Hints Of A Cosmic Crash
At Serpent Mound
By Bill Sloat
Plain Dealer Reporter
CINCINNATI -- Sifting through rocks snagged from twin boreholes punched deep into the planet's crust, scientists have detected an unearthly substance hidden for eons in Ohio's basement.
And its presence 1,412 feet beneath the forests and farmlands near Serpent Mound in south-central Ohio -- already on par with Britain's Stonehenge and Egypt's pyramids as one of Earth's most mysterious manmade structures -- adds to a puzzle shrouded in legend and lore for centuries.
When scientists peered into the geo-strata that emerged from beneath the mound, they were confronted with pure, weird data. Under their microscope, they saw quartz crystals with flaws like those found at nuclear test sites and in moon rocks brought back by astronauts.
It pointed toward a massive energy burst that left behind telltale traces of a cosmic crash.
Now, those findings are rattling through the world of geology, shaking up long-held conceptions and misconceptions about Ohio's distant past.
"I think we can say with authority today that this is an impact from a meteorite," said Mark T. Baranoski, a state geologist. "It affected the region in a spectacular way."
Rock samples from beneath the mound contain significantly higher than normal concentrations of iridium, an extremely rare metal. Because it is so heavy, iridium seldom shows up anywhere but near the planet's molten core.
At Serpent Mound, the levels measured were 10 times beyond what is usually present in the Earth's crust.
Occasionally, volcanoes bring it up in lava. But there are no lava fields in Ohio. So the questions started. Where did the iridium-rich rocks come from?
While iridium is scarce on Earth, the silver-gray metal is common in asteroids and comets.
In other words, it often is a strong sign that the sky has fallen.
Geologists, including researchers from the Ohio Department of Natural Resources, describe the recent discovery as powerful new evidence that Serpent Mound sits upon a slightly oblong crater created when a massive extraterrestrial object slammed into Earth.
They have reported that the heavy metal find is "good evidence for an impact origin" and that dark, stony material recovered from the deepest borehole has a "significant enrichment" that must have come from outer space.
Iridium is already at the center of another scientific mind-bender - the disappearance of the dinosaurs.
In a widely accepted doomsday scenario, an asteroid the size of Manhattan plunged into the sea off Mexico's Yucatan Peninsula 65 million years ago. The explosion devastated the planet and unleashed a worldwide wipeout that caused 70 percent of all living things to die.
Scientists say they have found an iridium line in the Earth's crust that few species crossed. Under the great extinction theory, the iridium showered down in debris after the asteroid struck.
Not all scientists accept the doomsday scenario, but many say it does seem to explain why the dinosaurs died off.
A similar event - although without those dramatic global effects - looks to have taken place in Ohio.
The crater touches portions of Adams, Pike and Highland counties, about 200 miles southwest of Cleveland in the state's rolling Appalachian countryside.
The mound, built about 1,000 years ago, straddles land near the crater's southwest edge and may have had a religious function, although nobody knows for sure what philosophy and beliefs shaped its origin.
Of course, that hasn't stopped people from speculating about Serpent Mound's builders and what they were up to. Some say they were mystics and priests. Others say magicians and soothsayers. Still others see them as prophets.
There are those who claim that the builders were shamans who practiced human sacrifice, while some believe that they were ancient astronomers who were the intellectual caste of woodland America.
Fact is, nobody can say. The mound builders left no written records.
Erosion and Ice Age glaciers have erased most of the crater from the surface.
But underground it's a far different story, and the boreholes exposed the geologic record.
Fine grains of sand taken from 1,439 feet down appear deformed when viewed under a microscope. There even seem to be particles of soot left from scorched limestone, although researchers say additional work is needed before the strange black material is positively identified.
Still, everything seems to point to a cosmic jolt. While some aren't convinced, they agree the evidence is piling up.
Mike Hansen, a retired state geologist who runs an earthquake warning system and teaches at Ohio State University, said there is no doubt that the Serpent Mound area was disturbed by some unknown force. But Hansen thinks the stresses were triggered by natural shifts in the Earth's crust.
Around the time the rocks were deformed, Hansen said, Africa was pushing into North America and the Appalachian Mountains range was thrusting up higher than today's Himalayas. He said a major tectonic event like that could have created the underground chaos at Serpent Mound.
