- (This is an excerpt of a longer - and superb - article:
The Land Of 'Murka' - An Inside Look At George W. Bush's 'Murka'. To read
the rest, see link at the bottom of this page. -ed)
- Furthermore, the evisceration of education fuses with
the dumbed down escapism and fictions of television to create a population
addiction to and reliant on modern civilization's new drug of choice. In
television, the Establishment and the government it owns have found the
most powerful tool at their disposal to control, condition and manipulate
a population to the dictates of power. Simply put, the television has become,
in the span of a few decades, the fireworks erupting in the wet dreams
of every Joseph Goebbels alive today, a propagandist's manna from heaven
and the Establishment's weapon of choice in the pursuit of mind control
and thought manipulation.
- Television has become the heroin of the masses, a powerful
escapist drug deviating stressed psychologies away from reality. For hours
at a time, the human mind, never before bombarded with the stresses experienced
today, can relieve pressure and relax to the tunes of a fictional world
of beauty, perfection and orchestrated wonderment, a world that the natural
human condition can never duplicate or achieve. Lost in fantasy and entertainment,
the mind travels to locations far and wide, surfing the waves of channels
in search of the greatest pleasure, and the most comfortable escape.
- Today, the experiment of television has been a rousing
success as subsequent generations of citizen's fall prey to the heroin
inside their homes. Never before a part of human evolution, the television
suddenly appeared without study or research into its effects on the human
brain, captivating millions of citizens half a century ago. For over fifty
years entire generations of children have been subjected to the now known
damages of television, creating in the population of Murka, a group that
watches by far the most hours of television in the world, a series of behavioral,
emotional and psychological anomalies that no human society has ever had
to confront.
- The children of days long gone are now baby boomers,
and today their children and grandchildren are succumbing to the catastrophe
that is the television. From a young age blitzkrieged with the repetitive,
rapid and throbbing images of fictionalized entertainment, made privy to
stimuli never before experienced by the young, developing human mind, toddlers,
and later children, undergo a rewiring of their brains and a systemic manipulation
of behaviors and emotions associated with an internal confrontation between
the reality of life and the fictionalized fantasy they watch on the monitor.
- After years of incessant television watching in youth,
with the monitor having become parent, teacher, role model and trusted
friend, with primate minds now under the spell of fictionalized conditioning
and brainwashing, the adult citizen easily falls prey to the deceptions,
manipulations and dictates of the Establishment. Using highly addictive
and much needed escapist television programming as the hook and drug used
to captivate and capture the attention of the masses, those in power fill
the airwaves with the subtle yet powerful mechanisms of control, conditioning
the masses to the direction they want society to take.
- Through their advertisements the corporate world indoctrinates
the masses with the products to be used in our daily lives. This way, we
are introduced to products and ideas we have no choice but to purchase
and incorporate. Using deceptive images of fantasy and perfection marketed
to us, designed through methodical psychological research whose results
yield the best way to manipulate the human mind, we are made to believe
that if we purchase the products and services we see we will invariably
achieve the perfection we see and the fantastical life we become enraptured
- Using our fragile egos against ourselves, the Establishment
succeeds in conditioning us to make a necessity out of purchasing their
goods and services. Never mind that the human condition will never achieve
the perfection of body, mind and lifestyle we see, nor that we can ever
hope of becoming the characters, and the fictionalized modes and behaviors,
the television monitor regurgitates into our homes.
- Through the television the Establishment not only controls
what it wants us to buy and how it wants society to evolve but our subservience
and acquiescence to the system as well. When it wants war it bombards the
channels of propaganda with the images and pundits that will best mobilize
an entire nation. Corporate media will distort, deceive and manipulate
so-called news to suit the needs of a government and corporate world trying
to convince a mostly placid citizenry of the significant need for war.
Taking the form of blatant propaganda, the Establishment formulates a cocktail
of lies, fantasy, emotionally-charged and psychologically-manipulative
jingoism, over a period of time pushing the right buttons that will mutate
a drone-like population, concerned only for their daily lives, into a reincarnated
manifestation of past generations, creating a frenzied, rabid, blood-thirsty,
scapegoat-searching war culture under the hypnotized grip of the television
and the powers that control it.
- Using fear and the threat of insecurity to manipulate
the people, corporate media, in bed with government, over the years having
become the mouthpiece of government control, unleashes a barrage of propaganda,
in images and pro-war commentators, to arouse in the population the false
sense of security that justifies military action. This way, debate is silenced
and dissent is disappeared on the airwaves as once again the corporate
media, the gatekeepers of information, allow us only to see and hear the
point of view they want us to incorporate into our psyche. Voices of reason
and of intelligence are ignored, banished from imparting important thoughts
of wisdom, thus making it virtually impossible for the population to ever
know there are other options besides the horror of war.
