Bush Admin Hiring of
Ex-KGB Chiefs to Develop
Internal Passport

From Charlotte Iserbyt
Date: January 9, 2005 9:49:50 AM EST
Subject: Christmas Eve Encounter on Powell Street
Hello, Congresswoman Pelosi:
My name is Charlotte Thomson Iserbyt and I live in Bath, Maine. I am the author of "the deliberate dumbing down of america...A Chronological Paper Trail" I served as Senior Policy Advisor in the U.S. Department of Education during President Reagan's first term...was relieved of my duties for leaking to the press a very important grant related to technology to which I felt the public should have access. My background also includes employment by the U.S. Department of State from 1956-1964, working in Soviet and Middle Eastern affairs, and overseas in South Africa and in Belgium. I am presently a freelance writer.
You may recall meeting me on Christmas Eve, about 5 p.m., as you were crossing Powell Street in San Francisco. (I was visiting my son who lives in San Francisco.) I believe you and I had just come out of Sak's Fifth Avenue. I wouldn't assume you would remember people who come up to you with questions...out of the blue...but since it was Christmas Eve I figure you may well recall our meeting. You were most gracious in taking time to talk to me, a perfect stranger, and it is for that reason that I am taking the liberty of writing to you.
I identified myself as a former "conservative Republican" turned Independent, and said to you that I was very concerned over the war in Iraq and the use by the Bush Administration of 9/11 to get unconstitutional legislation passed which endangers the civil rights of Americans. I then asked you if you were aware of the Bush Administration's hiring of former Soviet KGB Chiefs (Generals) Yvgeny Primakov and Alexander Karpov to assist Homeland Security and DARPA in the design of an internal passport for Americans. You seemed surprised but did seem to recognize the name Primakov. The subject of hiring of these former KGB Chiefs has occupied much of my time for almost two years since my two Senators from Maine, Snowe and Collins, refuse to respond with a YES or NO answer to that question. I have waited almost two years for a response from Senator Snowe, and six months for a response from Senator Collins. I, and a colleague, a public school teacher, have written many letters to both Senators and have visited Senator Snowe's Portland, Maine office two times, and finally her Chief of Staff, Cheryl, the former Mayor of a town in Maine, regretfully explained to us that there was nothing the state office could do for us.
Since I assume you will be interested in this case, I am taking the liberty of forwarding to you my latest article, the first published by the major media, related to this subject, and FINALLY a response to that published letter from MIchael Bopp, Staff Director and Chief Counsel for Senator Collins. Evidently the fact that the editor of the Opinion Page of The Times Record of Brunswick, Maine had the courage to publish my article, forced Mr. Bopp to react. Great! The Times Record has a fairly important readership due to its location in midcoast Maine, the home of Bath Iron Works (shipbuilding), Bowdoin College, and the Brunswick Naval Air Station which is involved in the war in Iraq.
You may also wish to go to my website<>
click on "Articles", to read articles I have written on this subject which have been posted on Internet sites over the past eighteen months.
I believe you will agree that the hiring of two ex-KGB Chiefs, one of whom (Primakov) is very close to Saddam Hussein and was in Baghdad a couple of weeks prior to the U.S. invasion, is very important. There is so much to this story which has not been touched by the media, except very recently by Bill Gertz in his article entitled "Pentagon Ousts Official Who Tied Russia, Iraq Arms" The Washington Times, 12/30/04. Gertz discussed the firing of John Shaw, at Defense, who exposed fact two former Soviet generals (could one be Primakov?) had been in Iraq prior to our invasion to help Hussein move WMD out of the country. I will also forward that information to you.
This whole story reminds me of the U.S. Government's hiring of Nazi scientists, etc. after World War II. As the French would say "plus que ca change, plus que ca reste la meme chose."
Thank you for taking the time to read this email and the enclosures which will be emailed separately. I will also send you these materials via snailmail.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Happy New Year!
Charlotte Thomson Iserbyt
1062 Washington Street
Bath, ME 04530
207-442-7899 or 0543
fax: 442-0551
Intelligence Reform's Internal Passport
Those Who Say We Are Safer Are Wrong
By Charlotte Iserbyt
Times Record Contributor
In my humble opinion, Sen. Susan Collins, R-Maine, should not be allowed to offer lessons in civics at Mt. Ararat Middle School or any other school (Dec. 8, Sen. Collins offers lesson in civics").
Her recent and very important role, along with Sen. Joseph Lieberman, D-Conn., in passage of the Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act of 2004 proves that she knows little about either the U.S. Constitution or Bill of Rights. Included in this legislation is an internal passport system that should send chills up the backs of Americans accustomed to the freedom to travel by air, plane, rail, car or foot.
On Dec. 7, Rep. Ron Paul, R.-Texas, said the following regarding the internal passport provision found in the Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act of 2004:
"Those who are willing to allow the government to establish a Soviet-style internal passport system because they think it will make us safer are terribly mistaken. Subjecting every citizen to surveillance and screening points actually will make us less safe, not in the least because it will divert resources away from tracking and apprehending terrorists and deploy them against innocent Americans! Every conservative who believes in constitutional restraints on government should reject the authoritarian national ID and the nonsensical intelligence bill itself."
Sen. Robert Bird, D.-W.Va., said of this legislation: Congress acted like "... pygmies on the battlefield of history" rushing to judgment and passing a bad piece of legislation "... like whipped dogs in the face of political pressure."
Next year, the Department of Homeland Security (another monstrous waste of money and resources) will begin issuing so-called "uniformity regulations" to the sovereign states of the Union requiring that all driver's licenses and birth certificates meet some federal standards along with biometrics "security" provisions. Road-block checkpoints will then be set up and we, the people, for the first time since this Republic was birthed, just like the slaves in Stalinist Russia, will be required to "show your papers!"
Maine citizens also should know that both Sen. Olympia Snowe, R-Maine, and Sen. Collins are aware of, but unwilling to discuss, the hiring in 2003 by the Bush administration's Department of Homeland Security, Office of Information Awareness, of two ex-KGB chiefs (secret police in the Soviet Union) by the names of Gen. Alexander Karpov and Gen. Yvgeny Primakov. Primakov was also Premier of Russia in the late nineties, is a close associate of Saddam Hussein, and was in Baghdad one month prior to the U.S. invasion, advising Hussein on how to deal with the United States!
Question: Why would the administration hire such infamous thugs and enemies of our country?
Answer: To assist in the development of an internal passport for Americans.
The information about Karpov and Primakov was given to me 18 months ago by two very credible, independent sources: a former covert intelligence agent in the United States and a well-known journalist/ author in England who served as economic adviser to Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher.
Along with several other of the senators' constituents, I have been asking both of them for a "yes" or "no" reply as to whether such hiring did take place. It has been 18 months since I initially wrote to Sen. Snowe. There have been numerous follow-up letters and e-mails and two visits to her Portland office. It has been six months since I wrote to Sen. Collins. Neither senator has responded to my requests. Their unwillingness to provide a simple "yes" or "no" answer can be interpreted in only one way. I leave it up to the reader to come to his or her own conclusion.
Charlotte Thomson Iserbyt lives in Bath.



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