CWD Found In CO Hunter's
Deer - Disease Spreading

From Patricia Doyle, PhD
I wonder what happened to the meat from the deer. We know the hunter submitted a sample from the mule deer buck killed last month, but what did he do with the meat?
There have now been TWO CWD deer identified in El Paso County, Colorado. How many others are positive for CWD and not identified?
Once again, we see CWD found in new territory. It has been found in over 30 states to date and is slowly but surely spreading across the rest of America.
(No one knows how long the symtomless stage of CWD can last in deer. Hunters in some states have
been told 'not to shoot and eat deer that act strangely' when, in fact, a CWD deer in the first half of CWD infection may appear perfectly normal, while others may be carriers for years. We just don't know. What common sense does tell us, however, is that it is time to stop eating deer meat. Furthermore, it is surmised that Mad Cow is similarly extant throughout the US beef and dairy industry, but no one seems to be talking about that. -ed)
Patricia Doyle
Deer At Fort Carson Had Wasting Disease
From Rocky Mountain News
A mule deer buck killed last month [December 2004] by a hunter at
Fort Carson has tested positive for chronic wasting disease (CWD),
the state Division of Wildlife has confirmed.
Fort Carson is the farthest south that wildlife officials have found
the disease along the Front Range.
Kathi Green, Colorado wildlife division disease coordinator, said the
adult mule deer buck was the 2nd one to be tested for chronic wasting
disease in El Paso County.
A hunter who shot the deer last month [December 2004] submitted a
sample to the wildlife division for testing. The Veterinary
Diagnostics Laboratory at Colorado State University confirmed Friday
[28 Jan 2005] that the animal had the disease.
A Colorado Springs resident reported a sick deer to the wildlife
division last April [2004]. That animal also tested positive for the
disease, officials said.
Patricia A. Doyle, PhD Please visit my "Emerging Diseases" message board at:
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