- We all survive the death of our physical bodies.
- To Michael Scott: Graduate in Astrophysics from Edinburgh
- Mike, I am getting an exciting feed back from scientists
and students of philosophy from all over the world to your profound statement
at the front of my paper on our website:
- The Scientific Proof of Survival After Death
- "I completely agree with Michael Roll's arguments
about the reality of paranormal phenomena and the existence of a normally
unseen world... Quantum Physics: the presence of a wave nature in subatomic
particles. The vital difference between a wave and a solid particle is
the wave properties of superposition and modulation. Put simply, these
properties allow waves of different frequencies to occupy the same space
without direct interaction. Therefore it is quite possible for parallel
universes to exist separated by a difference in some fundamental wave characteristic.
This theory springs directly from wave mechanics which unfortunately was
not available to the Victorian researchers when the greatest breakthroughs
with mediumship were made."
- Michael Scott BSc. Graduate in Astrophysics, Edinburgh
- You made this statement not long after you graduated
from Edinburgh University. It was you who told me that the Department of
Physics at Edinburgh University is called the Department of Natural Philosophy.
It can't be long now before the deadly enemies of Crookes and Lodge, who
still command a monopoly on mainstream media and educational outlets in
the UK, are forced to face criticism in front of millions from qualified
scientists like you and Professor Peter Wadhams who have not started from
the false base that our great pioneers of subatomic phenomena, Crookes
and Lodge, went mad and started "dabbling in the religion of Spiritualism".
The same label that has been tied round the neck of the research scientist
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle MD, also from Edinburgh University.
- The supporters of Crookes and Lodge are still blocked
from going up against the 'parapsychologists' professors Richard Wiseman
and Chris French in our 'free' country. However, I know Jeff Rense, the
American broadcaster, will be only too pleased to have you follow the pro
Crookes and Lodge scientists, Professor Peter Wadhams and Ronald Pearson,
on his radio programme that links up with 200 radio stations across the
USA and the rest of the world on the Internet.
- Michael Roll. Website: www.cfpf.org.uk
- Uncomfortable discoveries in physics that are censored
in England where the Church and state are still established and the Queen
is still head of the Catholic Church.