- With the open and unanimous consent of the Senate, on
5-10-05: Liberty, the key to the whole idea of America, has been captured!
With the implementation of the REAL ID Card, and all its fascistic dictates:
we are becoming a nation in name only. This national ID card is NOT a proposal,
it has been passed and signed - and no evidence of a public voice was ever
heard from - because there was no discussion. http://writ.news.findlaw.com/leavitt/20050509.html
- http://sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/gate/archive/2005/05/18/notes0518
- This "card" was designed for Homeland Security
by the former East German STAZI chief, Marcus Wolfe, a master of manipulation
and intimidation and Primakov the former head of the KGB in the USSR. These
two former spy chiefs are who really run our SECRET National Interior Spy
Service. Bush employed them specifically for what they brought from their
communist states - now they decide who lives and who dies in America! These
men have not changed, they are who they are, and that's why Bush &
the Bandits hired them for HOMELAND Security. If these men appeared for
work, in the uniforms of their former States, the public would be outraged,
and rightfully so! How is it that the radical right continues to decry
Communism, yet they have allowed Bush to employ top communist counter-intelligence
officers to oversee every facet of our lives?
- Many people still think that they control their own lives,
and to a degree their own deaths. But with the capture of Freedom here,
all that has changed. Our lives and deaths are about to be subjected to
a medieval code that predetermines the "correctness" of any and
all "personal behavior." This series of edicts is contained on
that strip on the back of every ID card and this will govern the actions
and conditions of existence for all Americans. The only bright spot is
that it has been left to the states to pay billions for it, and most of
the states are broke. IF this is funded, by either the feds or the states,
then this IS the end of our way of life: because this crime underpins everything
now in the thoroughly corrupted Criminal-Justice System.
- The NEW Crusades
- When a civilization becomes cavalier about its own history,
as well as how things got to be the way they are - then history will repeat
itself. What happened in 1095 is a "road-map" to what is happening
in 2005. Then it was a corrupt Pope who instigated The Crusades. Today
it is a stealth operation whose mouthpiece is Bush and his cavalcade of
criminals, monsters and privateers. Both Crusades are long-term criminal
ventures and both were and are guided by greed, by arrogance and by an
unnatural desire to dictate to the world those aspects of human behavior
that our new dictators will never understand.
- The Crusades lasted from 1096 to 1291, or nearly 200
years. The irony is that Liberty, as an American concept has lasted a bit
longer, but not by much. Unilateral George & his friends have proposed
a war on the world that may equal the Crusades in length. "The War
on Terra," seeks to wipe out the same things, and steal or kill the
very same things that the Crusaders tried to finish off so long ago.
- They first version made war on culture, war on independent
thought, and war on anyone that opposed them. That criminal religious tyranny
allowed no one to oppose their one true (catholic) faith. There was booty
to be had, for those who signed on as the mercenaries of that day, but
the Cheney's and the Rothschild's of that time had to content themselves
with second-hand profits as they filtered back to the mini-fiefdoms of
that time. Obviously times have changed. Profits now go to the Cheney's
and the tyrants first, the "knights" are completely expendable
- but the goals remain the same: kill everyone that stands in the way of
this new-old system of rewards, friend or foe alike. This is the paranoia
of the true Outlaw and it defines what sits in those offices of ours around
the world - Outlaws masquerading as government servants. Their target list
now openly includes those of us who were actually the real targets all
along - the dissident and outspoken Americans as well as all those people
that still believe "It Can NEVER Happen Here!"(Sinclair Lewis)
- Part of the key to contesting this new attack upon our
civil rights as free citizens in a free land: requires that we take back
the U.S. Department of Justice, which has gone berserk under the guidance
from the Outlaws. Of the 2.1 million prisoners they now hold, only about
10 % are there for hard core crimes - all the rest are doing time because
they have violated the New Crusaders view of right and wrong. Our laws
were designed with a desire "to protect the innocent." This new
System has exactly the opposite purpose in mind - arrest anyone that looks
suspicious, and to hell with the damage done to the individual or to the
society! (As we did in Iraq - so it is here).
