Pepsi-Cola/Coca-Cola, CIA
And The Courts - Part 15
Pepsi Accused Of Using 'Corruptly Begotten'
Court Judgements Implicating Federal Judge

By Sherman H. Skolnick
To defeat intellectual property claims against them, the two major beverage companies worked a corrupt influence on Federal Judges in Chicago.
The Coca-Cola case started, as I set forth in this series, before Chicago U.S. District Judge Blanche Manning. Obviously, I ran a jeopardy as head of a court reform group when I was brought in as a witness against her in her Court as to her corruption. My written statement in the Court record points to a gangster who paid one million dollars to buy her the Judgeship.
[I was later contacted by a supposedly elite government investigating group. As to my federal court presentations in the Coca-Cola case, they said they were going to immediately grill gangster William F. Cellini, a gangster who I contended in the Coca-Cola case buys and sells federal judgeships and bought Manning the federal district court judgeship for one million dollars.
When the supposedly elite group contacted me the second time, they said, "Mr. Skolnick, your federal court testimony is NOT accurate." Puzzled, I responded "In what way?" They answered, "The gangster paid two million dollars, not one million". Outraged, I demanded "And what are YOU going to do about THAT?" They simply stated, "We'll let you know". They never contacted me further and apparently did nothing against Cellini, a major power broker. Cellini reportedly under various names including Argosy Gaming and similar, owns and operates nationwide gambling casinos, and apparently because of "muscle" gets kickbacks from other casinos of what is known in the trade as Three Points. The highly corrupt IRS seems not to notice anything. Also, for many years covered up
by the monopoly press and corrupt state and federal officials, was that Cellini's sister. Janice Cellini, for many years Administrative executive assistant to Illinois Governors installed corruptly by her brother, was an unindicted co-conspirator in a huge embezlement by computer consultants swindling the Illinois Public Aid Department.]
In the presence of Judge Manning, I was asked what I do. Under oath, I testified I lead investigations of judges suspected of bribery for the purpose of fingering them and putting them in prison.
To try to scare me, during my testimony, the Judge had six very sinister looking Federal Police sitting nearby ready to jump on me. Earlier, the Judge had insisted that despite I was a public access cable television journalist and program producer, that I put myself with my wheelchair all the way to the rear of the court by the court door.
When I protested I could not hear the proceedings from that distance, one of the toughtest of the Federal Police got up and started right for me to grab me. I ended the stand-off by suggesting I sit directly next to one of the police with a radio-like earpiece in his ear.
The Judge refused to consider six Motions that she had perpetrated frauds upon her own Court. Not disputed was that the plaintiff Robert E. Kolody accusing Coca-Cola of copyright violations, had for some ten years a lawyer who later confessed to me in the presence of witnesses that his sister was media buyer for Coke. By this method, he admitted Coke was able to spy on Kolody and torpedo his confidential legal strategies..During my testimony, I pointed to that lawyer, Dan Hanley, present in Court who did not dispute his confession. (That lawyer was reportedly a close relative of Edward Hanley, the gangster that for many years ran the hoodlum-controlled Hotel Workers Union which was also reportedly tied to Judge Manning. When Jesse Jackson, Jr. ran to fill a vacancy in a Congressional District in Chicago in 1995, reporters on a radio show asked him what he did to be paid fifty nine thousand dollars from the gangster-riddled Hotel Workers Union. He could not give a straight answer. Asked if he knew of his boss, Edward Hanley, runnning the Union and a known hoodlum, he asserted with a straight face that he never heard of his boss.)
In the process of investigating his sister, Mary Hanley, an official of the marketing and advertising firm DDB Chicago, I found out that Coca-Cola and Pepsi-Cola are owned by the same financial interests and only pretend to be worldwide competitors. Further, DDB Chicago quietly represented both Pepsi and Coke. All these things are Anti-Trust violations which the highly politicized and corrupt Justice Department has failed to do anything about.
