- On Monday, May 23, 2005, FOX affiliate WSVN-TV sent Patrick
Fraser, with only a BS in Journalism from UF-Gainsville, to tangle
with Scientist Dr. A.K. Dewdney over the 9/11 Pentagon quagmire. Dr. Dewdney:
"If we are right the implications are profound."
- Reporter: "Right or right off the wacko chart, common
sense tells you its not likely. In fact common sense tells you its not
only outrageous -- its ridiculous and one well known skeptic has another
description for it -- laughable." INDEED, 'laughable' describes most
of this article.
- http://www.wsvn.com/features/articles/investigations/DBM1425/
- As the pioneer 9/11 researcher Kee Dewdney struck
gold when he proved beyond a shadow of doubt that extended cell phone calls
from airliners were a fable of the Bush Administration on 9/11. That was
the first foot in the doorway to 9/11 Truth.
- http://physics911.ca/modules/news/article.php?storyid=9
- As most Americans are unfamilar with using the Scientific
Method in solving problems, everyone should pay attention when Kee
Dewdney demonstates the use of the Scientific Method in
explaining 9/11. BY THE WAY, the Scientific Method completely funks
the Fed Govt. 9/11 conspiracy theory.
- http://www.serendipity.li/wot/operation_pearl.htm
- Links to Kee's 9/11 research at
- http://www.algebra.com/algebra/about/history/A._K._Dewdney.wikipedia
- As an affiliate of FOX network, WSVN-TV should
focus on the Hollywood-style Towering Inferos or lack thereof on 9/11.
In the RENSE article, Sneak Preview - 911 Pentagon Tapes
- http://www.rense.com/general64/911et.htm
- Firefighter Russell Dodge said. "There were two
vehicles burning, along with a construction trailer - we didn't know at
the time, but that trailer was the main producer of smoke on the outside
of the building. He said the foam units got there and concentrated on the
area of the construction trailer, which was producing some severe fires
and subsequent mini explosions due to highly flammable chemicals in it THAN
on the actual point of impact from the hijacked aircraft.
- The 'construction trailer', actually a large generator
trailer with its own 500 gallon diesel tank, was not used but kept
for an emergency. As there was no need for the large extra tank
nearby, the tank apparently was filled with a crude oil-diesel
oil mixture, similar to an orchard smudge pot, and remotely ignited
to create the enormous smoke plume . Note that the smoke from
the burning trailer is whitish.
- Witnesses said the aircraft hardly penetrated the brick
Pentagon wall before an explosion blew it to bits. Apparently that explosion
is caught here. See the RENSE article, Sneak Preview - 911 Pentagon Tapes
- Note that the circled area around the generator
trailer was also ignited.
- This photo JUST AFTER the Explosion shows a bonfire in
front of the impact area with its smoke plume and the Generator trailer
area highlighted with its smoke plume just getting a start. Of course,
NO Pentagon section down.
- This photo shows the generator trailer area producing
an enormous smoke plume with the bonfire in front of the impact area about
the same as the last photo but a better show for the camera shots sent
around the world.
- Witnesses said they thought explosive charges were set
off inside the Pentagon 'impact area' to make it appear that the aircraft
actually passed the front wall when it really didn't. That would explain
large fire development even outside the impact area.
- Here the firetruck is directing foam at the large fuel
tank only with a minor fire still burning on the generator trailer.
- Shortly after 9/11, a panel of Boston area-based civil
and structural engineers convened at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
The main culprits in bringing the famously lofty buildings down, they concluded,
were the two intensely hot infernos that erupted when tens of thousands
of gallons of aviation fuel spilled from the doomed airliners.
- http://www.public-action.com/911/jmcm/sciam/
- LIKE the Towering Infero at the South Tower:
- IN A RARE EPISODE of 9/11 Truth reporting, the NY Times
plied loose a tape from the DOJ, FBI Video & Tape Collection
claimed held for 'national security' but seemingly held to
protect the criminals behind 9/11.
- "Battalion Seven ... Ladder 15, we've got two isolated
pockets of fire. We should be able to knock it down with two lines. Radio
- http://www.thememoryhole.org/911/firefighter-tape-excerpts.htm
- IN MORE 9/11 Truth REPORTING Reporter Tom Flucco interviewed
Presidential candidate Karl Schwarz who said "there are about 150
retired and active U.S. military and federal intelligence officers
who will come forward and testify regarding government involvement in the
September 11 attacks--but only if there is a serious criminal grand jury."
