Webb Coroner Confirms
TWO Shots To The Head

From Brasscheck
No, it wasn't sloppy reporting in the original bulletin - even though several major news outlets took it upon themselves to change the story from one shot to two.
Gary Webb - chief architect of the exposure of the Reagan-Bush White House-sanctioned cocaine importation ring which fueled the devastating crack epidemic of the 1980s - died, in fact, from TWO shots to the head by a .38 caliber pistol.
Excerpt from the story:
Coroner Robert Lyons said his office had been swamped with calls. "It's unusual in a suicide case to have two shots," he said, "but it has been done in the past, and it is in fact a distinct possibility."
Full article:
Reasons given for the suicide?
Webb had sold his house because he couldn't afford his mortgage, someone had recently stolen his motorcycle, and he had effectively been blackballed from ever working at a major newspaper again - unfairly by the way.
That's about as plausible to me as the two shots coming from his own hand.
In spite of character assassination on the part of the San Jose Mercury, the LA Times and other newspapers (including the particularly vicious Sharon Rosenhause of the now deservedly-defunct San Francisco Examiner), no one has ever disproved or even credibly disputed a single fact from his Contra-Crack reportage.
We will probably never know for sure who killed Gary Webb, but his death is the final death of any remaining shred of credibility or decency inf the US news media.
If you're still reading the US news media for 'news' as opposed to getting a line on the latest propaganda or disinformation campaign, I humbly submit your IQ should be recalculated several points - down.
- Brasscheck



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