- Beyond any shadow of any doubt, Raful Eitan did not
die while carried off by a wave as he was standing on a breakwater at Ashdod
port. We have been lied to and maybe this time, we have enough to get this
political murder honestly investigated.
- Breaking this murder was as easy as opening pages
one and two of Yediot Ahronot 24/11/04.
- I am sending two attachments separately. For those whose
programs automatically delete attachments, fish them out of your Trash
box. They're worth it. I pre-tested the bytes. Both attachments took 8
seconds to send. There should be no complaints about large attachments.
- Now look:
- Attachment one - Eitan's car beside the spot on the breakwater
where he allegedly fell in and drowned. First, look at the water. It is
dead calm. Eitan was on the protected side of the breakwater. There is
barely a ripple in all of this bay of the harbor. There are no big waves
which could have towed Eitan in the water, and if a miracle tsunami had
appeared, he would have swum to shore in seconds.
- But now look at the damage to his car. Observe
the smashed windshield, the collapsed roof, the near total destruction
of the right hand side of the vehicle. Now if anyone is crazy enough to
think that a wave caused the wreckage, note the damage on the left hand
side of the car as well. That car was rammed by something sharp there,
by something powerful and blunt on the other side, and it appears that
a fifty pound boulder fell on the roof.
- Attachment Two - Raful's corpse found on the military
side of the harbor. Now recall the calm waters where Raful was supposed
to have fallen in and ask how his body floated so far away. But more important,
this is an exposed part of the harbor. Look at the water. It's churning,
but no wave comes close to reaching the top of the pier. These photos were
taken some 90 minutes after Eitan drowned, however it happened. The weather
could not have changed much. There are no killer waves anywhere.
- Now we know something about Raful's last
minutes. He tried to escape his assailants in his car and was violently
prevented from doing so. The murderers actually thought by parking his
car on the breakwater, that people would think a magic wave wrecked it
on all sides and from above,
- All doubt is now evaporated. Raful Eitan
knew he was in trouble, he tried to escape his murderers, was chased and
sadly, was caught. It's all in the car. He did not have an accident and
drown. It's all in the waves.
- In my initial analysis on the day of the
murder, I surmised that Eitan was going to come out against the Gush Katif
evacuation and he had all the dirt on Sharon he needed to succeed. That
appears to be the case. Here are some words from his last interview:
- Raful rarely gave interviews of late. One of these -
with the "Iton Tel Aviv" newspaper in January of this year -
was reprinted by Ynet on the day of his death. Excerpts:
- "My opinion is that all these efforts [referring
to Sharon's disengagement plan - ed.] are for naught. With the Arabs, we
will never be able to make peace... This is a struggle between civilizations.
We are a foreign culture, and in my opinion, Islam will never make peace
with our foreign entity, and with the fact that it has political independence
and even defeats them in wars. They'll never agree... I can prove that
whoever thinks that concessions, compromises, 'Geneva,' Ami Ayalon's plan,
are what will change the Middle East situation - in my opinion is mistaken.
- What he could prove and who he could
finger, undoubtedly cost him his life. He is the latest of a long line
of political murders ordered by the "peacemakers" of Israel.
- What we have so far failed to do with
Rabin, let us succeed with Raful. We have the proof. We cannot let this
opportunity pass. We can bring justice to Raful. We can yet bring salvation
to Israel.
- end