History Channel Disinformation

From Archie in Austin
Dear Jeff -
Thank you for your great website. I like the way you post essays by just common folk like me.
I know what a "limited hangout" is, and I also know that when you bury one or two big whoppen lies in the middle of a one-hour video documentary that is 90 percent facts and truth, that those lies will be most efficacious in the war against the minds of the citizens.
The History Channel televised a one hour documentary called "Modern Marvels: Metal". about one week ago. I only saw the last half hour of it, but that is where I encountered the two whopper lies.
First I heard them talking about the glories of aluminum. In that segment, they made the statement that "aluminum is inert in the human body. There is aluminum in tooth paste but it caused no harm to the body." Dr. Russel Blaylock, neurosurgeon, nutrition researcher and author of "Health and Nutrition Secrets That Can Save Your Life" says, on the contrary, with complete citation of probably over 100 scientific/medical studies on just this one subject within this big book, that aluminum is a neurotoxin and causes many many neurological and endocrine assaults on the human body and that it is not inert and that it is very deleterious. That was Whopper # 1.
Then the video documentary went on to a segment about the strength of the metal beams used to build huge skycrapers. Keep in mind the entire video had metal scientists and researchers and professors each speaking and telling their part of the story on metals. The video said that the rubble and beams from the 9-11 World Trade Centers had been studied carefully so that a stronger metal could be made for beams for tall skyscrapers. They said they wanted metal beams that would not melt quickly at high temperatures as did the beams in the fallen towers. They said if they could invent a metal alloy that melted at higher temperatures and melted more slowly, then the people would have much more time to get out of the buildings and many more lives would be saved. That Wopper # 2 Lie was to reiterate in a subtle sly way the government's official story of why the towers fell.
History Channel seems to be very sophisticated in its government disinformation plants. I consider them to be very very evil. I really would like to read and essay or a book that explains the terms used for the different kinds of propaganda techniques being used on the American populace these days, and explaining which have proven to be most effective.
God bless you and thank you again for your website.
Austin, TX
From Daniel Natal
I just read one email you posted from a reader about the History Channel. It spurred me to write too because--about two years ago--the History Channel had a documentary on the history of counterfeiting. In the course of narrating the story of one 19th century counterfeiter who happened to be deaf, they illustrated the point with a photo they claimed was the counterfeiter.
Imagine my shock when, instead, they put up the photo of 19th Century French symbolist poet Charles Baudelaire! --I guess, the director of the documentary assumed that no one would know that the photo he produced was a fake. Sadly, I--as a fan of Baudelaire--recognized the famous picture. My wife, who sat beside me was astonished when I turned to the internet and produced the exact photo from a Baudelaire webiste.
My response was to email the channel and tell them of the shoddy documentary-maker. I mean, if they were inaccurate about THAT what else were they inaccurate about?
Ever since then I can't watch the network--which routinely rants about Hitler. How can I trust anything they say about "Hitler" when I myself have caught them in a fabrication?



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