- Washington's War-Mongering Military-Industrial-Government
- "What is essentially a high-priced lobbying industry
devoted to a kind
- of legalized political and financial insider trading
is more in control of
- official Washington than ever before in history."
- Shocking European documentary uncovers the subversion
of American democracy by its own leaders.
- Watch it today right on your computer.
- The first minute and 47 seconds of this documentary is
in Dutch with the following translation. The rest is in English. Translation:
The war in Iraq is over. The rubble is still smoking while the first bulldozers
are already entering the country. After the coalition forces destroyed
Baghdad it is now primarily American companies who are to rebuild Iraq.
An interesting point is that these companies usually have people on the
payroll who have been politicians. Is this a conflict of interests or a
new (global) way of doing business? One of the corporations that work
this way is the Carlyle Group. On their payroll are people like : George
Bush (Sr.), James Baker III and old premier John Major. The Carlyle Group
is a private investment bank which doesn't come to the publics attention
very often but it is one of the biggest American investors of the defense
industry, telecom, property and financial services. What is the Carlyle
Group? Who are the people behind the name? And how much power does it have?
- WASHINGTON - They could have sub-titled this excellent
48 minute Dutch documentary "Cesspool Washington" for it exposes
a significant aspect of how the American capital has incestuously and unethically
entertwined big business, big money, and government. Exposed in this
documentary is a major part of the U.S. war-making and war-profiteering
scene of which few Americans are aware. These realities goe a long way
to explain how and why U.S. war policies are what they are.
- The details exposed in this documentary are shocking
and outrageous, scandalous and at a miniumum unethical. What is essentially
a high-priced lobbying industry devoted to a kind of legalized political
and financial insider trading is more in control of official Washington
than ever before in history.
- President Dwight Eisenhower warned about the dangers
of the then still embryonic "Military-Industrial Complex".
Now it has all morphed into a massive "Military-Industrial-Government
Complex" with a substantial additional propaganda arm involving many
of the Washington think-tanks, government-support Institutes, and interconnected
corporate owned media news organizations.
- The depth of corruption and war profiteering within the
highest circles of the U.S. government has become a major part of how and
why the U.S. does what it does both abroad and at home.
- In the case of the Carlyle Group the personal involvement
of the Bush family and close friends from past Administrations is outrageous.
That of course explains why it is all buried under layers of shell corporations,
holding companies, foreign banking arrangements, and legalized forms of
pay-offs and kick-backs. Everything is carefully camaflouged from easy
view and hidden behind media control to mask the realities of the political
and financial cesspool that official Washington has now become.
- This documentary then, made in Europe and now shown in
the U.S., is crucial background to understanding how Washington really
works and how and why U.S. policies in the Middle East are what they are,
past and present.
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