- It was Skull & Bones George Bush who tried to appoint
Henry Kissinger to Head and Control the 911 Commission
- Paul Bremmer III (Council on Foreign Relations) was managing
director from Kissinger and Associates and a member of the Foreign Policy
- John Negroponte (Council on Foreign Relations) was Kissinger's
- Henry Kissinger, Bilderberger, Trilateral Commisssion,
Club of Rome, Chase Manhattan Bank came from the Staff of the CFR. Kissinger
was director of a special studies from the Rockefeller Brothers Fund, an
advisor to Nelson Rockefeller.
- From Imperial Brain Trust by Shoup & Minter - "Kissinger
later told Council (CFR) leader Hamilton Fish Armstrong, who played a key
role in Kissinger's rise to power, 'You invented me.'"
- The New York Times called him (Kissinger) "the Council's
most influential member" and a Council insider says that "his
influence is indirect and enormous - much of it through his Rockefeller
connection." Moskin, p156
- PS - Negroponte is the name of Chalcis or Egripos an
island of battles with the West ... such as the Battle of Negroponte 1470.
John Negroponte appointment to a position in the middle East after Bush's
call for a "crusade" only deepened the hatred in the Hegelian
moves made in their attempt to ignite a full war in the area engulfing
those nations named by the Project fro a New America made up of mostly
CFR members.