CIA Front Companies
The Dark Side Of
Outsourcing Revealed
CIA to establish front companies and closer ties with
prominent international firms - what is the impact on India?

By Balaji Reddy
The CIA is going to be more decentralized, more efficient and use more international companies as front cover. What is the impact of this doctrine on India?
The CIA plans to relocate its National Resources Division, responsible for domestic operations and recruitment, from the agency's headquarters in Langley, Virgina, to Denver, the Washington Post reported on May 6 citing U.S. intelligence and law enforcement officials. The officials said the move reflects the desire of CIA director Porter Goss to develop new techniques for undercover operations, including establishing front companies and closer ties with prominent international firms, as well as reducing the growth of the agency's headquarters.
Increasing number of multinational corporations' presence in India brings FDI (Foreign Direct Investment) and outsourcing jobs. But the baggage can be heavy based on this new CIA doctrine. There is a bonanza of American, European and Japanese companies, which have started or are planning to start operations in India. Now based on this new media release, these companies can be used to keep an eye on internal matters, military and even politicians of India.
While the FDIs are desirable, India may have to spend enormous amount of money in counter intelligence to deter these corporations from indulging in intelligence tactics on India.
Research Analysis Wing (RAW), India's elite intelligence counterpart to CIA has in the recent past tough experience with CIA. One of the RAW directors who according to the rumor world, was a double agent, defected to America through Nepal after being caught stealing intelligence details. The rumor world says, RAW many more moles from many intelligence organizations of many countries.
According to some think tanks, the new intelligence tactics and new techniques for undercover operations may include recruiting prominent politicians. Again rumor world says, some politicians from all the parties in India including the Communists are on foreign intelligence pay rolls.
The outsourcing bandwagon to India now looks like a reminiscent of East India Company from Britain many hundreds of years back which came to buy cheap spice in India and finally needed up hijacking the country using intelligence techniques, bribing the military commanders of Indian Kings and Sultans like Mirjaffar (Bengal - Palasey) and more.
This does not mean India or China should get scared of receiving FDI. This just means all FDIs come with sufficient baggage, which Indian politicians refuse to accept as a fact.



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