- The odds are very good that you are on drugs.
- Right now. This minute. As I type this and as you read
this and as false Texas dictators rise and sad empires crumble and as this
mad bewildered world spins in its frantically careening orbit, there's
a nearly 50/50 chance that some sort of devious synthetic chemical
by some massive and largely heartless corporation is coursing through your
bloodstream and humping your brain stem and molesting your karma and
the crap out of your libido and chattering the teeth of your very
- Maybe it's regulating your blood pressure. Maybe it's
keeping your cholesterol in check. Maybe it's helping you sleep. Maybe
it's helping you wake the hell up. Maybe it's opening your bronchial tubes.
Maybe it's brightening your terminally bleak outlook.
- Maybe it's adjusting your hormone levels or controlling
your urge to weep every minute or relaxing the blood vessels in your penis
or cranking the serotonin to your brain or pumping carefully measured slugs
of any number of substances with Latin-rooted jawbreaker names through
your flesh in a bizarre dance of miraculous vaguely disturbing
scientific wonder.
- http://www.mentalhealth.com
- /drug/p30-x01.htmlalprazolam or
- http://www.mentalhealth.com
- /drug/p30-p05.htmlfluoxetine or
- http://www.mentalhealth.com
- /drug/p30-z02.htmlsertraline or
- http://www.rxlist.com
- /cgi/generic/atorvastatin.htmatorvastatin or
- http://www.purplepill.comesomeprazole or
- http://www.mentalhealth.com
- /drug/p30-b08.htmlbuspirone or
- http://www.mentalhealth.com
- /drug/p30-e02.htmlvenlafaxine or
- Forty-four percent of all Americans. That's the latest
- http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?
- file=/news/archive/2004/12/02/financial1108EST0099.DTL
- Almost half us are popping at least one prescription
drug and fully one in six are popping three or more,
- http://sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?
- f=/g/a/2004/12/08/notes120804.DTL&nl=fix