Ghostly Encounters
Captivate Audiences
By Sasha Mansworth
Daily Record - UK
Chatting to Hollywood superstars like Frank Sinatra is all in a day's work for Derek Acorah. The tinseltown great may be long dead and buried, but it's no barrier to heavenly communication, claims the spirit medium. Sceptics may suggest that chatting to dead celebrities is unbelievable, but the Most Haunted psychic has been elevated to celebrity status in his own right thanks to the shock success of the cult cable TV show.
With its ghost-hunting former Blue Peter presenter Yvette Fielding, jerky handheld night-vision cameras and grisly locations, it's become addictive viewing for legions of Living TV fans.
And now Acorah (real name Johnson) is coming to Scotland to unleash his other-worldly powers north of the border.
The former Liverpool FC reserve has captivated audiences by tramping around castles and stately homes, recounting their grisly secrets.
Cynics may baulk, but when Living staged a Most Haunted Live event in Derby last year the free tickets were being traded on eBay for £350, and a discarded call sheet for the show was offered for £60.
'In the three and a half years of Most Haunted we've done 109 sites,' says Derek.
'In England alone there are 10,000 registered. And we go abroad - we've done Holland and Ireland.
'Among the most startling were the Pendle Witches, I'd never come across a group of people who were so affected as the crew.
'Sam, my spirit guide, warned me nine witches were coming and when they put in an appearance all hell broke loose.'
The special Hallowe'en show came from the Lancashire location with a gruesome past. In the 17th century 19 locals were accused of witchcraft and imprisoned in the dark, 30 feet below ground in a small dungeon in Lancaster Castle, and kept there for five months on a diet of bread and gruel.
When they were tried five months later they could hardly speak.Ten were hanged on August 20, 1612.
The ghosthunters contacted the chief witch and one by one the crew fell ill and had difficulty breathing.
Derek says: 'It was very alarming watching the crew go down. It's when there are grounded spirits we get the real meaty stuff. If there is no activity - grounded spirits - I can pick upon residual energies.
'We've come across just a few places where it's just been residual energy.'
Critics of the show suggest that things that go bump in the night may not be all they seem. 'There's nothing that is staged or acted in the show. I wouldn't have taken part in the programme unless the spiritual aspect was right,' says the 55-year-old grandfather.
'I wanted to bring to the public's attention what was truly going on. I'm glad to say Karl Beattie and Yvette Fielding have been very correct in the way they wanted it shot.'
The husband and wife team came up with the idea one rainy day in their lounge. The rest is history.
The crew's wide-eyes and permanently petrified gaze a la Blair Witch Project are what viewers have come to expect. Any tiniest sound or whisper and they regularly scarper.
But does the animated Mr Acorah ever feel like it's time to quickly depart the building, slamming the door firmly behind him?
'At the House of Detention in London I came across a number of grounded spirit individuals, different people from different times,' he reveals. 'They were still grounded in this hell hole.They disturbed me so much in what they planned to do to the women, I warned the team to stay with the women in the crew at all times.
'They were just idle threats, but because they were unknown quantities to me and there were so many of them, you do wonder what they can actually get up to.
'They can't physically harm you and they can't take you out your body and keep you out - in other words, they can't kill you.'
When ghosthunting in Manchester's Brannigans nightclub Derek had another fright when he lost the feeling in his legs.
He says: 'Possession is physically and mentally draining but it's not dangerous - as long as you look after yourself.
'Sam helps to protect me from evil spirits, the crew and my driver know what to do.'
Most Haunted has even captured the imagination of Radio One DJ Scott Mills, who is so bewitched by the show he's taken to playing clips of Derek's best possessed moments.
Derek kicked off his career as a professional footballer with Liverpool FC and the Australian team USC Lions. But a knee injury forced him to rethink his direction in life. He moved back to his native Liverpool in the Eighties to become a full-time spirit medium.
He started off doing readings for a couple of quid from a small office and now has several books,TV and radio shows on his CV.
He was first approached by Yvette after she turned up at one of Derek's TV shows with a bunch of pals.
He didn't recognise Blue Peter's youngest-ever presenter, but made contact for three of her pals.
