An Open Letter To 20
US Canadian Consulates

Ingrid Rimland Zündel, Ed.D.
Ingrid Rimland Zündel, Ed.D.
3152 Parkway, PMB 13-109
USA 37863
Open Letter
February 10, 2005
Dear Sir:
This Open Letter is meant to bring to your attention the fact that this past weekend, Free Speech supporters all over the United States held various small but dignified demonstrations in front of Canadian consulates as well as consulates in several foreign countries, protesting the illegal incarceration of my husband, Ernst Zundel, due to state-sponsored judicial malevolence that would do Stalin proud! Only five of these demonstrations were planned - the rest arose spontaneously, with very little prior notice. It is clear that many, many people know what happened to my husband in your country. The world looks on, aghast!

You may or may not know that my husband's "arrest" was, fact, an extrajudicial rendition - more plainly, a vicious, politically motivated kidnapping, in broad daylight, on American soil! - with unwary U.S. officials acting as hit squads for nefarious Canadian special interest groups, entities known in the vernacular, not always respectfully, as the Canadian Holocaust Lobby.

I am putting these questions to you as representatives of Canada:

Should a man who has not even been charged, much less convicted, of any wrongdoing in your country, or in mine, have to suffer solitary confinement in an ice cold cell for two years - where the light is kept on 24 hours a day?
Should an innocent man be subjected to nutritionally inferior prison food rations, always served cold?

Must he suffer daily insults by uncouth guards; must he be subjected to hundreds of strip searches after visits from friends behind bullet-proof glass - at times even after a telephone call?

Should he have to wait for an entire year before a dentist can be summoned to treat an infected tooth?

Is it acceptable that original court documents be willfully destroyed by dousing them with water?

Is it not highly unprofessional to ask him to prepare himself for trial costing us hundreds of thousands of dollars - and millions to Canadian taxpayers! - yet not allow him a pen with which to make some notes? In his cell, my husband does not even have a chair! It took a ministerial "okay" to let him have a pillow!
Can a country fall so low that it allows a "judge" who was a former boss in charge of CSIS, the very agency that has compiled a Zündel smear file from sources Ernst is not allowed to know, to run a political show trial based on "incriminating evidence" even his lawyers are forbidden to inspect?

Ernst Zundel is an internationally known, high profile activist, respected and admired, in spite of what your lapdog media minions claim. My husband has the right by international treaties, to which your country is a signatory, to confront his accusers in an unbiased court and to call witnesses who would exonerate him!

Please be so kind as to remind your government superiors that Ernst Zundel has no criminal record, either in Canada or the United States. He did not live in Tennessee illegally. He was in Adjustment of Status procedures due to marriage to a U.S. citizen. The very agency, INS, that lent a hand arresting him had given him a work permit, had scheduled a health check and arranged for a social security number. Ernst was allowed to leave the country and return. When he was arrested, he was known to the FBI as a publisher with controversial views about events of World War II, specifically what passes for the "Holocaust". He had been investigated by local as well as state and national enforcement agencies who stated in their various reports that he checked out to be non-violent, and it was recommended by the FBI two years before the handcuffs closed around his wrists that the investigation into his whereabouts be administratively closed.

In this country, nationals facing deportation, for whatever reason, are supposed to be placed in removal proceedings. My husband never got a judge to hear his case. There was no warrant for his arrest, and he was not allowed to use the telephone to call his own attorney - nor was I, a U.S. citizen.

I am urging you to watch the 15-minute demo DVD I am including with this letter. It will be made into a full-fledged, large-screen feature documentary. With the help of thousands of Zundel supporters and Zundel sympathizers in 43 countries, this sample demo alone will be sent to 5,000 churches and thousands of social service clubs as well as tax exempt organizations concerned with the protection of one of the most basic human rights - people's right to freedom of speech and assembly.

I'd like to ask you to convey to your superiors the following:
What happened this past weekend was a trial run. We had only three weeks to prepare. However, we have learned a lot, and we intend to apply the lessons that we learned. We are now planning demonstrations at the U.S.-Canadian border, warning tourists that they are entering a dangerous, unlawful country where Truth is no Defense. We will also hand out protest flyers at tourist ferries, at airline counters, and in front of travel agencies.

As soon as possible, we are aiming for a large protest demonstration at the Washington. D.C. Holocaust Memorial Museum. We will have well-researched, verifiable document press kits ready for media, proving that what is claimed as having happened in places such as Auschwitz is fraudulent. We expect to have representatives from many countries backing us with their independent research. The aim of this planned demonstration is to demand an international forum to settle, once and for all, the non-stop post-World War II Holocaust propaganda tsunami.

We have filed a lawsuit already in the Knoxville District Court that could well turn into a Zundel Holocaust Trial Number Three - this time on American soil. We know that researchers all over this globe stand ready as expert witnesses to assist us with their forensic, historical, and documentary evidence compiled in decades of careful research. Let's let the people see and decide if they want to continue funding a lie that has poisoned this planet for more than half a century and functions as both sword and shield for Israel.

A book my husband authored, depicting prison life, is now in its second printing - having sold more than 6,000 copies in less than 5 weeks by word of mouth alone. I am including a copy for your kind perusal. After you have read it, may I ask you why you think this book is banned in Canada? It has already been translated into German, and there will soon be a foreign edition. There are more than 60 million Germans and German-descendents in America alone. There are more than 200 million German-speaking people in the world. We will try to reach as many as we can through German-language media and ask for their support.

My husband is not well. He is of retirement age. He was living peacefully in Tennessee when this disaster struck. It was not necessary. It needs to be undone. Through FOIA, we obtained the correspondence proving there was collusion between Canada, the U.S.A., and Germany - and maybe even Israel! Ernst Zundel would not be in a Canadian jail if unwary United States government officials had not allowed themselves to act as hatchet men to please an unpleasant, bullying lobby. If Ernst is not released and permitted to return to the U.S. where he belongs, there will be more protests, more media coverage, more negative press exposing a country in the claws of a handful of mendacious lobbyists who have the ears of corrupted officials in the Canadian corridors of power.

This obscene detention and unwarranted treatment of an innocent, incessantly demonized man is not to Canada's credit!

I want my husband back. That Ernst Zundel needs to be paraded in leg irons before the Canadian people who are made to pick up the tab for this deceitful charade is just plain political bull - if you permit a lady of decorum a less-than-ladylike but heartfelt expression. Ernst Zundel is a kind and gentle man who champions an unpopular cause. He does not belong in Abu Ghraib North.

In my youth, I lived in Canada for seven years, having immigrated as a dirt-poor, barefoot immigrant out of a Third World country. It was Canada that gave me a chance for the beginnings of a solid, formal education that permits me now, in my sixth language, to tell you clearly "where it's at, where we are coming from." Some forty years ago, I thought that Canada was one of the most pristine, unspoiled, lovely places in the entire world. Sadly, it is a country now that lost its moral spine, its legal moorings. Utterly!

As representatives of Canada whose image you are commissioned to protect, I urge you to add your voice to the ever-increasing chorus of law-abiding, decent, civilized people demanding my husband's release.


Ingrid Rimland Zündel, Ed.D.


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