Regarding John Negroponte

From WhitePaper
It was Skull & Bones George Bush who tried to appoint Henry Kissinger to Head and Control the 911 Commission
Paul Bremmer III (Council on Foreign Relations) was managing director from Kissinger and Associates and a member of the Foreign Policy Association.
John Negroponte (Council on Foreign Relations) was Kissinger's aide.
Henry Kissinger, Bilderberger, Trilateral Commisssion, Club of Rome, Chase Manhattan Bank came from the Staff of the CFR. Kissinger was director of a special studies from the Rockefeller Brothers Fund, an advisor to Nelson Rockefeller.
From Imperial Brain Trust by Shoup & Minter - "Kissinger later told Council (CFR) leader Hamilton Fish Armstrong, who played a key role in Kissinger's rise to power, 'You invented me.'"
The New York Times called him (Kissinger) "the Council's most influential member" and a Council insider says that "his influence is indirect and enormous - much of it through his Rockefeller connection." Moskin, p156
PS - Negroponte is the name of Chalcis or Egripos an island of battles with the West ... such as the Battle of Negroponte 1470. John Negroponte appointment to a position in the middle East after Bush's call for a "crusade" only deepened the hatred in the Hegelian moves made in their attempt to ignite a full war in the area engulfing those nations named by the Project fro a New America made up of mostly CFR members.


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