Dangers Of Transgenic
Animal Research Overlooked

By Benjamin K. Sovacool
Truth About Trade & Technology
A recent symposium on the legal and social implications of genetic engineering held at Virginia Tech underscores the need for more public debate about transgenic animal research and bio-pharming.
A common misconception is that most genetic engineering in the world involves large Western corporations and their use of genetically modified organisms, or GMO, in the production of big agriculture. Such a belief obscures two important trends in the biotechnology industry concerning the genetic manipulation of organisms.
First, a majority of the GMO in development are being designed for industrial, rather than agricultural, purposes. Most biotechnology research focuses on the creation of enzymes for industrial processes. Many companies have started to genetically enhance trees to produce better paper, modify oilseed rape to construct better detergents and lubricants, and use maize and sugar to make bio-fuel and bio-plastics.
Second, a significant number of biotechnology firms are not traditionally "Western." China already produces 7.2 million hectares of genetically modified cotton, and almost a quarter of manufacturing in India involves the use of GMO.
Moreover, the Australian government has begun using genetically modified grass to make better golf courses, and New Zealand, Chile and Japan recently used carrot genes to help produce pest-resistant pine trees that can flourish in acidic soil.
One type of industrial biotechnology frequently overlooked in discussions about the dangers of genetic engineering is bio-pharming, or the genetic altering of plants and animals to produce pharmaceuticals. For example, early in 2004 regulators at the European Medicines Agency agreed to consider a new drug, ATryn, to treat hereditary antithrombin deficiency, a condition that causes deep-vein thrombosis.
ATryn, manufactured by inserting a human gene for protein into a goat's egg alongside a beta-caseine promoter, uses a therapeutic protein derived from the milk of a transgenic goat. When extracted from the milk, the transgenic protein is indistinguishable from the antithrombin produced in healthy humans. This is not the only transgenic pharmaceutical under development. Biotheraptuetics, the Framingham, Mass., firm responsible for producing ATryn, has 65 other transgenic drugs in research and development.
The act of using transgenic animals to produce human proteins, antibodies and hormones is rapidly becoming the new trend in industrial biotechnology. Nexia, in Montreal, breeds transgenic goats to provide vaccines against chemical weapons. TransOva, in Iowa, uses transgenic cows to produce proteins capable of treating anthrax, the plague and smallpox. Pharming, a company based in the Netherlands, uses rabbits to create therapeutic proteins to fight Alzheimer's. Minos Biosystems, in Greece, is researching the drug-making potential of fruit flies.
Yet such projects may be extremely irresponsible and dangerous. Ethically, the use of transgenic animal research, by attempting to create a cheap, easy and quick production line for needed pharmaceuticals, functionally turns animals into "biofactories." Like slaughterhouses and chicken farms that use massive industrial complexes to produce products, bio-pharming facilities raise serious questions about animal welfare.
Medically, many types of transgenic research are commercially untested for safety. Combining human and nonhuman proteins is believed to be responsible for the creation of mad cow disease, which spreads through prions. One researcher recently admitted to the Economist, "With goat and cow milk, especially, I worry about the risk of animal viruses and prions being transferred in some minute way." The chance of inadvertently creating new strains of diseases is exceptionally high.
Environmentally, both Greenpeace and the Union of Concerned Scientists are concerned that transgenic animals could substantially alter the genetic composition of many other species. A transgenic animal could easily escape into the wild, mate with an indigenous animal and contaminate the gene pool, triggering all types of unintended consequences.
In reverse, an animal from the wild could find its way into one of the pens where transgenic animals are located, make contact and then escape to expose other animals in the wild.
Despite these concerns, the United States Food and Drug Administration has issued more than 40 permits this year for bio-pharming field trials involving the use of tomatoes, potatoes, alfalfa, maize, rice, lupin, rats, goats and flies. The list of potential products is vast and includes human albumin and hemoglobin, interferon and vaccines for hepatitis-B, anthrax, cholera and dysentery.
The rapid rise of transgenic animal research suggests there is a growing need for more balanced discussions about genetic research. Because many people believe that human cloning and GMO agriculture represent significant threats to human health and the welfare of the environment, other pressing issues connected to genetic engineering are frequently disregarded. Bio-pharming should be added as one of the important concerns being raised by the advancement of GMO research, and should not proceed without intense scrutiny, debate and regulation.
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