 2003 in Four Million Pounds of uranium.
- The Admiral also wanted to figure out how much radiation
the United States Military Forces have deployed in the last Five American
Wars, the so-called Five Nuclear Wars.
- That is a simple enough task for somebody like the Naval
Chief of Staff for a country that is a member of the Nuclear Club. Using
the Nagasaki bomb for the measuring stick is a particularly gruesome twist,
though. For those of you in the States who do not know it, the United States
Military Forces dropped two nuclear Bombs on Japan at the close of World
War II. The whole world remembers that.
- One Atom Bomb was dropped by Americans on the city of
Hiroshima, the other on the city of Nagasaki three days later. About 170,000
people were incinerated immediately. It was a really big deal.
- It is a measuring stick that plays very well in the rest
of the world; but, not very well on Fox News (Fair & Balanced) (c)
or the rest of the Fox-like American media. The Department of Energy still
lists the Hiroshima and Nagasaki detonations as "tests." The
admiral released the data months ago at a scientific conference in India.
This article is the first report of the data in the United States. It will
first be released on the Internet.
- The admiral in India calculated the number of radioactive
atoms in the Nagasaki bomb and compared it with the number in the 4,000,000
pounds of uranium left in Iraq from the 2003 war. Now, believe me, it is
a lot more complex than that; but, that is essentially what the experts
in India did.
- How many Nagasaki Nuclear Bombs equal the Radiation loosed
in the 2003 Iraq war? Answer: About 250,000 Nuclear Bombs.
- How many Nagasaki Nuclear Bombs equal the Radiation loosed
in the last Five American Nuclear Wars? Answer: About 400,000 Nuclear Bombs.
Who would do something like this?
- We would. The only people in the history of the world
to engage in Nuclear Wars are Americans, citizens of the United States.
Allegedly, the Germans and Japanese of WWII also wanted to engage in nuclear
wars, except the American Military beat them to the draw, so to speak.
- Respected academic scholars could debate forever whether
or not Herr Hitler, Fuhrer of Germany, would have deployed uranium munitions
in the Sudetenland if the weapons had been available. Certainly the Germans
knew just as much about uranium wars as we did at the time. It seems doubtful
that Adolph Hitler would have ordered the use of uranium munitions there
because the Sudetenland was so close to the Fatherland, Nazi Germany.
- An American General named Leslie Groves was in charge
of the bomb making operation called The Manhattan Project. In 1943 The
War Department knew exactly what uranium bullets and bombs were good for.
- If the nuclear weapons did not detonate in Japan, the
use of uranium bullets and bombs were the fall back position. It was not
till Ronald Reagan was President in 1980 did the re-named Defense Department
resurrect the deadly radioactive uranium bullets, bombs, and missiles.
No wonder his popular nick-name was Ronnie Ray-Gun.
- The American Military knew the symptoms of radiation
poisoning in 1943 too; starting with the irritated sore throat through
to an agonizing death from being cooked from the inside out.
- President Bush promised to invade twelve countries in
the 2003 State of the Union speech. I believe the man. For some reason,
some misguided Americans do not believe him, or think he was "exaggerating."
The rest of the world has every reason to believe him, though.
- Not to worry, the President has plenty of raw material
for radioactive uranium munitions left. There are more than 77,000 Tons
stored at the 103 nuclear waste plants and the several Nuclear Weapons
Labs in the US. Each one makes another 250 pounds of radioactive material
a day for radioactive bullets, bombs, and missiles. Not to put too fine
a point on it; but, that is enough for 40.5 more gloriously successful
campaigns like the 2003 Nuclear War in Iraq.
- Every year about this time the Southern winds leave a
fine desert sand on the windshields of cars parked outside in Continental
Europe and Britain. Soon this sand dust will carry a surprise. Thanks to
the Americans. Thanks to us. We did this to the world. And, we wonder why
they hate and despise us so.
- These uranium weapons' indiscriminate killing effect
gives a whole new meaning to the age old term: cannon fodder. In Iraq,
what goes around, comes around. If not the uranium munitions themselves,
the uranium dust will be in the bodies of our returning armed forces, time
bombs slowly ticking away the lives of the gullible and the ignorant with
their very own internal radiation source, the cannon fodder of the 21st
Century American Nuclear Wars.
- Put your ending to this article next.
- A lot of people have done everything we can think of
to stop these nuclear wars. Even more specifically to stop the use of uranium
as a munition and shut down the nuclear power plants. We have tried and
failed for years. Why don't you give it a try? Can't hurt anything! Write
what steps you would take to turn this situation around. Contact me at:
- Bob Nichols writes in Oklahoma City and is the Editorial
writer for DemoOkie.com. Bob Nichols is a contributing writer for LiberalSlant,
Democratic Underground, OnlineJournal, AmericaHeldHostage, and other online
dot com publications. Mr. Nichols is a frequent contributor to The Oklahoma
Observer and other print publications. He lives and works in Oklahoma.
He is a member of CASE -- Citizens' Action for Safe Energy, and President
of the Carrie Dickerson Foundation. CASE has successfully killed two serious,
well funded attempts to build Nuclear Power Plants in Oklahoma and several
attempts to site what is now known as the "Yucca Mountain Reactor
Dump" in Oklahoma. All these efforts to build nuclear facilities have
failed. CASE won every time.