- Way back there when we were naive about the intentions
of this gang of thugs, there was a time when people thought about the why
and how of what we did or did not do as a nation. In that time, things
needed to make some kind of sense, before the public would simply sign
on, or off, on whatever the government wanted to do. That seems like very
long ago, and yet, that was only fifty years.
In Harry Truman's time, the congress and the people figured out how to
vote themselves real money - and from that day to this we've had a running
battle with this metaphorical flight, that we've nicknamed "the world
of the future. " In this losing battle we've cast ourselves as Mercury,
the ancient messenger of the Gods (for our daring and the promise of our
power). It would,ve been more accurate to see ourselves not as Mercury,
but as Icarus, that flawed seeker who died because he flew too close to
the Sun (that nuclear furnace that gives us all life).
This is shorthand for what is happening to our dreams of Empire.
- Over the intervening years, the public gradually lost
consciousness until we finally found ourselves in Vietnam. Had the country
been 'aware' of world events in the late 1960's it is likely that Vietnam
would not have happened. But we were not awake - so the nightmare happened!
Then in the 1990's had we been paying attention to the rape and plunder
done to all of us by Clinton, it is very likely that there would have been
no Dubya, in any form. But we were lulled to inattention by a very bright
and very 'sold out' president, so we accepted the appointment of Bush (12-12-2000)
and no one major, even blinked.
However for all of us who were preoccupied: we had a lot of help in failing
to awaken. Education was completely revamped to eliminate any real knowledge
of our actual history in the world, http://www.adbusters.org/magazine/53/
- The arts were also shredded, so that self-expression
was destroyed before it was possible to become a professional choice, and
finally we were all subjected to this obscenity of permanently managed
We have endured the murder of so many people as part of the bid to steal
the world's supply of oil that we no longer even think about the enormity
of what we've done. Instead we seem focused on what it will supposedly
take to "win " this utterly failed endeavor.
- http://www.rense.com/general62/shat.htm
Simply put - this happens because 'people' cannot force themselves to believe
that there is a madman in office, and it's easier to just fall back on
staid phrases of a certain patriotic flavor, than it is to realize that
this imposter is sending our loved ones out to die for the Corporatocracy,
and for the massive and illegal profits that are amassed by stealing tax
money, through secret no-bid contracts that support the on-going major
crimes against humanity. Faced with these facts. many choose ignorance
and knee jerk responses to patriotism, while avoiding the courage required
to view the truth.
- http://www.lewrockwell.com/browne/browne30.html
What has happened to us is not complex or even mysterious as most of us
do this correctly every day in our normal lives. Whenever we have a decision
to make, we weigh the risks and balance the costs, before we act. The cost
of any action is always measured against the price of any action and must
be part of any decision. What happened to our common sense when it came
to 911? Why would any small nation even remotely entertain the thought
of such an attack - they would not! So why would the USA be so afraid of
something that will never happen?
What minor nation could ever expect to survive a real attack upon this
nation, for more than 24 hours? That would be committing suicide, especially
if their attack was nuclear. How could the public here have been so blind
that they missed this obvious fact? The USA under our current dictator
has gone into the world with a huge ego, threatening friend and foe alike
with extermination or conversion, for all who disagree with us. The Bush
Doctrine of 2002 cannot succeed, because that premise (that we are all
powerful) is false!
Moreover, the plans that were put in place have consistently failed; yet
rather than taking stock and making corrections, those in power are calling
for much more of the same in still more countries: instead of rethinking
their current folly. Much has been made of the elections in Iraq. There
were equally promising fake elections in Vietnam as well - and ultimately
we lost there, Just as we shall lose in Iraq. The only questions are the
actual cost of this folly in both blood and treasure, to us, as well as
to those that we are exterminating.
So far we've destroyed two nations, but we've yet to catch Osama bin Laden,
whom Dubya says is and was responsible. We,re going into the fourth year
now, with massive death tolls and $300 billion in treasure. Yet not only
are we not safer, we are almost prisoners of Tar Baby Bush, so entangled
have we become in these fantasies of Empire. In this process we are now
less viable, less prosperous, and we are beginning to see the end of our
own way of life, as part of the price for arrogance and denial. That price
for all of this, is far too high by any standard. If real protection was
the goal - then we've lost bigtime - not to an external enemy, but to the
Bushwhackers who have been the real enemy all along. http://news.com.com/House+
This will only change when the balance of power shifts and not before.
When that happens the media will attempt to lead the charge against the
same people they have been shielding, because no one involved in this ever
trusted any one, including their co-conspirators. Whether that's someone
at the top of that hyena pack that they have become, or anyone among all
the vultures that serve their every need. The key to everything now lies
in finding that passion point within the body politic that will allow the
public to find their own way so that this curse of the political vampires
can be dispelled completely.
- Many simply do not believe that this can be accomplished,
that the government has already gotten complete control over the direction
and the possibilities that make up our individual lives. Those same too
many, fail to understand how often these same fools have failed at whatever
they have tried to do. They may control the reins of government but they
do not have the capability to carry out their obscene plans: the numbers
of us are simply too large for them to ever complete this task.
Corruption is as old as humanity, but the failures of that path are also
well documented. The reach of the Cheney's, the Rove's, the Rumsfeld's
and all those implicated in this pirate's charade, are far shorter than
they would have the world believe, and since none of them understand the
smallest detail about what it means to live - they will never understand
what the will to resist them is really all about. They have damaged the
world severely, and placed all life in jeopardy in their haste to grab
the spoils and shoot the survivors of this game: the game they think of
as "all that matters. "
Add it all up and it is clear. Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, and N. Korea: this
has never been about those countries: and it has had nothing at all to
do with either real freedom or genuine democracy. This is criminality 101,
on the global scale, and when the public no longer buys in to all this
theft, then it will end. It took them decades to put us to sleep, but once
awakened the hungry lion of the public's backlash will wipe them from the
How much longer will these people be tolerated, when will enough be enough?
Terrorism? That is nothing but a shadow-puppet for them to drag out whenever
we are about to see the truth. After all, who profited from 911 in the
long run, who had both the opportunity and the motive necessary to pull
it off? Americans are not gods to the rest of the planet, we are simple
and deluded children who have not earned the respect of other nations,
and who cannot control our most basic appetites. The Bushwhackers feed
those amorphous appetites, and our most primitive emotions as well.
We are becoming a nation that is trying to emulate the society in "Lord
of the Flies, " and in that process we have broken faith with our
children, and their children's children. What we will leave posterity,
if we allow these creatures to direct us further, will be a planet and
nation that will be hostile to life as we know it - in every way - for
generations to come. We must finally begin to "Come From the Shadows
" - and to live again in the sun!