- This was a long time coming, but apparently it could
not be proven until another "incident" occurred. So thanks to
two completely incompetent "pilots" who strayed into the no-fly
zone over the White House two days ago - it is now official! According
to the White House spokesman, the president was not notified of the potential
"threat" because "The situation didn't require a presidential
decision." That - it turns out is a true statement!
- The duties of the Commander in Chief were modified on
June 1, 2001 internally, by traitors, who sought to undercut the chain
of command and remove Bush from any responsibility whatsoever - in the
event of an attack of this kind upon this nation.
- "Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Instruction
CJCSI 3610.01A (dated 1 June 2001) was issued to provide "guidance
to the Deputy Director for Operations (DDO), National Military Command
Center (NMCC), and operational commanders in the event of an aircraft piracy
(hijacking) or request for destruction of derelict airborne objects."
This new instruction superseded CJCSI 3610.01 of 31 July 1997."
- http://www.rense.com/general50/fromthesmokin.htm
- This means that the president of the United States of
America, from that day forward, was no longer responsible for attacks of
this nature - upon the USA. Executive decisions, in this regard are now
to be made by Donald Rumsfeld the US Secretary of Defense. The AWOL pretender
in the White House has no real responsibility now - for protecting this
country from attacks like 911 - and he did not have that responsibility
on September eleventh 2001. All that has happened since those attacks has
been nothing but the continuation of a massively criminal act. Bush was
never intended to be allowed to be the man who could make decisions - so
he was removed from the loop - thereby rendering his position as the president:
- These actions further underscore the Bush administrations
more recent efforts to remove the president from all executive responsibility
for national intelligence as well: in his request for, and the congressional
compliance that he got, to create the office of National Intelligence Director
(NID). That responsibility has always belonged only to the President of
the United States. That was made clear when Harry S. Truman made the wartime
office of the OSS into the CIA. Part of Truman's justification for this
intrusion into the lives of Americans was that the office of the president
would always have the final word on whatever intteligence information came
to his desk. "The Buck Stops Here" probably refers to that "presidential"
- On June 1, 2001 - all of that changed. This "president"
is nothing but an imposter, in title, as well as in his pretensions to
leadership: because without authority or responsibility he is nothing but
a mask for all "official" treachery committed by this administration
from 911 to this moment.
- Perhaps the most egregious crime of all was that none
of this was remotely considered in the any of the 911 "investigations."
That omission had to be purposeful, and it was compliant with the takeover
of the government begun by the Supreme Court decision of 12-12-2000 - the
decision that in effect appointed George W. Bush as the President of the
United States!
- http://www.kirwanesque.com/politics/articles/2002/art3.htm
- When you see the fake cowboy with the prancing stride
or whenever you are subjected to the torture of his grinning snear, you,ll
know what he knows: that the joke is on us, because what he's saying to
the world is "Hey - I got away with it!"
- This charge should be taken seriously and followed up
- but those responsible for bringing the charges that should be leveled
now - were and are still part of all of everything. Only outrage from the
public can now force them to act.
- I was an air traffic controller, who worked with ground
control intercepts for four long years in the Air Force, both in NORAD
and in PACAF, back in the fifties. The taxpayers of the USA have spent
tens of trillions on the air defense system that was to protect this nation
from something like 911, and it would have, if these Pirates hadn't changed
the chain of command and eliminated the office of the president from any
responsibility for the decisions that they knew (months before 911) would
have to be made on that day of imfamy.
- This was PLANNED, and carried out by traitors to this
country. We know this now because of two imbecilic "pilots" in
a private plane that were completely inattentive when they violated the
no-fly zone over Washington D.C. just the other day. That folly, created
a panic that led to the evacuation of government buildings. When the public
finally demanded answers from the White House about the whereabouts of
Bush and why he was NOT TOLD - that forced the simple truth that brought
all this to light.
- The country has waited overlong for this accidental test
- an accidental proof of all that really happened - when we allowed traitors
to take this country from its people. By constitutional design the people
were to be the rightful owners of the government, but "the people"
haven't cared enough to question anything. So we have lost control of
this rabid and feral beast that now runs roughshod over the planet - creating
chaos with their every move.
- The irony of ironies in this is that amid this administrations
firestorm of unending lies: when they actually tell the truth - JUST ONCE
- what was revealed by the White House press secretary could hang them
- Maybe now there will be hearings, maybe even demonstrations
- but that will only happened when people finally come to see what really
happened to us - when we allowed this nightmare to take complete control
of everything we say we cared about!
- kirwan