'She was so shocked afterwards she stayed behind to say she'd had an idea with her husband and he'd like to meet me,' he says.
'So we all sat down over a pizza in the green room and that was how Most Haunted was born.' Now in its fourth series, Most Haunted has propelled Derek into the spotlight. He's approached in the street, in restaurants and shops.
'It's quite lovely. It surprises and shocks me I am recognised so much. In airports - everywhere,' he says.
'It's because of Most Haunted. I also do big theatre tours in front of around 2500. I miss doing the one to one sittings for people. After each show I sign autographs for two hours.'
He gets sent thousands of letters brought in bags to his house and tries to answer every one. Some bizarre stuff ends up in his mailbox - artefacts found at the Mayan ruins in Mexico and gruesome pieces of hair from dead relatives.
The downside of fame has been letters from 'unbalanced' people.
Derek says: 'The most unusual thing was about four months ago. Every theatre I appeared at there was a large envelope waiting for me. In it was a letter from a woman saying if I didn't get in touch with Princes Harry, William and Charles she knew people who would murder them.
'She wanted to have William's baby. I finally got her number and spoke to her and she stopped.'
His regular appearances on the box have also generated more column inches about his work, life and even appearance.
One journalist even compared him to Peter Stringfellow. 'It shocked me. I asked my wife and my old mum: 'Do I look like him?' Maybe when I had my hair longer. I think that was the only resemblance,' he laughs.
Derek was asked to join the International Society for Paranormal Research (ISPR) in 1998. His powers were put to the test at the Comedy Store in Los Angeles frequented by Dean Martin, Errol Flynn and Jerry Lewis.
'I heard a voice - it said: 'My name's Michael Landon'. He was the actor from Bonanza and Little House on the Prairie. He hadn't long passed with cancer and he wanted to get a precious message to his daughter and his wife who were there.
'On the same night. I got a voice and he showed himself and it was Frank Sinatra. He said he didn't want to speak to his wife, but his favourite niece.'
He's done a raft of sittings for celebs like Burt Reynolds, Roger Moore and lots more who 'want to remain anonymous'.
Derek has become good pals with Freddie Starr after his dead dad came through while Derek was appearing in Glasgow.
He says: 'We've become very good friends. He has a lot of empathy for our work and believes he is quite psychic - which he is.
'Spirit people come through in different ways. If they show themselves, I'll see them, and if they talk that's even better.'
He says it's very touching for a relative to get a message from someone who may have died young, or in an accident or in a violent way. We all have spirit guides watching over us, who help us through tough times.
'They have to listen, they do help, even though they go unseen,' says Derek.
'Sam is with me all the time - but he's not always obvious and talking to me. Sam is my spirit guide, he's been with me since birth and will stay with me until I go back to the world of spirit.'
Despite a growing cult status and mixing with Hollywood A-listers, Derek remains chatty and surprisingly down to earth.
He likes nothing more than sitting down to relax with a cup of tea and a cigarette and remains devoted to his beloved Liverpool FC.
'If you saw my room it's red and white. My pool table is red. My car is red, even my coffee cup is red. I've football-shaped ashtrays,' says Derek.
He may have the same diamond earring as superstar midfielder David Beckham, but that's where the similarity ends.
He adds: 'There have been tough times over the years, but if I could go back and choose between Derek Acorah the footballer or Derek Acorah the medium, it would be the medium every time.'
Derek says: 'When we did the pilot of Most Haunted, Yvette said 'Come on Derek - use your psychic abilities - are we going to sell this programme'?' So he tuned in and discovered the future from his spirit guide Sam: 'I told Yvette: 'We'll have a problem at first and be rejected, but there's someone out there who'll have the empathy for the programme and will give it a chance'. It was turned down by a number of TV companies - mainly terrestrial - but Sam told me it was going to be a huge success ... a cult programme.'
Derek says: 'It doesn't matter where I am - on tour or at home and I'll get a call or e-mail directing me to a hotel at a particular time.' A member of the crew turns up at Derek's location and he'll follow them to the clandestine meeting place. 'I don't get to know even the name of the place. I have to drive for an hour after the crew member turns up to the location - perhaps 50 to 100 miles away. Maybe even into another county



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