Finding the Right Corrupt
Appointee Is Hard

Ted Twietmeyer
Finding the right man (or a fool) for that tough Washington job who is within the right harder than you might think.
When someone is "tapped" for a job in Washington, there is only one kind of corruption that is permissible. Can you guess what kind it is ? Lets look at how this works.
Based on the data of who's-who in Washington job "appointments" and watching the C-SPAN propaganda network, we can now better understand how this works.  We have seen interviews by subcommittees, where members of the committee even get boiling mad, yet they still approve the man. How can this be ? I've spent some time studying this, and believe I have an answer.
 The chart below shows how the sub-committees judge people which they "approve" for posts in Washington. Below is a graph that illustrates how it works. Can we count on one hand, all the appointees Bush wanted since being in office that were turned down ? Perhaps if a man appeared at a hearing naked, would he be refused ? Or would the cameras be turned off when a committee member pulled out a ruler ?
1. We certainly don't want people in the "honest" zone shown above, do we ? Such a person just might tell the world what's REALLY happening in Washington and what their long term plans are. Such a person is also a threat to those that appoint them, and to "the way things are done" in Washington - i.e., the "good ol' boy network." Can't have that, can we ? Often these are honest hard working people. They may have even worked for free at a campaign headquarters, perhaps even in some Wal-Mart destroyed community or closed up mining town. These are usually good citizens, who just want a few molecules of material (or a few scraps from the master's table)  from that brass ring that the elected person they slaved so hard for, now holds. Yet they too, will become forgotten. I stress the word CITIZENS used above, for most of us have little regard for illegal aliens. (If Mexicans are all so dirt poor, just WHERE DO THEY GET $10K - $50K TO COME HERE ILLEGALLY ? Why would someone with that kind of money want to work picking vegetables ? Hmmmm...but I am off topic.)
2. Appointees in the "baggage zone" can be an embarrassment to the administration. One recent example - the short-lived, hopeful-to-be under-furer Kerik proves this point on the graph. For most, the baggage isn't enough to be used against them, but enough to prevent getting an appointment. Such individuals are most likely looked down on by Scull and Bones alumni, as being wimps. Certainly can't have that either, can we ? Perhaps the shrub thought that Kerik was a category 3 type as described below.
3. Then we have the "somewhat evil" zone. Ahhhh - now we're getting warmer to who they want in office ! Someone with the same megalomaniac-aspirations as those already in power. But not quite at the same level of aspiration for megalomania - they don't want them to be a threat. A delicate balancing act for sure. These must be people with strong egos, perhaps with a sufficient number of skeletons in the closet but are more than willing to go along with suppression of rights, stealing liberties and full, unfettered invasions of privacy - yet still be qualified for the post they are to fill. For example, to be a member of an agency hit squad qualifies you in the distant future to run an entire intelligence organization (if you attend the right dinner parties, too.) People like this aren't always easy to find OR control. George Tenet *seemed* to be a category 3 type. That is, until he refused to stand up and lie in the "- - - hearings" (I'll spare you repeating that overused three digit number used for freedom-stealing here.) I commended Tenet for standing up for the truth in an essay I wrote here on earlier in 2004, and also correctly predicted his honesty (or "insubordination") would cost him his job. (oops - read that as a "family commitment" based resignation.)
4. For THIS category, you must be elected. Your past record screams volumes to the world, often cannot be hidden from the sanitizing light of day. And you're way too hot for any appointment. The globalists seek out people like this as puppets for presidential office. They must be ready to throw elections and even make enemies die or disappear. It also helps to belong to Scull and Bones. Clinton did that to some 60 people (according to the last tally I heard.) In category 4, if you aren't Teflon(c) coated, something bad will stick to you better than superglue can. Disobey your puppeteers, and they will remove your Teflon coating. If "Tricky Dick" was still alive, you could ask him about that. When his coating was worn out, it cost him his presidential job. Everyone went to the slammer for what they did in Watergate under HIS orders - that is, everyone but Tricky Dick. Of course, he was pardoned by the next category 4 puppet who changed the oval office furniture around. The office furniture was still being shuffled and new dinnerware being unboxed, while the ink was drying on the "pardon." This is the kind of thing that leaves the still-in-the-dark average American, scratching their heads trying to figure it out.
Rumsfeld also fits the category 4 description. Millions have suffered and died as a result of HIM approving Aspartame. One month after he was appointed the head of the FDA he approved it. The previous head of the FDA flatly and correctly refused to approve it based on lab tests. That's what cost him his job. Nothing like using a neurotoxin for a sweetener.  And long after the toxicity was proven, it is  STILL on the market. And of course, his ruthless treatment of the soldiers in Iraq now, and even before they left American soil by forcing untested anthrax vaccinations upon them. Injections which contain a still as-yet undisclosed cocktail of biologicals. (Shhhh - its because that's a military secret.)
Can't you just feel the love that radiates from Washington ? The city's namesake must be rolling over and over and over in his grave after seeing what has happened to his beloved country. The bankers have taken it over - lock, stock and barrel.
I for one will state here that the founding fathers of America were indeed category 1 type men, even if they were not perfect. And they clearly showed their belief and respect for God by putting it in writing.
How many leaders have done this in the past century ? Just who is THEIR god ? As reader, you already probably know the answer to that question...
Ted Twietmeyer



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