- ***This Aerial Spraying Operation Is Occuring at LOW
ALTITUDE (below 500 feet) And Is Carried Out By Small Aircraft -- The Spray
Most Often Not Visible -- Not To Be Confused With High Altitude "Chemtrails"
-- Although The Operations *May* Be Connected***
- An aerial spraying program (pesticides/chemicals) without
public awareness or warning is currently underway in the Dallas-Fort Worth
Metroplex. All agencies contacted - federal, state and local - deny any
knowledge of this spraying. Only populated areas are covered (residential,
schools, recreational areas) with the likelihood that all cities/populated
areas are included in this clandestine program.
- Whether a mosquito control program or some other type
of "project" - multiple aircraft & perhaps UAVs are involved
spraying multiple types of chemicals right over the public's heads. Our
children walk to and from school with these chemicals raining down upon
them - this aerial spraying occurring almost every hour of the day every
day. Those with health problems are experiencing worsening symptoms - some
no doubt being pushed over the edge.
- Even those cities in this area who have essentially banned
aerial and ground spraying of pesticides to control for West Nile Virus
are being sprayed with pesticides or other chemicals non-stop via small
to mid-sized aircraft outfitted with exterior or interior tanks with atomizer
- Witness accounts have described patterned overflights
of low-flying aircraft and on some occasions have even seen a 'white rain'
of chemicals being sprayed downward from nozzles located under the wings
of certain types of aircraft (I have personally witnessed this). After
these flights, witnesses report respiratory problems, allergies, high blood
pressure and palpitations - which gradually improve until the next round
of spraying...different chemicals causing differing health effects.
- As of January 2005 (there is some evidence that this
program has been in effect at least since 1997), the aerial coverage has
become ubiquitous - communities being bombarded with swaths of a variety
of chemicals. This "total coverage" spraying of chemicals is
undoubtedly dangerous to both the general public and the environment -
and is especially of grave concern to those afflicted with multiple chemical
sensitivities, GWS and other diseases (caused by enzyme deficiencies and
resultant chemical injuries).
- Suffering from severe respiratory and neurological effects,
many of those with MCS--who have become aware that the cause of their debilitating
health problems is due to ongoing aerial spraying--have disrupted their
lives, quit their jobs and some considering moving out of populated areas.
(This "total coverage" spraying is no doubt violating the Americans
with Disability Act which ensures a chemical/pesticide free work environment
for those with MCS). Even with great concern for their health, some with
these devastating illnesses have chosen to do all they can to reveal all
that is happening and fully inform the publicour true clarions.
- What is needed now is "Total Public Awareness"
of the dangers of pesticides and chemicals; more air monitoring and chemical
detection; more tracking of the aircraft involved (N#s, routes, owners,
chemicals); informing, investigating and pursuing local, state and federal
agencies to get more information about this program; and organizing a campaign
to stop this poisoning of the American public.
- If this is a program to control for WNV - then why is
it happening year round 24/7? What could possibly justify spraying dangerous
pesticides on the public in this way with no information or public involvement
or warnings? (See "West Nile Virus: The Scourge of Pesticides"
at http://www.rense.com/general39/scourge.htm for information on the dangers
to the public from spraying pesticides). If this spraying has another purpose
- because it does effect the health of the public and very likely the environment
(air and water resources) the public must demand to be informed fully with
due haste!
- If you have any information regarding this aerial spraying
program or wish to pursue finding out if this is occurring in your locale
please to contact me at SASinfo1@yahoo.com (Stop Aerial Spraying).
- Part 2 will describe my own attempts to uncover this
program and the obstacles before us.