- A SECOND Avionics specialist has detected a SECOND REMOTE
CONTROL ANTENNA on the airliner that was crashed into the South Tower.
She agreed with the other avionics expert that the blade antennas circled
in yellow are not found on a commercial airliner. In the photo, note the
yellow circled area on the Tail section. Called a PLANAR PHASED ARRAY ANTENNA
it replaces a dish satellite antenna that would be impossible to lock on
to in a fast moving aircraft.
- Excerpts from her emails:
- * The blades antennas (circled in yellow) in the photos
look too large to me to be a standard VHF type aircraft blade. The size
would indicate a lower frequency... they could be high gain microwave antennas.
- * Microwave is highly-directional but the very short
wavelength would make very fine control possible.
- * I concur with your assesment re: anomalous antennas
shown in 9-11 photograph. I was involved in downlink telemetry and guidance
for years/
- * I had not seen the photo before that you analyzed,
but they certainly look like VHF (or perhaps even lower frequency HF) blades
(antennas). The planar antenna on the vertical stab (Tail section) is also
very interesting. It looks like they just glued it to the stab (Tail section),
no concealment at all....what arrogance! They didn't seem to take a lot
of time to conceal the avionics, someone must have felt that there was
not a significant risk of the A/C (aircraft) being photographed, and the
speed would blur the image if it was photographed.
- * A planar antenna is a flat plane antenna (like a pizza)
and the one that I'm talking about appears to be on the vertical stabilizer
(vertical fin). It could be a logo, but it doesn't look like a UA logo.
I WISH =that we had the technology to define the picture further, perhaps
using adaptive neural artificial technology..... way out on the bleeding
- A Spanish University has scientifically analyzed the
BUT THE PHOTOS DIDN'T. Concentrate ONLY on the vertical tail section in
the following photos.
- FROM http://www.amics21.com/911/report.html
- Mataró (Barcelona, Spain)
- March 26 2003
- The images obtained in the news report on the attack
show certain changes in luminance on the underside of the fuselage. Because
all commercial airliners have a cylindrical fuselage, in principle, these
variations in luminance make no sense.
- In order to try to explain what can be seen with the
naked eye, the images were digitally processed, without altering the information,
to account for the changes in luminance.
- Professor Carrasco notes (Since) "all commercial
airliners have a cylindrical fuselage, in principle, (there shouldn't be)
...variations in luminance The following photos show the normal pattern
of luminance on a Boeing 767.
- FROM: http://www.govcomm.harris.com/solutions/marketindex/
- Further explanation of the planar antenna technology:
- http://www-nt.uni-paderborn.de/forschung/planarantennen_engl.htm
- KARL SCHWARZ has the big Pentagon picture in hard-hitting
analysis at:
- http://www.onlinejournal.com/Special_Reports/
- Note the html ending.
- Visit www.karlschwarz.com for the big 9/11 picture and
- In the hardest hitting journalism since 9/11, THE POWER
HOUR RADIO SHOW has totally revamped and added new analysis to an earlier
video. 911 IN PLANE SITE, The Director's Cut. Visit www.policestate21.com
to order. A quote from their South Tower airliner video analysis: "...there
was some sort of incendiary or explosive that would serve as a match to
ignite the enormous amount of fuel (when the plane hit the ST.)"
- http://www.rense.com/general63/st.htm has the full story.
- Front webpage: www.rense.com
- WTC Cutter Charges Clearly Visible
- http://www.rense.com/general63/cutt.htm
- Real 911 Science For PM - The ST Airliner Photo
- http://www.rense.com/general63/st.htm
- PM Claims Landing Gear Made Pentagon 12 Foot Hole
- http://www.rense.com/general63/pmm.htm
- PM Missed NASA 911-type Airliner Crash 20 Years Ago
- http://www.rense.com/general63/pm.htm
- Is Popular Mechanics Hiding 911 NYC Engine In Street
- http://www.rense.com/general63/hiding.htm
- Missing Pentagon Jet Engine Identified?
- http://www.rense.com/general63/ident.htm
- Missing Pentagon Unobstructed Citgo Videos
- http://www.rense.com/general63/unob.htm