US Tries Desperately
To Dismiss AIDS
Origin Lawsuit

SAN DIEGO -- Federal Judge Sabraw has ordered an open court oral argument for Friday, June 24, 2005 at hear arguments by the United States to support a motion to dismiss the AIDS ORIGIN lawsuit of Dr. Boyd Ed Graves. Dr. Graves AIDS ORIGIN research and his nearly eight years of continuous legal action against the United States for the creation, production and proliferation of HIV/AIDS has been receiving critical acclaim from scientists and medical doctors from all over the world.
"I am hopeful," said Graves, "that the Federal Court will deny the United States motion to dismiss and allow this issue to reach a jury verdict some time next year. I am certain reasonable people will conclude the U.S AIDS ORIGIN documents require and demand further accountability from the defendant, the United States of America."
According to the 1971 progress report of the U.S. Special Virus program, HIV/AIDS is a recombinant (virus) agent that has been formed by converging a leukemia and a lymphoma, a BIOLOGOCAL WEAPON.
In 1984, (alleged) co-discoverers of HIV/AIDS, Drs. Robert Gallo and Luc Montagne, concluded the original name of HIV/AIDS is LEUKEMIA/LYMPHOMA virus. See, Montagnue, L. & Gallo, R.C., et. al., Human T-Cell Leukemia Lymphoma Virus Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, (Cold Spring Harbor, NY, 1984). Additionally, the United States admits that the Nazi sheep virus visna, had not yet appeared in human disease. Because no one could explain how this Nazi sheep virus supposedly hopped species, the U.S. General Accounting Office began an investigation into the U.S. origin of HIV/AIDS in July, 2001 at the bequest of a Congressman.
The United States has sought to hide, dispel, distract and mislead any serious inquiry into the U.S. Special Virus program at every level and by every means necessary until this litigation.
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