- For a stupid, gullible minute I thought maybe, just maybe,
George W. Bush might learn something from the division and damage he's
inflicted on this nation over the last four years.
- But the lying son-of-a-bitch hasn't learned a damn thing.
He will take the next four years and complete his mission of destroying
what once was the greatest nation on earth.
- Bush proved this Wednesday by replacing one hater of
the U.S. Constitution with another - nominating right-wing zealot Alberto
Gonzales to replace his head Nazi - John Ashcroft - as attorney general.
- Jesus Christ, what a nose-thumbing, I-am-Lord-of-all-things
move by a President hell-bent on destroying what little freedom we have
left in this nation. Gonzales, as White House counsel, wrote the infamous
memo that said U.S. soldiers in Iraq did not have to follow the rules of
the Geneva Convention - the memo that led those in charge of the war to
think prisoners could be tortured, abused and humiliated.
- This is the same Alberto Gonzales who calls the Constitution
an "outdated document," who advocates holding Americans without
cause, incommunicado and without any right to counsel or freedoms that
used to be taken for granted.
- How could I have been so gullible as to believe Dubya
would learn anything from the election? What in the hell was I thinking?
Bush is, and always will be, a despot, a tyrant who could very well destroy
a Republic that has stood for 200-plus years.
- He calls a 51-percent victory in the Presidential election
a "mandate" and claims he has "political capital" that
he will spend to mold America into his image, which means every right-wing,
fruitcake idea that he and his Looney Tunes party can ram through Congress
and send to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue for his rubber stamp.
- During the next four years, Bush can stack the Supreme
Court with his kind of goose-stepping justices to carry out his mission
to destroy the Constitution and send America back into a Puritan age where
heretics are hung, dissension is banned and freedom is expendable.
- And while he and his cronies destroy America from within,
hundreds - perhaps thousands - more Americans will die in his war of lies
in Iraq.
- Sadly, there isn't much we can do about it except resist
whenever possible and pray that America can survive four more years with
Bush at the helm. Maybe those who oppose his tyranny can rise up and boot
enough Republicans out of Congress in the mid-term elections in 2006 to
return some balance to government but these are the same people who gave
us John Kerry so I wouldn't bet the farm.
- America faces many dangers from its enemies and the number
of enemies we face increases daily because of Bush's reckless actions.
But America faces no greater danger or enemy than the pill-popping heretic
who occupies 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.
- © Copyright 2004 Capitol Hill Blue
- http://www.capitolhillblue.com/artman/publish/printer_5688.shtml