Still, Hansen concedes that the meteorite hypothesis is gaining adherents among geologists.
The object, if it did strike Ohio, would have been gigantic. Maybe up to three times larger than Cleveland Browns Stadium. Traveling up to 45,000 mph, it would have been moving much faster than a speeding bullet.
The searing heat, blast and shockwaves from such a crash would have instantly carved a 1,000-foot-deep hole and crushed rocks miles below the five-mile-across crater.
That is exactly what samples from the two boreholes show. Researchers have spotted microscopic cracks in quartz crystals far beneath the surface and horsetail-shaped fractures called "shatter cones" in geological formations from the ground on down. The cracked crystals have patterns resembling those appearing after U.S. nuclear weapons tests in Nevada.
Other than iridium, there is no trace of an asteroid or comet.
It would probably have vaporized when it hit 256 million years ago.
"I don't think we'll ever find it," Baranoski said. "It would have gone up in smoke. If anything was left near the surface, it would have been eroded away."
Doyle Watts, a geophysicist at Dayton's Wright State University who worked on the international team that studied the core samples, said the impact theory explains why so much of the terrain around Serpent Mound appears jumbled.
Some rock formations rise 1,000 feet above the ground. Others look like they have slid straight down.
Those oddities were first noticed not long after Europeans settled Ohio.
John Locke, a geologist who explored the area in the 1830s, thought he had found a "sunken mountain" and reported that "a region of no small extent had sunk down several hundred feet, producing faults, dislocations and upturnings of the layers of the rocks."
Even more weird was the 1,348-foot-long Serpent Mound, which looked like an undulating snake atop a plateau overlooking Brush Creek.
Watts said he believes that the Indians saw the strange features in the land and were moved to build the mound, perhaps as a sacred monument. He said the Indians were deeply attuned to the natural world.
"It just begs the questions: Why would Native Americans lug tons of soil and shape it into a slithering serpent? Why would they choose to do so on the scar of an ancient impact when they had all of Ohio and the Midwest?" Watts said.
"My guess is that they could have noticed something strange about the rocks. It has to be more than coincidence."
From Ted Twietmeyer
There may exist a serpent mound connection to an alien race - a race that we may have been lead to believe was only a product of sci-fi.
It's already known that the artist who painted the giant murals for the Denver Airport, was told what to paint when he received the commission. When he was approached about the content of the paintings he refused comment on who told him what to paint. The airport's theme is global government and disarmament. So how is this connected to the mound? It may be indirectly, through a sci-fi television show.
Stargate, an incredibly popular sci-fi series has been running about 7 years now. It has threads of globalist ideals throughout the series. There was an episode where a reporter went into a rant about the New World Order. It was strongly negative and like what Alex Jones would say.
Could there be a connection between the gua'uld on Star Gate and the Serpent Mound? Many have observed that when social engineers desire some concept or idea to become mainstream, that these are often seeded into sci-fi movies and televisions by the government.
A ship may have crashed in Ohio at the Serpent Mound according to recent borehole evidence. I have a theory that quite possibly in the distant past there was an earth - serpent race connection. Quite possibly the mound with the serpent figure is like a "memorial marker" for the event. Stargate may be used to get us "accustomed" to the existence of such a race. If so, it can only mean ONE thing - that a serpent-based race IS STILL A THREAT and therefore is real. (To some this may seem like a bit of a stretch, but then so thought people Edison, when he spent countless hours creating the light bulb.)
And consider this:
1. Was there already a serpent-based race here that created the mound ?
2. Or was the mound created by ordinary humans that WORSHIPPED that race?
Ted Twietmeyer
PS: Radio programs are also used to influence and shape society. Most people don't even realize that George Noory, the only person with that name that can be found on, has (or at least was) is an Alexandria, VA telephone number. And for those that don't already know, Alexandria, VA is a suburb of Washington DC. Its just a short I-495 beltway trip to several intelligence agencies. Another coincidence, of course. But consider the often controversial material presented on Coast to Coast: material (which some call "fringe") that really can't be presented in other media very easily, yet promotes certain concepts into the mainstream.


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