Later, in the Federal Appeals Court, all the judges of that Court, some 14, sitting what they call en banc, together, blockaded the Kolody appeal from proceeding. Still later, the plaintiff Kolody filed court documents setting forth that the corruption in the Coca-Cola case is linked to the corrupting of five Judges on the U.S. Supreme Court in Bush versus Gore, to arbitrarily install George W. Bush in December, 2000, as the occupant and resident of the White House.
The documents relating to this judicial corruption were sent to a Secret Court that considers matters of misdeeds of Federal Judges including bribery. Unknown to the public, such Court has no case number, no docket or procedures of record, and meeting place is unknown.
In 2004, Homeland Security and the FBI arbitrarily twice blocked heavy packages of documents relating to the High Court corruption in Bush versus Gore from getting to one of the U.S. Supreme Court Justices, John Paul Stevens (in his second capacity as 7th Circuit Justice supervising the federal appeals court in Chicago). Stevens who with three other High Court Justices dissented in Bush Versus Gore. Justice Stevens' dissent is considered the most outspoken in the two hundred year history of the High Court.
[In 1969, in the biggest judicial bribery mess in American history up to that time, Stevens, as a Chicago lawyer, was my attorney presenting my charges of bribery against some of the Judges of the Illinois Supreme Court, that state's highest tribunal which was nearly swept away by the disclosures. As a result, I and Stevens became famous. He was later appointed to sit on the U.S. Supreme Court, his current position for more than thirty years. For details, visit Home Page <>, and also this series, Part 14 posted soon. Not mentioning us by name, is a small part of our work on the U.S. Supreme Court corruption of Five of their Judges:in the October, 2004 issue of Vanity Fair Magazine.]
[Visit, parts 9 and 10 of this series as to the Secret Court's existence. Other numerous details in other parts of this series as to Coca-Cola.]
As to Pepsi-Cola, the other major worldwide beverage company:
The owner of a Chicago-area-based beverage firm, filed on February 15, 2005, a civil damage suit in the state court in Chicago, being in Cook County. Named as defendants are Pepsico, Inc., several of their units, and two law firms and lawyers representing them. Among the law firms named as defendants are Pattishall, McAuliffe, Murphy, Newberry, Hilliard & Geraldson, 311 South Wacker Drive, Suite 5000, Chicago IL 60606 (312) 554-8000 ; and Grimes & Battersby, 488 Main Ave., Third Floor, Norwalk, Connecticut 06851 (203) 849-8300 .
Robert J. Corr owner of Rush Beverage Company, Inc., of the Chicago suburb of Blue Island, sets forth in his Verified Compaint with Exhibit attached, as follows:
That Chicago U.S. District Judge John W. Darrah (312) 435-5619 [Federal civil action, No. 01 C-5684 ] for the Pepsi defendants' and their attorneys huge financial benefits, did Frauds Upon the U.S. Disdtrict Court and Obstructions of Justice, Perpetrated by Judge Darrah himself on his Own Court.
Judge Darrah condoned and acquiesced in, as stated, in the Complaint by Corr, that Pepsico and their attorneys arranged the burglary of most of Corr's office and benefitted from that.. Stolen were his trade secrets, confidential books and records, documents and papers.
All the burglarized items were delivered in garbage bags to the Pepsico attorneys who admitted they had the same but refused to return the original records to Corr despite his repeated demands.
Original records, rather than machine copies, are the most effectxive evidence to prove claims at trials and elsewhere. Original records are not as subject to dispute and rejection as machine copies would be.
Under a malign if not corrupt influence by the defendants, Judge Darrah cut short Corr from having Pepsi's attorneys adequately questioned.
