- This morning our radio news in Perth reported a strong
7.1 richter earthquake from the area north of Darwin (see Banda Sea event
data below).
- Currently we have no reports of a significant Tsunamis
event linked with this seismic event.
- This Banda Sea event is along the same Australian plate
boundary fault as the deadly Boxing Day Aceh 9.3 richter quake-tsunamis
event. It proves that the area of the Andaman-Nicobar-Sumatra Arc and the
associated edges of the Australian plate are still highly unstable - over
a very large region.
- This may be a developing stress scenario and as a consequence
it remains a VERY dangerous region.
- It would appear that a cluster of MULTIPLE earthquakes
initiated between 10.40 and 10.44 GMT/UTC time today (03-02-2005) over
a very large area around and within Australia and SE Asia - BUT see below
for discussion of veracity of this computer generated data.
- The European -Mediterranean Seismic Centre (EMSC) has
recorded seismic signals from multiple receiver sites that have allowed
them to generate computer designated quake info as follows:
- 2005/03/02 10:46:49.0 5.2N 115.4E mb5.0 A RNS BORNEO
- 2005/03/02 10:44:07.0 15.5N 109.7E 15 mb6.1 A INGV SOUTHEAST
- 2005/03/02 10:43:05.6 8.0N 122.0E 33 mb6.4 A NOR MINDANAO,
- 2005/03/02 10:42 Mw[Mm]=7.2 M PPTm
- 2005/03/02 10:42:49.0 3.2N 122.0E 30 mb5.9 A ODC CELEBES
- 2005/03/02 10:42:31.0 0.6N 123.6E mb6.8 A. GFZ MINAHASSA
- 2005/03/02 10:42:10.5 6.6S 130.0E 200f Ms7.1 M+ CSEM
- 2005/03/02 10:42:10.4 6.6S 129.8E 192 M 7.1 M NEIR BANDA
- 2005/03/02 10:42 MOMENT TENSORS A MT
- 2005/03/02 10:42:07.8 6.6S 130.0E 190 mb7.1 M GSRC BANDA
- 2005/03/02 10:42:05.9 6.5S 129.8E 150 M 6.8 M. NEIR BANDA
- 2005/03/02 10:42:00.0 6.5S 130.0E M 7.1 M INGV BANDA
- 2005/03/02 10:41:47.1 6.5S 129.1E A RNS BANDA SEA
- 2005/03/02 10:41:21.0 19.5S 140.7E 30 mb6.9 A! ODC QUEENSLAND,
- 2005/03/02 10:40:56.0 30.0S 147.9E A GFZ NEW SOUTH WALES,
- 2005/03/02 10:40:51.3 38.8S 143.6E 33 mb5.7 A NOR NEAR
- The info is preliminary and the EMSC have not yet posted
it on their World map, neither have the US IRIS site logged it on their
- The spread of locations might NOT be real and might purely
reflect the error ring for computer developed epi-centres from ONE quake
in the Banda Sea (however I find it an abnormally large error ring). Geo-physicists
to examine the raw data and deliberate on the cluster locations AND an
accumulation of collaborating "felt reports" BEFORE we can accept
this data as real world. Currently only the Banda Sea quake is definitely
real ???
- For instance the 6.9-7.1 mB (richter) event at 10.41:21.41
on 02-03-2005 (Lat -19.46S and Long 140.69E at a depth of 30km) is apparently
located NE of Mt Isa and onshore within Queensland in an isolated area
of several gold-copper mines. The area is not normally a quake prone zone.
At this time I have no local "felt reports" and thus this quake
event must be considered theoretical or spurious. Also the quakes reported
from south of SE Australia have not yet been given "felt reports"
and thus MAY be erroneous.
- But some 36 individual seismometer Rx sites recorded
the data for the NE Mt Isa quake and contributed to the EMSC estimate of
it's location. It should therefore have a HIGH chance of being real. Also
the other reported quakes vary from the Mindanao trench (Philippines) to
south of Victoria-NSW (Australia) and this is much too large an error ring
for normal computer generated epi-centers If real then the sudden onset
of high energy earthquakes across the SE Asia-Australian region at the
same time is a highly anomalous and quite disturbing event. Not all of
these epi-centers are located ON the Australian plate edge. All are very
large energy events capable of leveling cities and such huge quakes are
well capable of tsunamis generation - given the right sea floor location
and geometries etc.
- One thing is for certain - if you visit the IRIS site
at http://www.iris.edu/seismon/ (see their current world seismic event
map below) you will see a significant increase in seismic energy release
around the SE and Northern edges of the Australian plate over the past
couple of weeks. This plate boundary fault line has apparently begun to
move in an accelerated fashion. This all apparently began with the 8.3
richter quake near Macquarie Island on the 23-12-2004. This preceded the
terrible Aceh 9.3 richter event on Boxing Day. Thus events have now been
unfolding over a TWO MONTH time period.
- These events may have a cause coupling with an ongoing
high Solar energy output from CME flares or with certain high energy astronomical
events seen in deep space ???
- http://www.iris.edu/seismon/
- NB. Yellow ring = quake within last two weeks, orange
ring = quake yesterday, red ring = quake today, purple dot = quake within
last 5 years, size of ring = richter energy (eg red ring to north of OZ
= 7.0r Banda Sea event. [Note original Aceh tsunamis 9.3r quake and cluster
of ongoing quakes to west of today's Banda Sea quake - bubbling on and
off now for TWO MONTHS over a 1200km long zone].
- Obviously this region of the Australian plate boundary
has developed serious seismic stress instability and could be subjected
to further highly dangerous earthquakes and/or tsunamis in the short term
(days-weeks-months). The longer term (months-years) potential for igneous
explosive volcanic activity is building and must NOT be ignored. This area
has hosted many highly explosive events such as Toba and Krakatoa; but
we should get ample warning if such are building up over the next few months.
- The quake-tsunamis events are less predictable and thus
far more dangerous but recent advances in private studies of scalar EM
wave reception utilising the US electricity grid as an aerial have suggested
quake precursors are detectable several hours in advance - see www.TerraResearch.net
[contact Michael McNulty, (970) 461-4830 or at cops555@juno.com.]
- Government organisations such as the BGS, AGSO, USGS
should immediately commence modeling the potential for explosive igneous
activity along the northern Australian plate boundary. Instrumentation
needs to be established along the entire plate boundary ASAP to allow for
detailed 3D seismic tomography and other related volcanic intrusive/seismic
- Be alert - these events are not insignificant.
- You might want to consider avoiding un-necessary visits
to the high risk sectors of this region
- Regards,
- Harry Mason