Court-Ordered Chipping Lets
Parents Track Pedophiles

By Rayelen
Rumor Mill News (fiction)
Washington DC (APN) - In a 5 to 1 ruling, the Supreme Court upheld a lower court ruling that implanting pedophiles with satellite trackable microchips, similar to those used in the United States military, was not a violation of human rights when measured against the human rights of future victims.
There are two microchips that fall under the recent Supreme Court ruling. One of the microchips is that standard satellite tracking chip. The other one is far more controversial and was the reason the lawsuit was brought before the Court.
The second chip is designed to inflict pain when the pedophile is within 15 feet of a child who is equipped with a device for detecting chipped pedophiles. The pain-inducing microchip is designed to be implanted in the groin area. When the pedophile is near children who are equipped with the device, an electrical charge is transmitted. If the pedophile doesn't immediately leave the area, the pain level is increased to the point that the pedophile is incapacitated.
Most pedophiles are court-ordered to stay away from areas frequented by children. The makers of PedoPain issued this statement upon hearing the Supreme Court ruling: "Our playgrounds, schools, ball parks and neighborhoods will once again be safe for our children."
PedoPain is one of the many new products being offered by PedoTrack, the first company to create and market microchips specifically for the pedophile market. PedoTrack is also offering integrated "Pedophile Protection" Kits for parents. "The kit is a multifaceted, all inclusive Child-Protection helpmate for busy parents who can't always know where their children are and who is lurking near them." said Attila Killemall, former head of Europol's Pedophile Eradication Team (PET) and President of PedoTrack.
The Pedotrack kit includes software which will track PedoChipped Pedophiles on a worldwide, country-wide, state-wide or amusement park level.
Parents planning summer vacations for children will be able to find locations with the least number of pedophiles living or working in that area. ACLU lawyers objected that these pedophile tracking chips would limit the living and working areas for rehabilitated pedophiles thereby denying them basic human rights.
PedoTrack software gives parents the ability to "zoom-in" on a specific locations such as Disney World. Chipped Pedophiles who had managed to elude Pedophile Detectors located at entry points, could be located using special PedoTracking cellphones. These cellphones would not only tell parents how many Pedophiles were visiting Disney World, they would give the locations and photographs of the pedophile.
Lawyers from the ACLU argued that these cell phones could fall into the hands of sadistic children who could use them to hunt, track and torture pedophiles, thereby subjecting them to cruel and unusual punishment and denying basic human rights. Lawyers arguing for the parents of tortured, raped, mutilated and murdered children argued that, "The greater good done for the human rights of potential victims, outweighs the potential rights of individuals who have already shown predilictions for kidnapping, torture, rape, mutilation and murder."
Additional items contained in the "Pedophile Protection Kits" include bracelets and watches that contain alarms which sound when the watch or braclet is within 15 feet of a "Pedochipped" pedophile. The watches are created with a combination code that the parent can change using the PedoTracking Cellphones, (PTC). The watches and bracelets cannot be removed without a code being transmitted to the bracelet from the PTC. Trying to remove a bracelet without the proper code causes the siren to sound and the nearest PET (Pedophile Eradication Team) operative to be activated.
PedoTrack President Killemall tells APN: "This way the child and or pedophile friend, is not capable of removing the bracelet or watch without the parent knowing it and an alarm sounding."
Critics of the pedophile microchips claim that an entire group of humans is being discriminated against and that pedophiles are becoming the next "Black slaves" and "muslims" of the world! ACLU lawyer, Boyz Findmeakid has stated that he is taking his case to the politicians of the world. "If the courts can now "make laws" instead of enforcing laws handed down by our representatives, then our representatives must make laws preventing "activist judges" from writing legislation from their benches."
PedoTrack President Killemall stated: "We are working on a device that would prevent politicians who have been chipped with PedoTracking devices from voting on any legislation dealing with Pedophiles. The device would be activated by codes inserted into all bills pertaining to pedophiles." Killemall further stated that this precaution was prompted by the Belgium investigation in high ranking government pedophiles. "It was discovered that the pedophile penetration into elected offices was far wider spread than previously thought."
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Note: This story is purely in the imagination of the Publisher of Rumor Mill News.... so far! All people and corporations mentioned are ficticious... so far. Any similarity to persons living or dead is purely coincidental.
Permission to repost is given as long as the article is quoted in its entirety with proper links back to the original ariticle.
Original Article
Rayelan Allan, Publisher,
Please Note: AP News does NOT stand for Associated Press, It stands for All Pedophile News, and at the moment, it doesn't exist... but hopefully in the near future, it will.
Additional suggested reading on the subject of Pedophiles:



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