Missing Pentagon Jet Engine
Identified? - A 727 JT8D

From Jon Carlson
Chicago's Museum of Science and Industry displays the Pratt & Whitney JT8D. These photos show that JT8D matches the Pentagon engine photographed at the crash site. Note the outlined bolt flanges for comparison purposes. The bolt flanges hold the sections of the engine together. Both engines have portions of the outer cover removed so the inner engine is clearly visible.
Fan tip diameter: 39.9 - 49.2 in
Length, flange to flange: 120.0 - 154.1 in
Make That A 737Jet Engine...
From J. Kaplowitz
Try 737. (pdf)
They are all jet engine components (past and present) on the A-3 Skywarrior twin-turbojet airplane and on older versions of the 737. The USAF only has a few of the A-3s left in operation and what was formerly Hughes Aircraft, now Raytheon, has a fleet of them at Van Nuys, Calif. This type of turbojet engine has never been used on a Boeing 757, so the debate on "type of plane" can end there. This is a jet engine component with fan, not an auxiliary power unit (APU) as some have speculated or dropped into the conversation as disinformation.
What has been interesting is the level of "content blocking" that there is on the Internet where specific information regarding certain "jet engine components" such as those shown at the Pentagon have definitely been blocked. Our team had to take steps to go around the content blocks to get at the photos you are seeing regarding these rotor hub components.
That part has a specific UPN (Universal Part Number) and it cannot be found by looking for that UPN. Other measures were needed to find what you are seeing in these photos to circumvent what is apparently intentional content blocking. Someone has gone to considerable lengths to make sure that the actual components that were found at the Pentagon could not be found and it took my team over two years to hammer through such blocks to find three of these photos (Praxair and Evergreen) to verify the component.
Yes, Hughes aircraft had a fleet of them and was bought out by Raytheon. Hmm, that company is doing well for two reasons that I know of due to Bush war policy and even the move from Mode 4 to Mode 5 technology since the PRC got its hands on our top secret Mode 4 technology with that little Hainan Island incident and our Navy EP-3 that was forced down in April of 2001. As of Sept. 11, 2001, most air traffic controllers and National Air Guard units were not upgraded after the PRC got their hands on some of our most sensitive military technology.


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