Deprived of his records, Corr could not timely renew the registration of his trade mark as to which he sued Pepsi in the federal court. [ For many years previous to the federal case, "Red Bull" beverage tried to knockout Corr's trademark "Ginseng Rush". linked to his beverages marketed by Corr through his firm, Rush Beverage Co., Inc. Corr's beverage is made with American Ginseng, according to published sources, of a superior quality and more expensive than Ginseng supposedly in some other beverages with Korean Ginseng. Corr contends his beverage is good for one's health. On the other hand, "Red Bull" is reputedly heavily caffeinated. Corr says he is against other beverages which have almost a toxic level of caffein. Also, neither Coca-Cola nor Pepsi-Cola can legally clim their bubble water has any nutrition value.]
In January, 2004, in the Federal Court, Corr filed "Motion By Robert Corr To Purge The Records Of Certain Orders, Judgments, and Rulings In The Instant Case Because of Fraud Upon the U.S. District Court and Obstructions of Justice Perpetrated By Judge John W. Darrah Himself".
It is a fundamental principle of Anglo-Saxon Law, that "No Man Shall Sit As A Judge In His Own Case". Unlawfully sitting as a Judge in his own case, Judge Darrah stating the entire title of the motion, ruled on February 19, 2004, that such "Motion ... is Denied" Please notice. In law the words Motion is Denied, does NOT mean the facts are disputed but rather that the Motion is not granted. The Judge, Pepsi, their units, and lawyers DID NOT DISPUTE the FACTS of the malign influence on Judge Darrah to enter Judgments arbitrarily destroying Corr's intellectual and contract property rights.
In his State Court suit, Corr claims the named Pepsi defendants are wielding and using against him corruptly and fraudulently begotten federal court judgments, orders, and rulings, defendants having worked a malign influence on Judge obtain the same. In this way, the Pepsi defendants, with Judge Darrah under a malign influence, destroyed Corr's intellectual and contract property rights.
In so diong, the named defendants are implying that such federal court judgments, orders, and rulings are valid and res judicata (law jargon for "rest in peace").when the named Pepsi defendants know full well they obtained the same corruptly and fraudulently.
Among the types of damage claims Corr makes against the named Pepsi fidefendants, in the State Court suit filed 2/15/05,im the Circuit Court of Cook County, Illinois, Law Division, Case No. 2005 L 001785, are the following:
That they engaged in Theft of His Records. That they conducted corporate espionage against him; that they conducted misappropriation of his Trade Secrets; that they engaged in interference of his business activities; that they did these things for Unjust Enrichment.
Updated details of the State Court suit will be posted (after 2/21/5)
Question: Unknown to Robert J. Corr, have the details of the corruption in the Pepsi case of Chicago Federal District Judge John W. Darrah, also been sent to the SECRET COURT like in the Coca-Cola matter?
More coming.
Stay tuned.
Mr. Skolnick's Reports are posted and archived at Together with his co-authored The Middle-Finger News, they are posted and archived through
also posted and archived through
Skolnick is co-host with Lenny Bloom on a growing, popular maximum power Internet radio program, FM-quality worldwide, ON-LINE LIVE and ARCHIVED at CHECK SCHEDULE for time it is on.
Recently published, the book, "Ahead of the Parade" by Sherman H. Skolnick, A Who's Who of Treason & High Crimes---Exclusive Details of Fraud & Corruption of the Monopoly Press, the Banks, the Bench and the Bar, & the Secret Political Police.
Can be ordered U.S./Canada 1-800-861-7899.
Can also supposedly be ordered through HOWEVER recently they blockaded their own marketing and sales of this controversial book by demanding twice the listed price.
About once a year is published a heavy packet of printed stories by Skolnick. To get a copy, send $5.00 (U.S. FUNDS ONLY) plus a stamped, self-addressed BUSINESS size envelope [ # 10 envelope, 4-1/8 x 9-1/2 ] WITH THREE U.S. FIRST CLASS STAMPS ON IT, to Citizen's Committee To Clean Up The Courts, Sherman H. Skolnick, Chairman, 9800 So. Oglesby Ave., Chicago IL 60617-4870.
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