New Study Shatters
Milk Myth
For Strong Bones, Kids Need Exercise,
Sunshine And A Dairy-Free Diet

Physicians Committee For Responsible Medicine
WASHINGTON -- In a new scientific review scheduled to appear in the March issue of the peer-reviewed journal, Pediatrics, Cornell-trained nutritionist Amy Joy Lanou, Ph.D., and co-authors show that dairy products do not promote bone health in children and young adults. Physical activity does have a positive impact on bone health, while evidence linking bone health with dairy product consumption is weak, at best.
"Under scientific scrutiny, the support for the milk myth crumbles. This analysis of 58 published studies shows that the evidence on which U.S. dairy intake recommendations are based is scant," says Dr. Lanou, lead author of the study. "A clear majority of the studies we examined for this review found no relationship between dairy or dietary calcium intake and measures of bone health. In the remaining reports, the evidence was sketchy. In some, the effects on bone health were small, and in others, the results were confounded by vitamin D intake from milk fortified with vitamin D. To build strong bones and healthy bodies, children need exercise, sunshine, and a diet rich in fruits and vegetables that helps them maintain a healthy body weight."
The level of dairy product consumption in the United States is among the highest in the world, and yet osteoporosis and fracture rates are also among the highest. This "calcium paradox" was an impetus for the current investigation. "We found no evidence to support the notion that milk is a preferred source of calcium," the authors conclude. Dr. Lanou is nutrition director for the non-profit Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM), and her co-authors are Susan E. Berkow, Ph.D., C.N.S., and Neal D. Barnard, M.D.
- Founded in 1985, the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine is a nonprofit health organization that promotes preventive medicine, especially good nutrition. PCRM also conducts clinical research studies, opposes unethical human experimentation, and promotes alternatives to animal research.
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From Jim Mortellaro
How many times must a poor cow be milked, before we see the light? Yes, how many times, must a poor kid drink, before he begins to die? Yes 'n how many times must a company lie, before we discover why? The answer my friend, is blowin' in the advertising copy, the answer is blowin' in the advertising copy.
A modern version of "Blowin' in the Wind," by the one and only master of poetry, Robert Zimmerman. But ya dasn't hafta call him, Bobby.
So what's up with this milk stuff? I should add, how many times must we read it on Rense, before we see the light? What do we believe? Do we believe the masters of gloom and doom or the masters of ad copy? "Got Milk?" Well, sure. And what about those new TV ads which say, "Drink 24 ounces of nonfat milk a day and it'll help you lose weight?" Huh? Well, dying can do that too. And there appears to be a relationship, eh?
There is only one dairy product I use and that is New Zealand Colostrum. I wrote to Jeff once to say I used the stuff. "It isn't dairy!" I said. And he said ... "But it IS dairy, Jimmy!" I just KNOW Jeff wanted to call me by another name.
OK, so I was wrong. It looks like dairy. It TASTES like dairy. It IS dairy. But I can't stop. It helps me. A lot. But we'll get back to that later. Right now I wish to go on record as being in favor of consuming large amounts of dairy. Milk, cheese, roast breast of veal, stuffed the Itralian way and served up steaming with stuffing made with milk and cheese. And what about being Itralian, as I am, and worse, Southern Italian ... and even worse than that ... SICILIAN!? How may a wise guy like me even remotely think about consuming a plate of pasta without grated Romano Pecorino cheese, Ricotta and Mozzarella? Impossible. No way.
And besides, I say milk and dairy are good for us. Yes, damned good for us. Think about how else we might be able to get our hormone therapy, our antibiotics, our mad cow thingies? How else may one obtain these important byproducts of dairy? No other way. But there are quicker ways to die. This is the slow way.
When I was a kid, oh, about 7 or 8 years old, we spent our summers on a farm. The milk we drank was direct from the cows in the barn. Clean as a whistle. Cleaner even. No antibiotics. No hormones. No nothing except the best of feed and tender loving care the owners of Pleasant View Farm, the Smolengers, gave to their cows. Every morning we'd report to the dining room for fresh eggs, fresh milk and a most delicious breakfast. The milk was tested by the local authorities and found to be nearly antiseptic. The eggs, same thing. Trust me. There is nothing better than fresh eggs selected that very morning and fresh milk chilled to icy cold and obtained from contented cows that very morning. Yes, living on that farm was an experience.
But hell, that was 1949. And this is now.
Now, you cannot drink milk directly from the cow. It has to be Pasteurized, homogenized, medicated and fabricated into some kind of goop the contents of which we have no conception. Add this and take away that. Make the cow produce more milk than the poor beast should. Give it hormones. I've always imagined that my breasts were enlarging. And I thought it was hormones. Uh ... I mean ... well ... maybe it is hormones.
Yes, drink milk. Eat cheese. It's like fighting with a Tasmanian Devil. Violently unhealthy. But then, unhealthful eating is what this great nation is all about. It's about obesity. It's about not looking up, or down, or sideways, or about not looking at all. That's the US of A. The really ugly American. No one knows better than someone who gives a damn. Too bad I started giving a damned so late in life. It may be and probably is, too late for me.
If you become ill and require antibiotics which won't work, blame yourselves. You should know better. What better and convenient place to garner biotic immunity to drugs than in the food we eat and liquids we drink? None better. Sometimes I wonder if all this is a plan to reduce the excess population. Of course, not being a corn spiracy freakazoid, I don't (as yet) believe that. But hey, you never know.
Getting back to colostrum. Someone once told me that he suffered from IBS. In fact, Crohn's Disease. He also told me that he used colostrum and saw almost immediate results, ending his suffering. Well, I'd suffered from IBS, irritable bowel syndrome for almost ten years when I heard this statement. I did not believe it. But I went out and bought the best colostrum I could find, which it turned out was from New Zealand (antibiotic free, hormone free and pure sheep colostrum) and took it.
No more IBS. And when I for some reason do not take it, the IBS comes back. The pain comes back. And it hurts like hell. Colostrum is in the first drop of mother's milk. Any mother. Any mammalian mother, that is. And in it is the essence of immune system enhancement products. Now, I am not advocating use of colostrum. I am merely stating that I use it. If you believe as many do that ANY dairy is bad for you, don't touch the stuff!
Now, back to my pasta. There isn't an Italian, Southern Italian, alive who cannot not use dairy on his pasta. So what's a goombah to do? In my case, I buy only imported cheese. I use products which are certified organic, no nothing added. And it costs a lotta moola. Good thing I'm connected with the famiglia what raises this stuff. Ever try mozzarella from buffalo? It's not too bad. And my family raises buffalo in Palermo. They also raise cattle and produce wonderful cheeses. So, that's one way. But not everyone has access to such wonder. And if you don't, my personal recommendation would be to enjoy all the dairy you can get.
Especially if you have a large insurance policy. Why shouldn't your family benefit from your slow death?
Smoke if you got 'em. The bar is open. Got milk? Here, hold this two megaton atomic bomb for a minute. I gotta go potty.


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