- Hello Jeff - My thanks to Pat (PEB) for the following
post she made on the Clickit Emerging Diseases message board.
- The people on the board are doing a great job and service
to the world. I greatly appreciate their vigilance.
- Patricia Doyle
- USDA May Approve Rice With Human Genes In Missouri
- Full story:
- http://www.organicconsumers.org/ge/humanrice031505.cfm
- From: Organic Seed Alliance
- P.O. Box 772 Port Townsend, WA 98368
- 360-385-7192 fax 360-385-7455
- info@seedalliance.org
- Supporting the ethical stewardship & development
of seed
- Action Alert: BioPharming - Rice
- Help the USDA/APHIS make a sound choice.
- Please take a moment to send them comments regarding
two very important biopharming permits.
- The USDA/APHIS is requesting comments on field tests
of humanized rice in Missouri. Ventria Bioscience, a biopharmaceutical
company based in Sacramento, Calif., has two permit requests pending with
the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Biotechnology Regulatory Services
to grow about 200 acres of pharmaceutical rice in southern Missouri this
year. This rice contains humanized genes.
- The first USDA docket on this request (full text on USDA
web site) states: "These transgenic plants have been modified to express
the human (Homo sapiens) glycoprotein lactoferrin." The second docket
refers to the "field-testing of rice, Oryza sativa, genetically engineered
to express human lysozyme." Please go to the USDA/APHIS web site and
make comments.
- The deadline of March 25th is rapidly approaching.
- Your comments would be best received if they are polite,
concise and include any pertinent professional affiliations that you have.
- We encourage your response to contain the following points:
? While rice is an inbred (self-pollinates) and crosses at relatively low
rates, there is still the potential of contamination via pollen. Even more
likely is the dispersal of seed through incorrect handling/distribution.
This has occurred with transgenic tomato seed at the University of California
Davis and at other organizations. ? The inadvertent distribution of this
rice into the food supply is a risk that is not justifiable at the present
time. ? Additionally, the potential damage to rice exports to Europe and
other countries would have severe economic consequences for US rice farmers.
? Please exercise the Precautionary Principle and reject this application
for field tests.
- Go to the USDA site: http://docket.epa.gov/edkfed/do/EDKRegSubmitItemSearch
and enter the keyword "rice" and the following dockets will appear:
- ? 05-006-1 APHIS-2005-0013 Ventria Bioscience; Availability
- Environmental Assessment for Field Test of Genetically
Engineered Rice Expressing Lactoferrin 02-23-2005 General Docket Notice
03-25-2005 ? 05-007-1 APHIS-2005-0014 Ventria Bioscience; Availability
of Environmental Assessment for Field Test of Genetically Engineered Rice
Expressing Lysozyme 02-23-2005 General Docket Notice 03-25-2005 Click on
the Docket ID and you will have the opportunity to both read the full report
and give comments. There is a button that takes you through the submission
- Please pass this on.
- Please support us! In order to keep Organic Seed Alliance
running and able to stay current with important issues such as biopharming,
we need help from the community at large. Your donations to OSA help further
the work we do. Support us today! ©2005 Organic Seed Alliance All
rights reserved. info@seedalliance.org
- Patricia A. Doyle, PhD
- Please visit my "Emerging Diseases" message
board at: http://www.clickitnews.com/ubbthreads/postlist.php?
- Zhan le Devlesa tai sastimasa
- Go with God and in Good Health