'Prophet' Summons
UFO For Camera
Las Vegas TV Station Captures, Broadcasts Image


See below for UPDATE - 6-1-5
Stills From KTNV Channel 13/Las Vegas Broadcast
View video HERE (8 megs/wmv format)
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An ABC-TV affiliate in Las Vegas broadcast images of a UFO summoned by a self-styled "prophet" who predicts many more will be seen throughout the area next week.
Ramon Watkins, also known as "Prophet Yahweh" agreed to meet with a reporter and camera crew of KTNV at a location of their choice and time.
What they witnessed, and captured on camera, stunned the reporter and crew.
Watkins claims to have seen some 1,500 UFOs over the last 25 years and has learned to summon them by reading the Old Testament.
From Jack MacLendon
Hi Jeff,
No matter how many attacks are slung at this fellow...and no matter what he calls himself... he promised, and he DELIVERED - on camera. Anyone who watches the video cannot deny the reality of the occurance. Was it a coincidence? Doubtful. And the way the TV station dropped the story is clearly shameful. For a local television station to drop a story of such magnitude suggests the obvious: someone told them to lay off...
Alton Raines
I don't know anything about the "prophet," but it is interesting that he said he could summon an unidentified flying object and he did just that! It has not been identified. It doesn't look like the product of a laser to me, and I'm really curious how he could control a balloon to the point that its movement shocked and stunned the TV camera crew. It will be interesting to see what happens in the coming two months.

Vegas ABC Station Drops
Invitation To Prophet Yahweh

Offical photo of Prophet Yahweh

The photo above has been widely distributed across the web
as being Prophet Yahweh, but he responded that this was not
him at all, but probably someone from another religious sect.
Some have suggested that this image has been circulated in order
to connect Prophet Yahweh with the use of large white balloons
in faking UFOs. -ed

Note - Since when does a tv news department drop a RED HOT story? Answer: When it is TOLD to. - Jeff

ABC Channel 13 Action News rescinds its invitation to film Prophet Yahweh on June 1st.

Listen to the phone call here:

"This is Steve Weekly with Channel 13 Action News. I just wanted to speak with you because I would like to rescind an invitation to do something live with you tomorrow morning. I think the story is being blown way out of proportion so I don`t think it would be too wise to do anything else concerning this story. Give me a call when you have time."



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