Aspartame Triggers
Impotence & Blindness
ABC Reports today the FDA is looking into blindness-ED Drug Link.
From Dr. Betty Martini, D.Hum.
FDA doesn't have far to look. Change in sexual function is listed on the FDA report of 92 symptoms by aspartame. Vision loss and blindness is so commonly triggered by aspartame its #6 on the list.
You don't have to be a rocket scientist to understand when you put a drug on the market (masquerading as an additive) that liberates free methyl alcohol it inevitably affects vision. In aspartame the methanol converts to formaldehyde and formic acid in the retina of the eye and destroys the optic nerve. Remember how many thousands went blind and died during prohibition because of the use of wood alcohol/methanol. So many went blind on aspartame and had seizures that in l986 the Community Nutrition Institute in l986 petitioned the FDA to ban aspartame. The FDA, handmaiden of the drug/chemical industry, refused.
Focus RP Magazine published the article: What's Blinding the World? exposing aspartame's blinding effect. Aspartame also triggers optic neuritis and macular degeneration, among other eye problems.
The late Dr. Morgan Raiford, ophthalmologist, specialist in methanol toxicity and owner of the Atlanta Eye Hospital wrote many papers exposing aspartame's effect on the eyes: This letter is to Shannon Roth who went blind in one eye from aspartame:
Dr. Raiford also wrote this paper on aspartame's effect on the eyes:
"The above product is also manufactured as NutraSweet. This pharmological
spin-off is a highly profitable item, with a growing market. These
products are used as a sweetener, some 200 times as sweet as regular cane
"This product has some highly toxic reactions in the human visual pathway and we are beginning to observe the tragic damage to the OPTIC NERVE, such as blindness, partial to total OPTIC NERVE ATROPHY. Once this destructive process has developed there is no return of visual restoration. We are beginning to see and observe another toxic reaction which affects the central nervous system which is related to PHENYLALANINE LEVELS IN THE CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM. These observations are more vague, however, it stimulates the damaging to the brain and central nervous system, having the manifestations as PKU NEURO DAMAGE. Over 3000 cases have been reported and the FDA to date has ignored this existence.
" The human visual pathway admits ninety percent of our intellectual input to the brain and central nervous. All of the learning processes are centered during ones life time. The mechanism of this tragic damage to the human visual system from this product is and has been known for over a decade that visual loss takes place. When this drug enters the digestive tract, largely the upper portion, this ASPARTAME molecule spins off a by product known as METHANOL or METHYL-ALCOHOL. This product enters the blood stream and when these portions reach the highly metabolic region of the OPTIC NERVE AND RETINA, PARTIAL ATROPHY CAN AND DOES TAKE PLACE. The vision cannot do without oxygen and nutrition for more than ninety seconds without revealing some damage. Total loss of vision is present and there is no return. In the very early stages in which is referred to as the "wet stager", treatment can be given and will reserve the destructive pathology to the OPTIC NERVE and RETINA. This must be in the mind of the physician and he must understand the chemical ongoing process. The writer has seen many cases where the patient was allowed to go to the degrees of blindness, as this diagnosis of OPTIC NEURITIS was rendered, as the term IDIOPATHIC NEURITIS OF OPTIC NERVE was given, usually steroids until systemic gross body and facial moon developed. This therapy has demonstrated the total lack of understanding of the basic lack of BIO-CHEMICAL PHYSIOLOGY AT THE MOLECULAR LEVEL.
"The variability or onset of the OPTIC NERVE ATROPHY is of a type that one
must first think of this pathology, and it requires a certain amount of
listening to the patient. The quantity of symptoms vary with each patient.
"Over the past year the writer has observed the fact that any portion of the central nervous system can and is affected. Since the chemical PHENYLALANINE is mixed up with some metabolic mess, we have seen symptoms of varying hue in the extremities, sensations of dullness of the intellect, visual shadows, evidence of word structure reversing and some
hearing impairment is noted by the individual. This can and will in time cause problems in learning. The medical community must alert itself that we have a problem that has surfaced due to the factor of the drug industry. Parents must be alerted to the side reactions of this toxic product and its reactions."
Morgan B. Raiford, M.D. D.Sc (Med) OPHTHALMOLOGY
Dr. Raiford's analysis was written in l987 and the cases of aspartame disease continue to multiply. Joyce Wilson, who went blind and died on aspartame in l990 had over 10,000 cases on her hotline. During congressional hearings it was admitted that the FDA was so flooded with aspartame complaints they were referring them to the AIDS Hotline to get rid of them. Mission Possible Intl has operations in 50 states and over 25 countries taking these complaints. FDA not only does nothing about it but serves above the law. I wrote a Citizens Petition for ban 3 years ago. The law requires 180 days to answer but they refuse. Their only letter said they had more important priorities. So people go blind and die from a global aspartame disease plague.
