Indian Experts Try To Solve
Meteorite Mystery

Express News Service - India
VADODARA, India - Forensic experts and geologists in village Nandgaon, about 18 kms from the nearest police station in Kaprada, South Gujarat, are trying to ascertain whether a black stone ó weighing a kg ó which fell in one of the farms, is a meteorite. Villagers reported a loud bang and falling of a burning stone in a farm on Sunday evening. The fallen stone had created a little crater on the ground.
Villages like Nandgaon and Dharampur and other neighbouring villages in the hilly areas near the Maharashtra-Gujarat border have been experiencing unseasonal rains for past couple of days. However, on Saturday evening, the villagers reported hearing a loud bang-like noise and a streak of fire across the sky. ëëThe villagers first thought it was an aeroplane or a fireball, but it turned out to be a black stone which had fallen in a farm in the village,íí said a Kaprada police station personnel.
With rumours rife that the incident had led to burning of trees and could be a likely meteor, Kaprada police personnel reached the spot and brought the stone to the police station. ëëIt must be some stone boulder which might have fallen down due to the rains. There are no burnt trees or anything of sort in the area,íí said Abhaysinh Chudasama, Valsad DSP, who also visited the village.
Taking no chances, Chudasama added that a geologist from Valsad district collectorate had been summoned to check the stone.


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