US Faces New Claims
Of Gitmo Abuse
By Suzanne Goldenberg in Washington
The Guardian - UK
The Pentagon was yesterday confronted with new allegations of torture at Guantanamo Bay, from a Bosnian inmate who said he was beaten so severely his face was left partially paralysed.
In a lawsuit filed in a federal court in Boston, the Pentagon was challenged to release medical and psychiatric records for six Bosnian detainees who say they were tortured at Guantanamo.
The six inmates, all Algerians who had been settled in Bosnia for years, were originally accused of plotting an attack against the US embassy in Sarajevo. They were eventually cleared of all charges and released from prison.
However, they were seized by the US military in January 2002, hooded, and taken to Guantanamo.
One prisoner, Mustafa Aid Idir, a computer technician who was on the Bosnian national karate team, suffered repeated beatings. A garden hose, running full blast, was forced into his mouth until he feared suffocation. His finger and thumb were broken, and his head was driven into the ground with such force that he suffered facial paralysis. "His eyes didn't blink, he couldn't eat, food was leaking from his mouth," said Melissa Hoffer, his attorney.
Civil rights lawyers hope that yesterday's proceedings will bring further pressure on the Pentagon to comply with court rulings for the release of detainee records.
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