- Apparently NY AG Spitzer and NYC DA Morgenthau are
involved in Obstruction of 9/11 Justice. We have heard reports indicating
that the New York federal grand jury in Albany is so displeased with
Spitzer and Morgenthau's paucity of action and lack of subpoenas or indictments
over 9/11 (given the evidence already handed over) that it has assumed
its own independent constitutional and federal authority to take control
of the criminal proceedings.
- No matter how high the federal officials or elected representatives
implicated, or which print and electronic media executives committed obstruction
of justice to cover up criminal evidence, or which military and government
officials supervised the two-hour Air Force stand-down during the attacks,
New Yorkers who elected Spitzer and Morgenthau (and all Americans who trust
them with their personal safety and protection in their jurisdiction over
9-11 criminal proceedings) have a right to expect the two to proceed full
bore with obvious, credible, and prosecutable evidence that the U.S. government
played a part in the September 11 attacks. This includes the above Pentagon-related
- http://www.tomflocco.com/modules.php?name=
- The North Tower Smoking Infero didn't originate
at the crash area. A victim is circled in the first photo..

This photo shows a SINGLE North Tower floor resembling
a smudge pot putting out vast clouds of black, sooty smoke just like
at the Pentagon . Certainly a steel structure with 4 inch concrete floors
would normally have little combustible material.

- AS only 17 minutes expired between crashes AND a black
smoke plume was required to hide the helicopter operating above the South
Tower before, during, and after the South Tower crash, this floor probably
contained barrels of crude oil-diesel fuel mixture that was remotely
ignited TO ENSURE A HIDING PLACE FOR THE HELICOPTER. Didn't work as cameras
galore caught it in action.
- See the RENSE article On 9/11 An
Ill Wind Blew to Booker School for the full story about the need for
a smoke plume that also implicates criminals in and out
of federal government for 9/11.
- In 1945, a USAF two-engine B-25 bomber crashed into the
79th floor of the 102-storey Empire State Building in Manhattan. The crash
occurred during a misty night, and the damage was restricted to the impact
area. When the plane crashed, one of its engines whizzed from the north
wall, and through the south wall, ultimately landing on the roof of a nearby
building. Debris from the building and plane also severed through elevator
cables, and sent two cars and passengers into freefall. "We were horrified
to see a B-25 half in and half out of the Empire State Building."
- http://abcnews.go.com/US/story?id=92525&page=1
- The fire caused by the bomber's high-octane fuel was
extinguished WITHIN AN HOUR by New York City fireman.
- www.historychannel.com/speeches/archive/speech_347.html
FROM: http://www.angelfire.com/ny5/tradecencrimes/eh_wtc11.jpg
- Most important of all here is the Karl Schwarz group's
plan to reverse the decline of America.
- Of course Presidential candidate Karl Schwarz has more
hard-hitting 9/11 journalism at
- www.karlschwarz.com.
- WTC 7 Smoke & Mirrors On 9/11
- http://www.rense.com/general65/911m.htm
CBC 9/11 Video Secrets Revealed
- http://www.rense.com/general65/911b.htm
911 CNN Reports Boeing 737s Struck WTC
- http://www.rense.com/general65/911h.htm
- Sneak Preview - 911 Pentagon Tapes
- http://www.rense.com/general64/911et.htm
- The Rest Of The 9/11 Street Engine Story
- http://www.rense.com/general64/wth.htm
- NYC Photos, Flight 93 Witnesses Identify 9/11 White Jet
- http://www.rense.com/general64/white.htm
- On 9/11 An Ill Wind Blew to Booker School
- http://www.rense.com/general63/wte.htm
- WTC Jet Engine Confirmed NOT From Boeing 767
- http://www.rense.com/general63/wtcc.htm
- Second 911 Remote Control Antenna Verified
- http://www.rense.com/general63/secnd.htm
- Avionics Expert-A 911 Remote Control Lesson for PM
- http://www.rense.com/general63/remo.htm
- WTC Cutter Charges Clearly Visible
- http://www.rense.com/general63/cutt.htm
- Real 911 Science For PM - The ST Airliner Photo
- http://www.rense.com/general63/st.htm
- PM Claims Landing Gear Made Pentagon 12 Foot Hole
- http://www.rense.com/general63/pmm.htm
- PM Missed NASA 911-type Airliner Crash 20 Years Ago
- http://www.rense.com/general63/pm.htm
- Is Popular Mechanics Hiding 911 NYC Engine In Street
- http://www.rense.com/general63/hiding.htm
- Missing Pentagon Jet Engine Identified?
- http://www.rense.com/general63/ident.htm
- Missing Pentagon Unobstructed Citgo Videos
- http://www.rense.com/general63/unob.htm