Journalist Gary Webb 'Suicide' -
Exposed CIA Drug Running

From Brasscheck
"Mr. Webb's friends and colleagues described him as a devoted father and a funny, dogged reporter who was passionate about investigative journalism."
Gary Webb joins Mark Lombardi, J.H. Hatfield, and Danny Casalaro as the fourth 'suicide' by a researcher who had a detailed understanding of the structure and function of the Bush crime family.
Gary Webb, 49, Former MN Reporter, Author
Investigative Journalist Wrote Controversial Series
By Jessica Portner
Mercury News (San Jose)
Gary Webb, a former Mercury News investigative reporter, author and legislative staffer who ignited a firestorm with his controversial stories, died Friday in an apparent suicide in his suburban Sacramento home. He was 49.
The Sacramento County coroner's office said that when A Better Moving Company arrived at Mr. Webb's Carmichael home at about 8:20 a.m. Friday, a worker discovered a note posted to the front door which read: "Please do not enter. Call 911 and ask for an ambulance."
Mr. Webb, an award-winning journalist, was found dead of a gunshot wound to the head, Sacramento County Deputy Coroner Bill Guillot said Saturday.
Mr. Webb's friends and colleagues described him as a devoted father and a funny, dogged reporter who was passionate about investigative journalism.
As a staff writer for the Mercury News from 1989 to 1997, he exposed freeway retrofitting problems in the 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake and wrote stories about the Department of Motor Vehicles' computer software fiascos.
Mr. Webb was perhaps best known for sparking a national controversy with a 1996 story that contended supporters of a CIA-backed guerrilla army in Nicaragua helped trigger America's crack-cocaine epidemic in the 1980s. The "Dark Alliance" series in the Mercury News came under fire by other news organizations, and the paper's own investigation concluded the series did not meet its standards.
Mr. Webb resigned a year and a half after the series appeared in the paper. He then published his book, "Dark Alliance: The CIA, the Contras and the Crack Cocaine Explosion."
In the past few years, Mr. Webb worked in the California Assembly Speaker's Office of Member Services and for the Joint Legislative Audit Committee. The committee investigated charges that Oracle received a no-bid contract from Gov. Gray Davis. After being laid off from his legislative post last year, Mr. Webb was hired by the Sacramento News and Review, a weekly publication.
Tom Dresslar, a spokesman for state Attorney General Bill Lockyer who has known Mr. Webb for more than a decade, was distraught Saturday when he heard that his friend may have taken his own life.
"He had a fierce commitment to justice, truth and cared a lot about people who are forgotten and society tries to shove into the dark corners," Dresslar said. "It's a big loss for me personally and a great loss for the journalism community."
Services for Mr. Webb are pending.
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A mathematician friend calculated the odds of just three students of Bush malfeasance taking their own lives when J.H. Hatfield died of 'suicide.'
"Examining the male U.S.suicide rate for recent years we can extrapolate a conservative estimate of 17 male suicides per 100,000 people, or 0.017%. The odds of 3 specific (all male?) biographers committing suicide would be the cube of 17/100000, or 4.913 x 10^-12...about 5 chances in one trillion. (That's over 300,000 times LESS likely than drawing a Royal Flush in 5 card stud poker with no wild cards.
DNA evidence resulting in court convictions is reliable to about 1 person in 100,000 to 1 person in 1,000,000.) This calculation should be regarded as a conservative estimate: the actual odds against such a "coincidence" would be much greater. For example, if any of the biographers were female, the odds would be even greater."
Past Brasscheck report on this:
July 9, 2002
Beyond Harken Energy
An exquisitely drawn diagram called "George Bush, Haken Energy, and Jackson Stephens . c 1979-90" created in 1999 by artist Mark Lombardi shows that through, his father and James R. Bath, George W. Bush Jr. had direct connections to or did business some of the following:
* Sheik Salim bin Laden, relative and mentor to Osama bin Laden * Sheik Abdullah Taha Bakhsh, whose financial projects included BCCI, S.A. and Harken Energy * Jackson Stephens of Arkansas, patron of Bill Clinton and other criminal enterprises
Lombardi created a number of pieces which graphically revealed well documented but little known connections between the crooks of the world. On the verge of a major career breakthrough (his works had just been acquired by and shown by the Whitney), Lombardi reportedly committed suicide by hanging himself.
Like Bush biographer J.H. Hatfield ("Favored Son) and investigative journalist Danny Casalaro who had nearly completed a book on Bush, BCCI and other topics, Lombardi was reportedly a 'troubled' individual who become unbalanced by the prospect of succeeding at his life's ambition.
Hatfield's suicide:
Casalaro's suicide:
The manuscript of the book Casalaro was working on has never been found.
Articles about Lombardi from the art world, including scans of his works, here:
Never heard of him, did you? There's probably a good reason for that.
Any statisticians out there want to calculate the odds of the three most hard-hitting researchers of the Bush crime family leaving us as deaths by suicide?



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