Spanish Primary Language
On CA Traffic Ticket!

Dear Americans,
An aquaintance of mine was cited for a parking violation at a nearby shopping mall after he parked his motorcycle on a sidewalk. He is not disputing the citation...he's more traumatized by the fact that the parking citation uses Spanish as the primary language. Look at the parking ticket attached below.
Americans, is this part of the "reverse assimilation" of US citizens being forced to convert their language, and culture to that of Mexico and South America?
This not a joke, and it is not at all humorous. This is a very serious attempt by some of our political representatives to re-orient Americans without actually sending us to re-orientation camps.
The "takeover" of America continues. I encourage each and everyone of you not to cooperate with this takeover. I encourage each of you to rebel, forcefully but peacefully, against all attempts to continue this takeover. To do nothing will be to consent to the inevitable social genocide of an inveterate American culture and heritage.
Jim Gilchrist - The Minuteman Project
From T Lee Buyea
Hi Jeff -
If you look closely at that ticket, you'll will see it is not from any city government but from a private property shopping center. Just warning that the vehicle may be towed if parked that way again - and not a fine.
Here in Miami, I have fought this kind of thing for the last 30 years.
I and a group that started out with ten people - and spread across the state - collected 500,000 signatures to put a referendum on the statewide ballot to amend the State Constitution to get English declared the official language of the State of Florida in 1986. About 25 other states also have this in their state Constitutions.
A few years ago, here in Miami several new fast food restaurants named Checkers - like Burger King - opened and had the menu with spanish in large letters on top and English in small letters underneath.
I knew that complaining to the local owners/managers would do no good because of the hispanic political control situation here, so I took photos and mailed them to the home office in New York. It worked. I got all the menus at several of their South Florida stores changed to all English!
The language war was lost in S Florida long ago...but we can still win the occasional battle !


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