- With corporate anchors, journalists, reporters, commentators
and executives pushing into our monitors an exclusively pro-war, jingoistic
viewpoint, blitzkrieging us with their propaganda-laced images and opinion,
over months of constant threats of fear and insecurity, denying the public
from ever seeing or hearing truths and realities, it therefore becomes
rather easy, with a population addicted to television viewing, to mobilize
a nation for war. With the marriage of government and corporate power,
truth disappears just as much as falsity prospers. With both entities profiting
from the spoils of war, it is in each other's best interest to work together
to disseminate the seeds that will invariably spawn the rebirth of a dormant
war culture.
- Once again the system is at work, knowing how easy it
is to control the minds of a dumbed down population that has been well
trained, and some might say socially engineered, to never question authority,
never think outside the box, never seek accountability and never think
for itself. Easily manipulated, millions of Murkans are conditioned to
believe, from a very early age, that anything emanating from television
is sacrosanct. Thus, everything they watch is reality and anything they
hear is truth. Anchors and reporters become trusted personalities voicing
reticent opinions whose veracity are seldom, if ever, questioned.
- Never do millions of Murkans stop to think of the many
vested interests in corporate media, of the intricacies of profit and revenue,
of the need to expand shareholder wealth, of the purposeful demonization
of Arab peoples and the sugarcoating of anything Israel, of just why there
is such an imbalance in the coverage and commentary of the Israeli-Palestinian
issue, of why exactly there is such protection of and propaganda for the
present administration. In reality, this failure of the population to ever
question the interests of television, both clandestine and made public,
is a symptom of the system at work, where children are brainwashed and
conditioned so that as adults they will be easier to manipulate and control.
- Whomever controls television controls the masses, along
with whatever interpretation of reality is created for our consumption,
and this certainty can best be seen in the Land of Murka, where the system
serves to keep truths hidden and realities far removed from public discourse,
where the media, acting in concert with government, whitewashes, omits
and sugarcoats vital information the population is never allowed to receive,
where, using the formula of constant repetition, the corporate media succeeds
in planting that information into the public mind that will best serve
both the interests of its parent companies and the Establishment.
- Murka has become a nation addicted to its heroin, fed
to us by the drug dealer called the Establishment, perpetually keeping
us in the escapist world of television. The heroin injected into our homes
distracts us from ever seeing reality. It is designed to manipulate and
control at once, transforming the population into a sedentary herd of sheeple
who never question what is told them. Over the years millions of citizens
have used this most dangerous drug to escape lives of frustration, unhappiness,
desperation, depression and loneliness, never realizing that with every
hour they watch, with every show they are glued to, with every channel
they surf their minds are turned to mush, becoming conduits of ignorance,
molded into muscles in desperate need of gossip and sensationalism, no
longer thinking for itself.
- The Establishment has perfected its machination of propaganda,
creating the realities it wants into society, forming whatever truth that
will be of the greatest benefit, not to society, but to itself. Whatever
reality it wants to create and disseminate is quickly absorbed by a population
eager to feed off the mammary glands of television. The Establishment,
the corporate world and government have for years told us how and what
to think, how to act, who to obey and where to follow, condemning our minds
to obedience, our lives to conformism and silent acquiescence.
- We have been made sheep, one and all, some more than
others, becoming, over years of conditioned receptivity, members of the
army of fantasy, unknowingly conscripted from birth, our minds rewired
through the tools of the airwaves, made subservient creatures dumbed down
by Establishment created education and television, following the commands
of our masters, bowing in eternal submission to powers both known and unknown,
falling prey to their deceptions and manipulations, allowing them to do
with our minds as they please. For the elite, nothing has ever been easier;
nothing has ever been more successful. From cradle to grave, our minds
thus become their slaves.
- Conclusion to "Land of Murka" coming Thursday
Mr. Valenzuela's new novel is now on sale through Authorhouse.com at Echoes
in the Wind Sales Page. A philosophical, educational and spiritual story
on humanity and our civilization, as relevant as today's headlines, this
book is almost 600 pages in trade paperback form on sale internationally
through secure web page transaction. Additionally, the novel is now available
on Amazon.com and barnesandnoble.com, as well as other online book sellers.
If preferred, the novel can also be ordered at any local brick and mortar
bookstore worldwide through the book's ISBN number, 1418489905.
- Manuel Valenzuela is social critic and commentator, international
affairs analyst, Internet columnist and author of Echoes in the Wind, a
novel now published by Authorhouse.com. A collection of essays, Beyond
the Smoking Mirror: Reflections on America and Humanity, will be published
in early 2005. His articles appear regularly on
- www.informationclearinghouse.info . His unique style
and powerful writing is read internationally and seeks to expose truths
and realities confronting humanity today. Mr. Valenzuela welcomes comments
and can be reached at manuel@valenzuelas.net. A collection of his work
can be found visiting his archives and by searching the Internet
- To read this brilliant article in full:
- http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article8210.htm