The medical text is Aspartame Disease: An Ignored Epidemic, or 1 800 827 7991. Over 1000 pages of symptoms, diseases and drug interactions triggered by this deadly poison. Aspartame is marketed as NutraSweet, Equal, Spoonful, Canderel, E951, etc. It features an extensive chapter on aspartame and vision!
Aspartame also damages the hypothalamus of the brain and mitochondria and triggers male sexual dysfunction. It is being used by 70% of the population. It also ruins female response. We are spammed daily by ads for Viagra and Cialis because NutraSweet kills passion and performance.
Dr. James Bowen explains how aspartame triggers male sexual dysfunction:
The ABC article stresses that risk factors include diabetes and heart disease. Aspartame no doubt has caused an epidemic of diabetes because it can precipitate it as discussed in Dr. Roberts medical text. It also aggravates and simulates diabetic retinopathy and neuropathy. It causes diabetics to go into convulsions and interacts with insulin. And who do the manufacturers and the professional organizations like the American Diabetes Assn funded by the manufacturers push aspartame on but diabetics. And the ADA knows without a shadow of a doubt how aspartame is destroying diabetics.
We give out information at the ADA walks, sponsored in part by Equal. Aspartame also is escalating Alzheimers (Memory loss #9 on the FDA report of 92 documented symptoms) and reports say 65% of diabetics develop now Alzheimers. Defense Against Alzheimers Disease by H. J. Roberts MD,
Aspartame also triggers an irregular heart rhythm and interacts with all cardiac Rx. It damages the cardiac conduction system causing sudden death. Russell Blaylock, M.D., author of Excitotoxins: The Taste That Kills about aspartame ( wrote an Athlete Alert on Sudden Cardiac Death. There are several articles about this on click on aspartame. Dr. Blaylock's report: This report also goes into MSG which has a synergistic and additive effect with aspartame and is another an excitotoxin.
The entire family can be destroyed by aspartame. It is an endocrine disrupting drug which stimulates prolactin. It changes the menses and triggers infertility. A Japanese Study some years ago also showed that aspartame triggers infertility in the male. It destroys the sex life of husband and wife. If a woman gets off of aspartame and gets pregnant, it's an abortifacient and many times she will lose the baby before she knows she is pregnant. If she carries it aspartame is a teratogen and triggers birth defects and mental retardation. If a live child is born it may have heinously damaged the DNA for generations to come. Children all over the world are suffering from ADD and ADHD and behavioral problems triggered by this deadly chemical poison.
You may ask how could the FDA approve aspartame. Don't fail to get a copy of the aspartame documentary Sweet Misery: A Poisoned World, See and hear James Turner, Atty, who with Dr. John Olney, tried to prevent approval of this neurotoxin. He explains how Don Rumsfeld, Secretary of Defense, at the time CEO of Searle, called in his markers to get it approved after the FDA for 16 years refused to allow it on the market. Aspartame approval was by political clout and not science.
Ask the FDA why a neurotoxic drug that liberates free methyl alcohol is on the market, since methanol is classified as a narcotic. Aspartame causes chronic methanol poisoning which affects the dopamine system of the brain and produces addiction.
Pilots are having grand mal seizures in the cockpits of commercial airliners. Five American Pilots who were using aspartame have died including one in flight drinking a diet pop. The FAA says they can't do a thing because it was approved by the FDA. Remember the saying "your life is in the hands of the pilot"! Read this report by Dr. Blaylock and decide whether you want your pilot going blind, having a grand mal seizure, suffering brain fog or dying:
The FDA knows in original studies aspartame triggered brain tumors. The molecule breaks down to diketopiperazine, a brain tumor agent. We are now taking case histories of those with aspartame brain tumors in New York, New Jersey, Madison County, Illinois and Mississippi for litigation.
We are, indeed, living in a poisoned world. The plague of aspartame disease is global, and FDA turns a blind eye and a deaf ear. We need everyone's help to alert the public and make the FDA and the manufacturers responsible for this heinous crime of mass poisoning, genocide. With so much of the population on aspartame no doubt this is the reason for the epidemic of impotence. And while they are on aspartame they use drugs to combat impotence from this poison, and go blind.
Dr. Betty Martini, Founder, Mission Possible Intl, 9270 River Club Parkway, Duluth, Georgia 30097 770 242-2599 and
Aspartame Toxicity Center,
24 page booklets on aspartame for distribution can be obtained from the Idaho Observer ( called the Artificially Sweetened Times.
CD of Congressional hearings, Board of Inquiry Report revoking petition for aspartame, and Dr. John Olney's testimony to the Board of Inquiry can be obtained from Bob Flint, Mission Possible Maine,


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