Patriot Act Bars US Woman
From Driver's License

From Margaret
The driver's license bureau told me today that they had merged with social security in December, and that's why I can't get a driver's license. Social Security is federal and driver's license bureaus are state, how can they MERGE? Why wasn't it in the paper? I guess the "national ID card" is here. I'm not an illegal alien or terrorist, I was born right here in Georgia and I've had a driver's license for 26 years without EVER getting a ticket.
Evidently, the new Patriot Act law takes away a woman's right to drive unless she signs everything she owns over to her husband's name. I renewed my license last month, and received a letter last week saying my license was being canceled. I went in today with all my papers to see why, and they said that my maiden name is on my social security card (Margaret Thomas), and last time I got my license they put my maiden and married name on my license (Margaret Thomas Funk), so my names don't match.
I can't get a driver's license in either name! I can't get it in my maiden name, because it doesn't match my old driver's license. I can't get it in my married name because it doesn't match my social security card. I said "Well, what can I do to get a license?" He said "You can get a divorce. Bring your divorce papers in and we'll change it." (Chief Cox of Norcross, GA. said this, in front of witnesses.) I told my husband he gets the kids.
I have 20 credit cards, 3 mortgages and several bank accounts in my maiden name, not to mention utilities and my magazine subscriptions. I'd have to change all of that, along with my social security card, over to my husband's name, or divorce him to get a driver's license.
What are they going to take away next, our right to vote without our husband's permission? I called Rep. John Linder, they said they had had quite a few calls from women about this, he said it's appearing to be a common problem but it's a federal law and they don't know what they can do about it, and as a matter of fact I heard another woman arguing about the same thing while I was at the DMV today for three hours with a baby in my arms and a toddler running loose, so it's not just me. It's affecting every woman who wanted to keep her own identity. I guess we'd better start shopping for burkas. The Taliban wouldn't let women drive, either.
The Atlanta Journal is possibly doing a story on this, the reporter was interested, and I've called and written my state representatives and the ACLU (maybe they'll do some good for a change!) If there areas many women affected by this as I suspect, maybe we can start a class action suit. I always understood that I had the right to use my maiden name OR my married name as I pleased. If anyone knows any laws relating to my right to keep my maiden name I'd appreciate hearing about it.
I called the DMV, they were quite snippy. They said it's a national, federal law, they're just enforcing it and that I have no right to use my maiden name since I'm married, so I'd better change my social security card if I want to drive a car. I said that this was discriminatory against women, and she said "Oh no, men have this problem too." I said "How many men change their name when they get married?" That's when she got mad.
Thought you'd like to know about this. Kinda scary, isn't it?
From Mary Elizabeth Croft
Margaret asks, "Kinda scary, isn't it?" Not at all. She ought to consider this good news, better news, and best news. Why would she want a 'state driver's licence'? The sole purpose of any licence is to get us to contract thereby granting the state jurisdiction and hence control over us. Without a licence we cannot be bothered by them because there is no evidence of breach of contract. I haven't had a driver's licence for years; the cops know it and I am never bothered. Margaret might be interested in my book which thoroughly explains this:
How I Clobbered Every Bureaucratic Cash-Confiscatory Agency Known to Man ... A Spiritual Economics Book on $$$ and Remembering Who You Are - by Mary Elizabeth: Croft
Be grateful you are out of their clutches.
* Remember Who You Are; Never Contract with Pirates.
From Flynn Kinkade
In the below article posted on your website, the writer states that "Evidently, the new Patriot Act law takes away a woman's right to drive unless she signs everything she owns over to her husband's name."
Frankly, all I find in reading this article is that the new federal law (which is not spelled out in this article for reference, so how are we to make a true opinion on this issue) appears to insist upon the full name of a person matching on their state issued driver's licenses and social security card. This is rather understandable (as I am a Database Administrator and programmer).
As someone intimately familiar with databases, I'll also add that this law is downright silly. Given typos, nicknames, shortened names (like Bill vs William), formatting of name ("Smith, John B." vs "John B. Smith"), etc, names are the worst way to make a match in a database.
There is no "bureau of driver's licenses". This is entirely state owned and operated. Not a national thing. For instance, living in the Commonwealth of Virginia, there is a Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles,VA DMV for short.
If things are truly running towards a "National ID", this is not a harbinger of that happening. If nothing else, from a data standpoint, this is actually moving us further away from that. If a person's name must match on both DL and SS card, then apparently both name and ssn are being used with equal weight and consideration in determining a match for identity purposes. I believe we are heading towards a National ID, but do not believe this is a case supporting that (yes, it is associated with the Patriot Act, but not moving towards the one-code identifier as this clearly shows two identifying aspects).
I can relate to Margaret's frustration over the situation. However, her judgment is heavily clouded. This has *nothing* to do with loosing her rights as an individual or a female, or being a married woman loosing something to her husband. It is simply a matter of conflicting information and the process of identifying someone.
Flynn Kinkade



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