- http://www.patrickcrusade.org/TORTURE_INC.htm
- http://globalresearch.ca/articles/DAV505A.html
- In our military prisons many simply were rounded-up by
private contractors ($1000 a day plus a per head fee?) who conducted raids
in dead-of-the-night dragnets, despite the fact that most of those they
killed or captured had nothing to do with anything criminal. This looks
like a money thing, having zip to do with terrorists or crime, just a numbers
racket to increase profits. Out of every 3,000 or so seized, only one or
two were ever detained. When the Department of Justice announced recently,
it's high profile arrest of over 10,000 of "America's Most Wanted,"
in a matter of days, one had to wonder how we came to have 10,000 serious
criminals roaming the land, when we already have so many people in our
overflowing prisons? Blame the policies of the New Crusaders, based on
biblical renderings of what is right and what is wrong - US law be damned!
- This choice of reasons for arrest and trial was one of
the reasons for Patriot Act One, & Two: but they were never about terror;
they were about controlling your money, your freedoms and your life! Now
they've decided to just cut-to-the-chase and revert to a favorite, of previous
fascist empires: the hated "national ID!" In this case it's plastic,
but in reality, the card is a regulatory device that shackles each person,
according to how the government sees compliance or resistance in any individual.
Apparently the concept of "Justice Delayed IS Justice Denied"
has gone the way of penny candy!
- They did it this way, because if they treated Americans
like they've treated Iraqi's they would be challenged by an armed and dangerous
population: and this government would lose that contest. So - thanks to
the cleverness of our newly employed communists: when a "suspicious
person" presents his or her card, for gasoline, or tickets, or groceries
- the clerk can decide, according to the instructions found at the swipe
of the card, whether or not to honor the sale or service. No fuss, and
each person can be contained and separated out without a public outcry.
Big Brother seems to prefer this approach, at least when dealing with sheep
that might actually notice an all out war against them.
- How did we become so compliant, and why are we so "religious"
of late? This began back in the 1950's ironically, when we were deep into
the Cold War, against "Godless" communism. Some enterprising
capitalists, and born-againers decided that we needed to put "In God
We Trust" upon our currency to show the world the true nature of the
contest between the powers during that war.
- Apparently this was enough to convince those who limit
their political interests to the headlines: that this nation was founded
on "Christian principles." They are wrong of course, because
the USA was founded on principles that are much older than Christianity
- the United States of America was founded by eighteenth century Diests
who believed in independent political and religious thought: and in a way
of life unfettered by most of government or by any particular religious
convictions. That's the kind of nation they wanted to create, (actually
it did not turn our that way) yet what they designed had nothing to do
with the NEW Christian ideology of this administration, or of its supporters.
So today we are looking at a nation of New Crusaders who want to add Internal
Religious Warfare to the Class Warfare that we are already fighting. If
this situation persists, there may soon be backlash that many may not have
- All of this is disgusting in the extreme to those who
believed that because they were Americans, they could actually live and
think for themselves, with minimal interference from corporate criminals
or from religious bigots: those equal opportunity haters of all who dare
to differ from their sacrosanct point-of-view. Without this gargantuan
lie at the center of political life today - the takeover of this country
would have been far more difficult. However - Freedom has been captured
now - and after two weeks the public still refuses to see that anything
at all has changed! This story has yet to be covered by "the Media"
Goerbels would be so proud! Apparently what has been forgotten in all of
this - is that freedom must be fought for, in each new generation - and
the last few versions of this society here have refused to pay the outright
costs of freedom: The real costs that require us to "risk everything"
just to keep our freedoms!
- It used to be that we prided ourselves upon our System
of Justice, or at least upon lip service to "fairness," even
if it did sometimes take decades to achieve. But we've moved well beyond
the basics now. Today it comes down to "is there any justice in this
country?" Attorney General Gonzales is the man who designed our treatment
programs for detainees in the eternal Bush-War Upon the World - programs
that violate all norms of human expectation, in a world that has taken
hundreds of years to develop some basic rules for the conduct of war and
the treatment of those captured in wars. Alberto Gonzales is the servant
of torture and brutality, who gives not one damn about the citizens of
this country today. The public has a chance to protest the current policies
that he and this administration have designed to prevent fair and impartial
trials here, with clear and open access for those unfairly or wrongly convicted
of whatever has been alleged. There will be a March on Washington to demand
some real changes in the Department of Justice, If the abuse shown above
angers you then contact http://www.patrickcrusade.org/ or for further information
on the March in Washington D.C. http://www.journeyforjustice.org
- kirwan